Wednesday, April 20, 2016


The most popular grain for wheat germination is. Sprout the wheat is very simple. You need to go through the grain, to remove dust and pieces of straw, rinse and cover with water overnight. In the morning rinse the seeds and arrange on a plate, can be covered with a linen cloth. The next day you dinner will be very tasty and healthy dish.
The taste and quality of sprouted grains will depend on the varieties of wheat. To find something that will appeal to You, you can buy to sample several types of wheat.

Very useful are lentil sprouts. They contain a form of iron easily absorbed by our body and help maintain good hemoglobin levels and blood formation. Still they have a lot of vitamin C, contains potassium, so they are recommended for atherosclerosis and heart disease. Even lentil sprouts promote normal metabolism and good functioning of the nervous system, also contribute to digestion and even cure stomach ulcers.
Lentils can be of two types: green and orange. It is easier to grow than wheat. It needs to be rinsed very thoroughly, then soak overnight in water and rinse in the morning and leave for 3 hours without water. And all the lentil sprouts are ready.

Buckwheat sprouts are also very useful. Only need to take the green grain buckwheat, not roasted. They strengthen blood vessels, help to purify the liver bowel, heal ulcers in the stomach. As well as normalize the metabolism, remove toxins from the body and cholesterol.
Sprouts buckwheat sprout very quickly. Grains need to sort, rinse and cover with water for 4 hours. After rinse again and leave without water for several hours.

Also very useful germinated seeds such as sesame seeds, flax, sunflower and pumpkin.
Sesame seeds strengthen the spirit and prolong life. They contain vitamins C and E, amino acids, calcium and zinc.
How to get the seeds germinated and sprouted grain?Sprouted flax seeds are used as medicine, consume both the seeds and slime, which is obtained in the process of soaking. Flax seeds are useful in diseases of the stomach and intestines. Raw foodists and vegetarians love them for the content of acids omega 3.
Sunflower seeds contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that prolong youthfulness of the body. Also sunflower seeds are used for the prevention of heart attacks and atherosclerosis.
Pumpkin seeds are very good with worms, they have a lot of zinc also improves digestion and heals the intestinal microflora. Sprouted sunflower seeds as a grain buckwheat.

But the most important recommendation is to grow plants with love, as living beings, and they will give you a lot of strength and energy!


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