Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Beautiful skin

Beautiful facial skin. What foods to eat?

Only one genetic predisposition and the use of quality cosmetics, unfortunately, is not enough to possess smooth, clean and beautiful skin. Only useful and well-written, the diet will get rid of acne, enlarged pores, unhealthy color, greasy and nasty eye bags.

What products should be present in the diet of beauty?
1. Carrots. This orange beauty is a true treasure trove of beta-carotene that restores the cells.

2. Tomato. The vegetable is rich in a powerful antioxidant of vegetable origin, lycopene, protects the skin from the scorching summer sun. Moreover, regular inclusion in the menu of tomatoes helps to normalize blood pressure.

3. Banana. It is the choice of those who want to permanently solve the problem of bags under the eyes. One banana, eaten before going to sleep, also relieves a person from insomnia, perfectly replacing a sedative. Bananas are excellent home sleeping. But beautiful skin is impossible without relaxation of the entire body.

4. Oatmeal. A Breakfast consisting of oatmeal - a sure way to the beauty of the face. Premature appearance of wrinkles prevents elements such as iron, magnesium, calcium.

5. Lentils. The product is endowed with rich in zinc that improves complexion, reduces the rate of formation of sebum and purifying skin. Zinc is a traditional remedy for greasy and acne, confidently used in cosmetics.

6. Nettle. Tea made from nettle leaves, is endowed with anti-inflammatory substances that improve the appearance of the skin, soothe it, clear of eczema and acne.

7. Mint. For anybody not a secret that stomach problems and skin related. Beautiful skin is largely a result of proper nutrition and lack of digestive problems. To get rid of many troubles at once will allow mint tea, which, among other things, reduces the level of stress.

8. Artichokes. Artichoke has a lot of antioxidants, is often used in the manufacture of cosmetic preparations. The inclusion of this product in the diet ensures the freshness and attractiveness of the skin.

9. Beet. The use of beetroot for health and beauty known since ancient times. Regular consumption of this root is recommended by nutritionists all over the world. Beetroot contains potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and many other healthy elements.

10. The red grapes. Numerous studies have confirmed that red grapes helps to naturally slow the aging process. Who would abandon a young and radiant skin?


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