Monday, April 18, 2016

How to speed up metabolism

7 important points that will help You lose weight

In most cases, we put on some weight because of metabolic disorders. At least 95% of humanity that extra weight starts to appear for exactly this reason.. so that the extra pounds have ceased to accumulate, you need to work on your metabolism.

Outset that the following recommendations should follow not one-time and life.
And 1 more thing: don’t take the food (when it comes to weight loss), as his worst enemy. Food is energy, without which it is impossible to fully exist.

So, here’s how to speed up metabolism:

* always have Breakfast. So you start your body and “turning on” his metabolism. Of course, morning always short of time and don’t always want to eat. Overpower himself, then your body to this mode get used. And about time, you can enjoy your Breakfast in 10 minutes, but the body will be grateful to you for it;

* eat 5 times a day, small portions, preferably in one and the same time;

* green tea - your faithful friend! Green tea “cleans” our body from various toxins. And it was the slag often “clog up” our metabolic system and do not allow it to function at full strength. Especially green tea is good before eating, it speeds up the processing and burning up to 80 calories in 1 reception;

* increase lean muscle mass. Fat (1 kg) burning only 2 Callas, but destroying the muscle mass of 14 kg. How to get that same muscle mass? - Move more, sit less at the computer.

* physical exercise is best to burn fat. If you don’t have time every day to visit the gym, then get organized and do some exercise every day yourself. Your Internet tell you about any weight loss program, but do not need to succumb to youthful maximalism - select the most popular exercises (not more than 10) and work with them. Just do it regularly and not on weekends!

* products that improve metabolism: grapefruit, lemons, seaweed, apples, red chili peppers, carrots, fish oil (you can buy it at the pharmacy, in capsules), Apple cider vinegar;

* water helps to establish or accelerate the process of metabolism. A day drink 5-6 glasses of water. By the way, the world famous nutritionists suggest that you before meals drink a glass of water, this will speed up the metabolism.

Now you know how to speed up metabolism. But it happens that the metabolism is disturbed not because of poor lifestyle choices and other causes, such as thyroid disease, genetics, lack of vitamins, hormonal disorders. Here, of course, metabolic processes not to normalize unless we address the root causes. That is, in such cases, we need to first heal what was ill, and only then to adjust the state exchange system.


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