Tuesday, April 26, 2016



1. Castor and burdock oil for hair growth
2. Apricot oil - for body massage and to nourish the nails
3. Tincture bitter pepper - a mask for hair growth
4. Shilajit - anti-stretch marks (dissolve a tablet in a body cream or water to lubricate and stretch marks)
5. Lavender essential oil - add a few drops in the conditioner longer hair do not get dirty
6. Sea salt soaks for nails and body.
7. Peppermint oil on your temples before you go to sleep from insomnia
8. The wheat germ oil - food dry skin
9. Jojoba oil - around the eyes and fine wrinkles
10. Salicylic-zinc pasta - drying pimples, blackheads
11. Vitamins E, A capsules - to nourish dry lips, eyelids
12. Bluefroger 1 (gialuronova acid) - from bags under the eyes
13. Apple cider vinegar from stars and cellulite on legs: RUB the legs from the knee up to the thigh in the evening after a shower every day. 2 weeks “stars” have much to posvetlet, no irritation is not observed, only the smell.
14. Tea tree oil - pimples
15. Boric alcohol - from pimples
16. Blue clay mask for body and face
17. Homeopathic calendula ointment - to soften the skin on heels
18. Bodyaga - bruises
19. Cosmetic walnut oil - against wrinkles and bruises under the eyes
20. Glycerin - to soften the skin of hands: 1 part glycerin and 1 part of 6% vinegar mask for the rough skin of the feet
21. Almond oil to prevent stretch marks lubricate the skin
22. Repetit - stimulator scalp, improves hair growth
23. Oil vitamins a+E, lemon juice, dimexide - 2 tsp, mix and apply on the scalp under a plastic puck on an hour - for fast hair growth.


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