Monday, April 18, 2016

How to get rid of chemicals in fruits and vegetables

How to get rid of chemicals in fruits and vegetables. Save yourself, not to forget!

Nitrates and pesticides can partially get rid of: for this vegetables and fruits you need to properly wash and clean.

CABBAGE. Most of the nitrate contained in the upper cabbage leaves and stalks, so they must be discarded.

POTATOES. In potatoes, the nitrates are going under the skin and in the core of the tuber, so after the potatoes are boiled, the water must be drained.

ZUCCHINI, CUCUMBERS, EGGPLANT. Cucumbers color should be pale grass green colour, if they are dark green this suggests that they are overfed with nitrates. The first courgettes and the aubergines peel. Cut the peduncle region is the most poisonous place.

GREENS, LETTUCE, PARSLEY, DILL. Most chemistry accumulates in the veins, petioles not need to eat. The greens always faster, and absorb the nitrates before adding it to your dishes, soak for one hour in water.

TOMATOES. The thicker the skin of a tomato, the more chemicals it contains. Do not buy tomatoes orange - red as if unripe. White flesh and thick veins on the cut is a signal of great content chemistry. But if you still have got poor quality tomatoes, soak them in cool water for about 1 hour.

BEETS, CARROTS, RADISHES. A huge amount of nitrates contained in the tops and the tips of the roots, trim them before use. Do not buy beets with twisted tails. From carrots cut 1 cm of tail, the green part needs to be cut completely, it contains a large number of chemicals.

GRAPES. The grapes were stored for a long time it was treated with fungicides. To get rid of this substance, the grapes are good enough to wash.

WATERMELONS. Do not buy a watermelon, cut in half and wrapped in foil - it is a good basis for bacteria and germs. If the watermelon has a thick yellowish veins, so it fertilized. You can do a little test: put the pulp for one minute in a glass of water, if the water changed color means watermelon fed, if she just dimmed berry pure.

PEARS AND APPLES. By purchasing fruits take them in your hands, if you feel that the fruits are slippery and sticky, so they are handled by diphenyl so they do not spoil and a long time was kept. In the EU, USA, diphenyl banned because of its strong carcinogenic and allergenic properties. Biphenyl-treated fruits have peel.

The most contaminated vegetables and fruits come to us from Holland, Turkey, Israel, Egypt. They have a poor earth and she just can’t give rich harvest without significant amounts of fertilizer.


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