Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to cook vegetables

How to cook vegetables.

Each woman cooks vegetables in his own way. One pre-steeps them in cold water, the other is sure that you need to cook in plenty of water, so they do not closely. The third one adds to water to cooking soda. Meanwhile, the vegetables have lost valuable vitamins and minerals, you have to cook them

1. Vegetables with green color, you should boil for a short time and get two. If you have to boil them in water, start them in boiling water, thus valuable askorbinata acid will have a lower level of destruction. It is asparagus, green beans and pea pods, spinach, etc.

2. Vegetables with yellow and orange coloring, is distinguished by a high content of carotene. Is to digest them, and carotene all go into the water (this “report” changed the color of the water - it will become bright yellow). While the vegetables are noticeably pale. So these vegetables is preferable to steam or boil in a pot, tightly closed lid. We are talking about carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato (tuberous carrots). Similarly cook the beets, adding water a little vinegar, citric acid (juice), or several slices of sour apples. So its color will remain. To preserve the brightness of the color of some Housewives add sugar (½ teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

3. Vegetables, having a white color, put into boiling water and cooked quickly over high heat and without cover. Until ready to boil is not necessary. After about 15 minutes, start boiling the water must be drained (a little before the end), after which the dishes cover tightly and simmer over low heat. The vegetables will get ready by means of steam, not razvalivshis and maintaining (not having water) the most valuable. It comes to potatoes, cauliflower, kohlrabi, onions, etc.

4. When properly cooked it is important to know the proportion of vegetables and water. If you boil in a sealed container, the vegetables should be covered with water not more than 1 cm Less water - less waste of nutrients. Cooking in a sealed container designed for this type of ratio: 1 kg of vegetables - 3-3,5 l of water.

5. Sometimes the vegetables turned up, i.e. boil a sealed container in a small amount of water or in its own juice. If propuskanii occurs not in the water, in a sauce with spices and seasonings, report the stewing vegetables. Suppression and propuskanii ensure minimum loss of nutrients and rich taste, but the vitamin C in this case is destroyed almost completely.

6. Vegetables cooked in lightly salted water (10 g salt per 1 liter of water). This helps to preserve the potassium salt is very beneficial to the human body. With the exception of green beans and beets (boiled in salt water, they become unpleasant to the taste).

The cooked vegetables are not recommended long leave in the water in which they cooked - they become tasteless and watery. The only exception is cauliflower.

The water after cooking vegetables do not rush to pour, it contains valuable nutrients. Broth can be used for soups and sauces. But only fresh! After a short time it loses its flavor and usefulness and not fit to eat.


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