Saturday, April 30, 2016

Zinc ointment

The zinc ointment. For beauty and health

Is zinc ointment, and there are salicio-zinc. Latest just well dries pimples, it is prescribed for problem skin, and zinc ointment is greasy, she is really good to lubricate dry skin, chapped lips, hands, heals wounds on the lips.

Zinc ointment is an anti-inflammatory agent that has a drying, absorbent, astringent and antiseptic action. After cleaning the face, including homemade, acne and any inflammation apply zinc ointment.

Zinc ointment is a very good remedy for pimples, blackheads, bruises, being bitten by mosquitoes etc Even wrinkles smooths and dries the skin completely, but rather further, whitens and smoothes and relieves minor irritation and inflammation! Zinc ointment does not dry the skin and dries the zinc paste - that’s for sure!

Again, if the pimple starts, once it’s place for the night and in the morning, most likely, it will not be a trace. No wonder zinc is a member of the widely advertised products for problem skin. Only they are expensive, and ointment penny.

Next to you there was no irritation after depilation in the bikini area, apply for a few hours the zinc ointment. Usually, only one application to forget about this trouble until the next procedure.

You do a pedicure at home or in the salon, and want longer maintain the effect? Just periodically apply on the forefoot and heel zinc ointment. Verified.

To prevent contact with eyes. Description of the preparation of Zinc ointment is not intended to assign treatment without a doctor.


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