Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The parable of the wasting time

The parable of the wasting time.

“One wise man took the empty pitcher and filled it to the brim with small stones. Gathered his disciples and asked them the first question: “Tell me, dear, full of my jug?” And they said, “Yes, full”. Then the sage took a full can of peas and poured them into the jar with stones. Peas took the free space between the stones. The sage asked the second question: “is now my pitcher?” Students reaffirmed that full. Then the wise man took a box of sand and poured it also into the jug. The sand seeped through the peas and the stones, and took all the free space and closed the door. Once again the sage asked his disciples, full of whether the jug again, he heard an affirmative answer. Then got wise mug full of water and poured it into the jar until the last drop. Laughed the disciples, seeing all this.

A wise man said: “I wanted You to realize that the jar is our life. Stones - the most important component of everyone’s life: children, family, friends, health. Peas - these are things that are nice to have, but it’s not the most important thing: a house, a job, a car, valuables, etc. the Sand represents the little things, which is fully in the life of any person.

If the first jar to fill with sand, there will be no place for peas and stones. Similarly, in life if to waste time on trifles, not even the most important thing. Pay the first time your friends and family, yourself and friends, and to do cleaning, repairs, there’s always time. Should first spend time on the stones, all the rest is just sand.

Sage was about to leave when 1 of the students asked the question: "what was water?” The teacher answered with a smile: “I added in a pitcher of water to show You that no matter how busy life was, always will be a place for idleness”.

A simple story - a deeper meaning. Before spending time on any work, remember this parable.


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