Monday, April 25, 2016

Fat in traditional medicine

Fat controls cholesterol

German researchers recommend that patients eat a thin slice of fat per day. But not anymore!

Scientists have proven that this product removes from the body toxins. It’s just a total cholesterol!, - until recently disown mouth-watering Shmatov nutritionists. And I was wrong.

A group of German scientists from Munich University (the Germans also know a lot of fat!) investigated the composition of the product by using modern technologies. And it turned out that lard contains arachidonic acid. And she belongs to the useful omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids (about, known as omega-3 in marine fish).

Arahidonova acid is a component of cell membranes, is part of enzymes of the heart muscle. And even participates in lipid metabolism! That is, controls the formation of good and bad cholesterol. German scientists even recommend including 20-30 grams of fat daily in the diet for heart patients.

There is another feature of this simple product - it does not accumulate radionuclides in itself. But nevertheless, doctors do not advise buying the fat in not safe places - there is a risk of Contracting trichinosis (infection that attacks the kidneys and nervous system) as well as from poor-quality pork meat.

In folk medicine, the fat has long been listed an irreplaceable tool in the treatment of diseased joints. Good recipe - if the country is pulled back, or cool hurt her knee, but no pain, then tape the scarf to the affected area a slice of cold salty bacon.

Mush of lard with garlic as emergency funds be applied to the inflamed tooth. This will draw out the pus and will develop further inflammation. And even more often to feast on lard may be advisable for those who operates in hazardous work or live in polluted areas. It is, as proved by canadian toxicologists from the medical College of Toronto, promotes the excretion of toxic substances from the human body.


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