Saturday, April 23, 2016

Carbohydrates, muscle anabolism and catabolism

Carbohydrates - the main macronutrient of Ektomorf and the main source of energy for an athlete of any addition. First, carbohydrates are necessary in order to properly execute your training plan, i.e. to be able to raise (peatnut, sit down, etc.) as much as needed in training. Secondly, carbohydrates are necessary for muscle recovery after a workout. And thirdly, there is significant role of carbohydrates in terms of overreduction of the muscle, i.e. muscle growth.

The third point is usually feasible under the condition of positive energy balance (surplus of calories). It is the carbs in that quantity in which there is a positive energy balance, causing the level of insulin secretion, which increases the pace and quality of protein synthesis in the muscles.

It is important to emphasize the superiority of anabolic insulin in front of other anabolic hormones, say, testosterone. The fact that insulin is responsible for the release of amino acids into the muscle cells of the circulatory system. So, when you start muscle anabolism through insulin, muscle protein synthesis (growth) is guaranteed, since the cells will be present in the amino acids as a building material (of course, provided that the amino acids are in the blood, where do they go from the digestive tract). If you turn on anabolism by only of testosterone, the muscle synthesis may not occur because the muscles simply can not suffice for this purpose amino acids (without insulin in cells they won’t make it).

Moreover, insulin secretion is caused by carbohydrates which are not only anabolic, but also anti-catabolic formula. Insulin is able to prevent the catabolic, having the ability to let into the muscle cell not only amino acids (proteins), and glucose (carbohydrates). The more glucose in the muscle, the less pronounced are the processes of destruction of muscle cells.


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