Thursday, April 28, 2016

How to prepare medicinal jam made from dandelions

Healing how to cook jam from dandelions.

In may, around a lot of dandelions. You can cook them a delicious jam, regenerating cells of the liver and gallbladder, cleanses the blood. It helps the body remove harmful substances and excess cholesterol, treats atherosclerosis and improves memory.

What you’ll need:
- dandelion flowers - 300 PCs.,
- sugar - 1 kg
- water - 3 cups,
- lemon - 1 PC.
Collect 300 dandelion flowers with yellow head, together with the sepals, but without the stem. Please note that the collection of plants is best carried out on a forest lawn or in the Park, on the banks of rivers and lakes, away from roads and factories. Well, if you manage to choose a Sunny day and time for about 12 hours a day, then amount of nectar in the flowers is maximum.
Rinse the flowers well and for about 15 minutes leave them to vymachivanija in cold water. At this time cook the sugar syrup of 3 cups of water and 1 kg of sugar.
In the finished boiling syrup down the flowers and allow the mixture to boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
Chop the lemon with peel slices. Add in the jam for 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking. After a few minutes, remove the cooked mixture from the heat and leave to infuse for a day. The next day strain the mixture through cheesecloth, and again bring to a boil for 10 minutes.
- Dandelion jam can dissolve not in water but in a green tea or tincture of milk Thistle (1 tsp seeds of milk Thistle per Cup of water). Milk Thistle and dandelion work synergistically with each other, exerting anti-inflammatory, choleretic and tonic effect, cleansing the blood vessels, blood, and liver.
- Take breaks between courses of the medication for 2-3 weeks. For the year you can eat no more than 3 liters of jam.
You’ll have a jam transparent amber-yellow color. To taste, it will resemble honey. Keep the jam from dandelions in the fridge. Take it in the morning on an empty stomach 1 tbsp, necessarily dissolving it in a glass of warm water. Or use another option-take 1 tsp 3 times a day after meals.
Tips and warnings
Medicines on the basis of the dandelion is not recommended for peptic ulcer of the stomach or intestines, gastritis with high acidity.
Source: Medical news, No. 6, 2012

Dandelion roots
- Infusion of dandelion roots. Pour a glass of boiling water 1 teaspoon crushed roots. Leave to cool, strain. Take 30 minutes before meals. Half in the morning and rest at night.
- Decoction of dandelion roots. The proportions are the same. Boil for 10 minutes, then remove from heat and immediately strain. Take as an infusion.
The roots of the dandelion can be treated long time and without interruption. They are used to treat diseases of the liver and gallbladder. They help the joints. In addition, it is also blood purifying agent.


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