Monday, April 18, 2016

Rice and its good for the figure

To start let’s see how many calories in rice.
This point many people confusing because of the varieties of rice. And so:

- One hundred grams of dry long grain, parboiled polished rice contains 362 calories and 2.4 g fat.
- One hundred grams of dry coarse varieties of rice contains 340 calories and 1.1 grams of fat.
- One hundred grams of untreated dry black rice contains 285 calories and 1.8 grams fat.

But it is a dry product. By boiling the rice tends to swell, increasing in volume, about 3 times. If porridge be prepared in water, 100 grams of dry rice, we will get 300 grams of boiled, but with the same caloric content as water has no calories. That is, one hundred grams of cooked rice water will have the caloric content on average about 140 calories.
Thus, as we can see, the caloric value of rice is very low. In this case, the cereal is very nutritious and beneficial. But here there are nuances. The “poor” on the nutrients of coarse-grained white rice. And the most useful - raw, by the way, the caloric value of rice of this type is the lowest.
How useful rice

Beside the fact that the caloric content of rice is low, the porridge made him very hearty thanks to the complex carbohydrates contained in the cereal. The universality of complex carbohydrates is that they have the ability to accumulate in cellular depots and releasing energy as needed. Moreover rice is rich in vitamins E, PP and b group, as well as many different minerals and from 2 to 7 grams of protein.
Slimming is important not only low calorie rice, but the absence in its composition of salts. But so as not to disrupt the water-salt balance in the body, salt the food a little still need.
How to diet

If you need to lose weight in the shortest time possible, then you have a “sit down” on the mono-diet. In this situation it is best we let the low calorie content of rice, boil it, add a little salt and eat the whole day long, really don’t need to overeat. However I want to warn that this is bad to resort to such diets is only in extreme cases and to keep them no longer than two weeks.
Well, I am a supporter of gradual more gentle and stable effect. Again, we use low calorie rice it will be our main product. I suggest to stick to the following diet - there are morning, afternoon and evening for 100 grams boiled in water rice. In addition, it included salads, dressed with a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice or yogurt, boiled or baked vegetables and 100 grams of lean veal meat, rabbit, poultry or fish. In the intervals between meals you can eat fruit, like one Apple, pear, orange and so on. You can drink fresh juices, tea or coffee without sugar. Twice a day eat 1 meals low-fat cottage cheese. After seven or eight in the evening is forbidden!


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