Methods of cooking potatoes
The greatest benefit, as it may seem strange that You get if you eat potatoes raw and with the skin on, thoroughly before this rinsing his brush. You can gently pour over boiling water, but not water, and it is a little pour, because the most useful is just under the peel! Of course, you need to be sure that it is eco-friendly, natural.
If new potatoes cleaned, cut need a very thin layer, not more than 0.5 mm, otherwise the main valuable substances will go into the trash. Old potatoes, on the contrary, need to clean because of the accumulations under the skin of harmful substances. But because good health has little.
If you boil the potato, then keep in mind that the amount of water should be minimal, because when cooked it becomes the most vitamins. Also harmful to cut the tubers into pieces or soak them long in water before cooking. And, of course, the preference should be given to the potatoes. But when cooked, the skins are burst, add a few drops of vinegar. To make it easier to peel boiled in their jackets potatoes, drench it with cold water.
When frying the potato loses much of the nutrients! Therefore, for healthy food options for French fries and crisps are not suitable. The same applies to drannikov, as if it was not delicious!
By the way, if you have to cook potatoes in the meaning of thermal processing, the most you will get and vitamins, the pleasure and benefit from baked potatoes in the ashes. This is the most valuable way of cooking potatoes.
For this ideal a real fire, but you can use holiday option with brick or stone barbecue on the ground. In campaigns we always relish! Should fire enough to warm the earth and form a good layer of ash (ash), a height of not less than 5-6sm. For this we have to burn quite a lot of firewood and patience! To save time we usually put the wood immediately with a height of 3-4 rows. Need to be burned at least 4-5 of such stacks. When they are burned, large coals should be crushed into small (as small as you can) and spread in even layer, as in the photo. When the coals are for the most part will turn to ash (at least won’t be completely red, but only individual points), you need a stick to drip the potatoes to about 1cm of ash and coals on top. You should choose the small tubers about the size of a chicken egg. There is a heated earth mixed with ash. Useless in a hurry to bury potatoes in the hot coals: it just burns. If the earth warmed enough, not zapechetsya bottom. The cooking takes usually about 40 minutes.
Ideally, the peel should not burn. Use a baked potato in this case would be maximum, if You will not be particularly strong to clear it out. You can gently scrape with a knife only in those places where the formed layer of coal. As though someone may seem strange, no harm ash, which together with the shell will get to You in the stomach, will not bring (in reasonable quantities, of course). On the contrary, will remain high minerals.
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