Monday, April 11, 2016

Unique recipe of buckwheat with yogurt to cleanse the body

Unique recipe of buckwheat with yogurt to cleanse the body. Truly remedy!

There are many methods that help to cleanse the body, but not all of them are equally good. But this recipe really helped a lot, evidenced by a large number of positive reviews on the Internet. Buckwheat flour with kefir on an empty stomach is a unique tool that is very effective cleanses the body. This drink helps cleanse the blood vessels and the intestinal wall of toxins, stimulates liver, reduces blood sugar levels, normalizes metabolism, the pancreas and other organs. Also with this drink, the body receives a large dose of vitamins, so a burst of energy guaranteed. The course of treatment should last a week and a half, then you need to take a break for 2 months. But even eating on an empty stomach buckwheat flour with yogurt 1 time a week, you will benefit the body. Just try it … you’ll feel will improve your health.

Grind one tablespoon of buckwheat in a coffee grinder until consistency of flour. Put buckwheat flour in a glass of low-fat yogurt and put in the refrigerator overnight. Kefir can be replaced with homemade unsweetened yogurt. The morning thirty minutes before eating drink drink.
Drink this healthful drink on an empty stomach and be always beautiful, healthy and slim!


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