Friday, April 8, 2016

Secret power of the little finger

The impact on the little finger of the left hand can significantly improve your health.Knew that the ancient healers! Their practice is partially questioned partially forgotten. Sorry! Really interesting technique, and most importantly, justifies itself in many cases.

*Massage to reduce appetite

For this purpose, the food need to massage the top (tip) of the little finger. For men and women there is a difference:
Men - up to 12 hours massaged counterclockwise, and in the afternoon - clockwise
Women - up to 12 hours in a clockwise direction, and in the afternoon - against.
Noon this point you can not touch.
The ancient healers used various massage techniques work with the body points. It was light stroking, pressing, application of the needles, screwing. Using such techniques, treated many diseases of all body systems.

*Massage to liver disease
But not only the little finger is used to solve health problems. Chinese healers use index fingers for the diagnosis and treatment of the liver, they call them “fingers of the liver”. Using the work with the index finger you can check the health of the liver. To do this: spread palm, with the power to uncross the fingers, and holding them in suspense, you should try to bend the index finger.
If this happens, and the other fingers not to bend with the index finger, it means the liver function is normal.
If the fingers began to bend together with the index, this suggests that it is required to strengthen the liver. This requires a daily massage index finger, lasting 2-3 minutes several times a day.

*Massage at a cold
Here are some examples of using the method. When cold, it is necessary to find painful point on the thumb of his left hand - the middle of the upper phalanx, about skin curl, and attach it to the band, buckwheat grain or green peas (in case of strong cold). Periodically you should click on the attached seed. The cold will pass quickly, but this method can be and prevention in the season of colds and viral diseases.

*Massage in diseases of the knees
If you have problems with knees (sick or badly bent), especially for people in advanced age, should be massaged average joints nameless and middle fingers. These knuckles and are points of conformity to the knees, and right knee joint corresponds to the nameless and the left joint of the middle finger. For various diseases of the knees have on the joints of the middle and/or ring fingers to fix with the adhesive plaster plant seeds, such as carrots, red peppers or tomatoes.

*Acupressure of the hands from fatigue
Under intense mental stress, frequent stress, strong fatigue, relieve the tension and fatigue, will relax acupressure of the hands. To massage you both at work and on the way home and at home, especially as long it takes, and restores strength.

You need to massage the little finger of the left hand index finger and thumb right. You should start with the phalanx with the nail and pushing towards the base of the finger, passing the little finger.
Alternately massaging his thumbs. Like the previous technique, you should start with the phalanx with the nail and move to the base of the finger, the finger massaging the entire brush.
Similar methods can be used to improve the work of the various bodies, it is only necessary to find the point of compliance.


It turns out that there is a simple way to check the condition of the liver.
With the force spread fingers hands, keep them on their toes and try to bend the forefinger. The attempt fails immediately. Hence, the liver functions normally, otherwise the bending of the same would entail flexion of other fingers.
But how can you trust the result? If no idle fiction this diagnosis?
No, the method of Eastern medicine, time-tested. Chinese healers called index fingers “the fingers of the liver”. Since ancient times and use them for diagnosis and treatment.
Suppose someone 1 “bowing” pulled a fellow. Then it is recommended daily for 2 - 3 minutes several times a day to massage the index fingers. It will strengthen the liver.
And yet. Useful for 5 minutes morning and evening to revitalize the body strength specific exercises. Interlock front of chest, both pointing and trying mightily to stretch hands in the parties. An important rhythm of breathing: tension - inhale through your nose, weakening smooth exhale..
Is it really so strange that thus gaining the energy of the liver? In my opinion, no doubt worth it. If only because faith in the healing properties of our actions, we know, is also a medicine.


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