Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What herbs are suitable for bedrooms?


- Any essential oil has animicrobial action.
- Any essential oil strengthens the immune system.
- All oils have anti-inflammatory effect.
- To find your flavor, have a lot to perenyat.

Great Shpargalka for you.

✔ Birch.
Improves breathing, calms. Birch is especially useful when unmotivated irritation, petty faultfinding of the spouses to each other. If you do not respond to magnetic storms, it is also your fragrance.

✔ Basil.
Unbelievably good for students and managers. It strengthens nerves and stimulates mental activity after a heavy load. The most valuable plants with purple leaves.

✔ Oregano.
Good for women who feel depression and anxiety before, during or after menstruation. Only need therapy for a long time, at least 3 months. Will help the grass during menopause with frequent flushes and bleeding.

✔ St. John’s wort.
Ideal for people who feel nobody wants. After bereavement, divorce or during the separation. If You think that everything collapsed.

✔ Cedar.
If not leave a depression, no desire to do something. Put in the bedroom a couple of immature cones, twig or a piece of resin.

✔ Coffee.
Will suit students or other workers that you have uploaded your brain to headaches and insomnia.

✔ Branches of cypress.
Put in the room where you sleep nervous, difficult to treat people. Very good tool and at the time of menopause.

✔ Lavender.
Increases efficiency, productivity, adjusts for purchases and transactions. So, if you want to persuade the husband on a new coat - don’t forget about lavender. Another lavender case - if You often Wake up at night. This herb promotes deep sleep.

✔ Lemon.
Gold rejuvenating apples. Encourages physical activity. Gives strength. Lemon flavor will allow pregnant women during toxicosis. This smell can not stand mole.

✔ Melissa.
A great anti-depressant. Good in disorders of the menstrual cycle.

✔ Wormwood.
(any: tarragon, God’s tree, the usual, annual, Cina). It will relieve headaches, relax the muscles, strengthen the spirit and the flesh. But mouse and mole go to the neighbors.

✔ Rose.
Facilitates conception. Stimulates the sexual sphere, both men and women. The smell of roses, among other things, calms and drives away sad thoughts. Rose relieves heart attacks, and headaches. This is the first remedy for insomnia, melancholy and depression.

✔ Chamomile.
Relieves outbursts. If you have problems with falling asleep will ensure a deep sleep. Suitable even for children.


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