Sunday, July 31, 2016

12 recipes from healers

12 recipes from the healers.

✔ HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Tablespoon corn flour put on the bottom of the glass, fill to the top with hot water and leave overnight to infuse. In the morning on an empty stomach drink only water, the grounds do not stir.

✔ BRONCHITIS. 2 - 3 leaves mother and stepmother cook in half a liter of milk, strain, add a pinch of fresh lard. Infusion drink a coffee Cup in the evening before bed.

✔ BRONCHITIS IN CHILDREN. Two raw eggs fry in lard and sprinkle with salt. When they are cool, put them on the night of the breast to the child.
In the head of the red onions cleaned from the husk, make a hole, in which put a teaspoon of sugar. Daily, until healed, the child must eat thus prepared, a small onion.

✔ ASTHMA. 40 heads pearl onion brew with boiling water and hold until then, until soft. Then put them in 0.5 liters of olive oil and mash. Take this puree in the morning and evening for 1 tablespoon before eating.

✔ ACUTE GASTRITIS. 200 grams of plantain leaves small (with narrow oblong leaves) for 5 minutes boil in half a liter of pure grape raki (or vodka). Broth strain and, when cool, pour into a bottle. In the morning, take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach one hour before lifting. During treatment, in no case can not smoke.

✔ PAIN IN THE LEGS. In a large enamelware cook a bundle of red and white clover. When the broth has cooled, strain and add 1 tablespoon kerosene. In this mixture of steam feet 3 to 4 nights in a row.

✔ VARICOSE VEINS. In the early morning before sunrise, walk around in pure cotton socks in the dewy meadow, to socks well soaked with dew. Don’t take them off - let them dry on your feet.

Within 10 days bandage with easy pork, cut into slices. One or more similar patches can be sprinkled with gray, and is also applying to the affected area. The bandage should be kept on all night.

Green walnuts, put in an enamel vessel and pour them with olive oil. Vessel leave in the sun not less than 40 days. Lubricate sore spots the present mixture.

✔ INFLAMMATION OF THE FACIAL NERVE. Glow in the fire needle and light tingling touch the skin of the face first to the healthy part, then to the patient. Light skin burns quickly pass, leaving no trace.

✔ ECZEMA. Clean affected areas of the skin grease with liquid, which in may formed the seeds of the elm. In addition, the patient poured the broth from a bouquet of wild flowers.

Washed sore spots, lubricate a tampon soaked in the mixture, which is prepared from coffee Cup of vegetable oil and a handful of vinegar.

✔ FUNGUS ON THE FINGERNAILS. Make some strong coffee and repeatedly immerse hands in his infusion, but do not stir the precipitate. This remedy also cures the fungus on the feet, relieves pain in the feet and ankles helps to get rid of thick peeling skin on the feet. You repeat the procedure several nights in a row, the fungus completely disappears, the skin becomes smooth and pain disappear.

✔ FUNGUS ON THE TOES. Well washed the feet, immerse in a strong wine vinegar. Sleep in clean socks soaked in this vinegar.

✔ INFLAMMATION OF THE OVARIES. Cook forest hay in a suitable vessel and place the patient over steam. The procedure is repeated every day until the cessation of inflammation. Forest hay can be replaced with cabbage, boiled in milk.

Unwashed fleece drench with hot water and place the patient over steam.


48 pairs of drugs with identical composition but very different price


1. Nurofen (120rub) = Ibuprofen (10 rubles)
2. Zantac (300rub) = Pancreatin (30rub)
3. No-Spa (150rub) = Drotaverine hydrochloride (30rub)
4. Panadol(50rub) = Paracetamol (5руб)
5. Belosalic (380руб) = Akriderm SK (40rub)
6. Bepanten (250rub) = Dexpanthenol (100 rubles)
7. Betaserc(600rub) = Betahistin (250rub)
8. Bystrumgel ’ (180rub) = Ketoprofen (60rub)
9. Voltaren (300rub) = Diclofenac (40rub)
10. Gastrozol (120rub) = R (50rub)
11. Detralex (580руб) = Veneros (300rub)
12. Diflucan (400rub) = fluconazole (30rub)
13. Llanos (100) = Ringstop(30rub)
14. Zantac (280rub) = Ranitidine (30 rubles),
15. Zyrtec (220rub) = Caterings ($80)
16. Zovirax (240rub) = Acyclovir (40rub)
17. Immunal (200rub) = Echinacea extract (50rub)
18. Imodium (300rub) = Loperamide (20 rubles)
19. Codomain (220rub) = Potassium iodide (100 rubles)
20. Cavinton (580руб) = Vinpocetine(200rub)
21. Claritin (180rub) = Loragexal (60rub)
22. Klacid (600rub) = = = (180rub)
23. Mucosolvan (320руб) = Ambroxol (20rub)
24. Lamisil (400rub) = Terbinafine (100 rubles)
25. Lioton-1000 (350rub) = Heparin-actigel 1000 (120rub)
26. Lomilan (150rub) = Loragexal (50rub)
27. Maxidex (120rub) = Dexamethasone (40rub)
28. Mydriacyl (360rub) = Tropicamide (120rub)
29. Miramistin (200rub) = Chlorhexidine (10 rubles)
30. Movalis (410руб) = Meloxicam ($80)
31. Neuromultivit (250rub) = Year (50rub)
32. Normodipin (620руб) = Amlodipine (40rub)
33. Omez (180rub) = R (50rub)
34. Panangin (140rub) = Asparkam (10 rubles)
35. Pantogram (350rub) = Pantokaltsin (230руб)
36. Rinonorm (50rub) = Ringstop (20rub)
37. Sumamed (450rub) = Azithromycin (90rub)
38. Trental(200rub) = Pentoxifylline (50rub)
39. Trihopol (90rub) = Metronidazole (10 rubles)
40. Troxevasin (220rub) = Troxerutin (110rub)
41. Ultop (270руб) = R (50rub)
42. Fastum gel (250rub) = Ketoprofen (70rub)
43. Finlepsin (280rub) = Carbamazepine (50rub)
44. Flucostat (200rub) = fluconazole (20rub)
45. Furamag (380руб) = Furagin (40rub)
46. Hemomitsin (300rub) = Azithromycin (100 rubles)
47. Enap (150rub) = enalapril (70rub)
48. Ercefuryl (400rub) = Furazolidone (40rub)


Chinese beauty mask made with honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly reduces the appearance of age spots

Chinese beauty mask made with honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly reduces the appearance of age spots.

- 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably liquid)
- 1 teaspoon of starch
- 1 teaspoon of salt

Honey and starch to mix to a uniform whitish color. Add a teaspoon of crushed sea salt (it can be replaced with ordinary iodized salt). It is kneaded.

If the skin is hypersensitive or very dry, then mask add 1 teaspoon of milk.

The mask is ready, it can now be applied to the face in several layers, until you used up all the mixture.

Mask should be kept on the face for 25 minutes, then rinse.

If you feel discomfort, burning, severe tingling, etc., it is best to immediately wash off the mask with water.

For best results it is recommended to do a Chinese beauty mask a day for 20 days. During this time, will make 10 masks.

This mask will help to tighten the skin, make it healthy, radiant and smooth.


Granny rubbing

My grandmother at 82 years old had no idea what a pain in the joints, heaviness in the legs, aching in the spine. And the reason is her miraculous rubbing.

Truly, the best tools I have myself experienced. Ill like the neck, so much so that even sitting for a long time could not, and grandma offered me their miracle-rubbing.

Do not believe it, after 2 days I felt so relieved, like a bag of stones had fallen from his shoulders. And 4 days later I forgot that once the neck was ill.

Here is the recipe of this rubbing. It treats everything: radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis - everything connected with joints and bone tissue.

300 g of alcohol, 1 bottle of camphor alcohol (10 ml), 1 bottle of iodine (10 ml), 10 tablets analgin.

Mix, insist in a dark place for 21 days, and you can use it.

Grind at night and tie a woolen cloth or scarf of wool and go to bed.

The day grind, if you don’t go outside.10 days grind, then 5 days break, and then another 10 days to grind if it hurts.


Saturday, July 30, 2016

50 interesting facts about the person

50 interesting facts about the man.

1. The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea of the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air.
2. Capacity of human brain exceeds 4 terabytes.

3. To seven months a child can breathe and swallow at the same time.

4. Your skull is composed of 29 different bones.

5. When you sneeze all body functions stop, even heart.

6. The nerve impulse from the brain moving at a speed of 274 km/h.

7. One human brain generates more electrical impulses in one day than all telephones of the world combined.

8. The average human body contains enough sulphur to kill all fleas on an average dog, carbon to make 900 pencils, potassium to fire a toy cannon, fat to make 7 bars of soap, and enough water to fill a barrel of 50 liters.

9. The human heart pumps 48 million gallons of blood in my life.

10. 50 000 cells in Your body die and are replaced at a time as You read this sentence.

11. A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of 3 months.

12. Women’s hearts beat faster than men’s.

13. A man named Charles Osborne hiccups for 6 years.

14. Right-handed people live on average 9 years longer than lefties.

15. Approximately two-thirds of people tilt my head to the right when kissing.

16. People forget 90% of their dreams.

17. The total length of blood vessels in the human body - roughly 100,000 miles.

18. In the spring of respiratory rate on average one-third higher than in autumn.

19. At the end of life of a person remembers an average of 150 trillion bits of information.

20. 80 % of body heat away from the head.

21. When you blush, Your stomach blushes too.

22. The feeling of thirst occurs when water loss equal to one % of the body weight. The loss of more than 5% may lead to fainting, and more than 10% - to death from dehydration.

23. The human body operates, about 700 enzymes.

23. Humans are the only creatures who sleep on the back.

24. On average, 4-year-old child asks in a day 450 questions.

25. Unique fingerprints are in addition to people more koalas.

26. Only 1% of bacteria cause diseases in humans.

27. All people on the planet can comfortably put in a cube with sides of 1000 metres.

28. The scientific name of the navel - umbilicus.

29. The tooth is the only part of the human body, which is unable to heal itself.

30. The average time it takes a person to fall asleep is 7 minutes.

31. The right-hander most of the food chewing on the right side of the jaw, and Vice versa, left-handed on the left.

32. The world’s only 7% left-handers.

33. The aroma of apples and bananas helps you lose weight.

34. The length of the hair on his head the average person in their lifetime - 725 kilometers.

35. Among people who can move their ears, only one-third can move one ear.

36. The average person in my entire life swallows 8 small spiders.

37. Total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 2 kg.

38. 99% of all calcium in the body is the teeth.

39. The man’s lips hundreds of times more sensitive than the fingertips. A real kiss increases pulse to the frequency is 100 or more beats per minute.

40. The absolute power of masticatory muscles on one side is equal to 195 pounds.

41. During a kiss from one person to another is transmitted 278 different bacterial cultures. Fortunately, 95% of them are not dangerous.

42. Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins.

43. Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue produced by the human body.

44. if you collect all the iron contained in the human body, it will turn the cog in the wheel for hours.

45. There are more than 100 different viruses that causes common cold.

46. Kiss of sufficient duration is much better than chewing gum, normalizes the acidity in the mouth.

47. Hitting his head on the wall can lose 150 calories per hour.

48. Man is the only representative of the animal world, able to draw straight lines.

49. Over the lifetime of the human skin is replaced about 1000 times.

50. People that smoke covers a pack of cigarettes a day, vypisat half a Cup of tar per year.




(From myself: first I got in the salon health this mask was made by a woman 65 years old, we already gasped, looking at its freshness).

Did you know that gelatin, due to its constricting effect, beauty salons use “mechanical” masks for pulling up of the cheeks and second chin.
Also gelatin is used in shampoos as a protein Supplement, tools for strengthen your nails and, of course, in cosmetic masks. And for good reason. It has a positive effect on protein and amino acid metabolism of the skin, improving its condition. Gelatin smoothes fine lines, softens and whitens the skin, improves blood circulation.

1. Gelatin anti-wrinkle cream

Mix 1 full teaspoon of gelatin, 0.5 cups of water, 3 tbsp of honey, 0.5 cups of glycerin and 1 g (pinch) of salicylic acid.
Dishes with a mixture put in hot water and stir until until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
Remove the container with mixture of water and cool, whisking constantly to make a jelly cream. The cream apply daily 2 hours before bedtime for 20 minutes. The remnants of the cream that is not absorbed into the skin, remove with a cloth.

The received quantity of cream is usually enough for 1 month of use. All this time the cream can be stored on the top shelf of the refrigerator. Select from the General mass as much cream as necessary to
one application (do not heat the whole cream), give him a little warm and apply to the skin.

2. Mask of gelatin for skin rejuvenation

Gelatin masks have strong regenerative properties, improves circulation and complexion, have a tightening effect: skin is smoothed, becomes soft and elastic, disappear wrinkles, age spots and freckles.
Mask of gelatin has a beneficial effect on protein and amino acid metabolism.

✔Rejuvenating mask of gelatin with banana

Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of boiled water with 1 teaspoon of gelatine, leave to swell.
Then add the softened gelatine in 2 teaspoons of mashed banana, mix and apply to cleansed face.
The mask keep on face for 20 minutes and then rinse it with warm water.

✔Cream of gelatin with glycerin and honey

Mix 4 tablespoons of glycerin, 2 tsp honey, 2 tsp of gelatin and 4 tablespoons of water. The resulting mixture is put on a small fire and, stirring, bring to a complete dissolution of all ingredients.
Then add 4 tablespoons of boiled water, mix, and pour into a sterile jar with a lid.
The mask is applied for 20 minutes on the face. After rinsing, it is desirable to lubricate the face cream.

This honey mask can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.


Hidden gymnastics Vorobyov

This gym will take you exactly 6 minutes, but it should be done every hour.
This is very simple, because the exercises can be performed lying, sitting, standing, walking, in the workplace, at the kitchen table - anywhere.
But the first 3 days are the hardest, because they have to be every hour to force myself.

From the author: Randomly in one of logs saw the complex of this gym and decided to try it. After 2 weeks, a miracle!, I saw the result (the skirt, which couldn’t even fasten, is much larger to me)


1. Feet fully touch the ground.
Raise and lower the heel 40 times.

2. Raise and lower the socks - 40 times.

3. Squeeze and open your buttock muscles 40 times.

4. Slowly retract the abdominal wall on the exhale,
on the inhale - return to the starting position - 15 times.

5. When you direct the back slide of the scapula to the spine 40 times.
Make sure that the shoulders do not move.

6. Hands apart in different directions at shoulder level.
Clench and open your fists 40 times.

7. Head turns 90º to the left, then the right - 40 times.

8. Pulling the chin forward - 40 times.


This dish of zucchini deserves a 5 : tastier meat


Young zucchini 2-3 pieces.

- walnuts-0.5 cups
- parsley -½ beam
- garlic 2-3 cloves
- olive oil -1tbsp.l.


Zucchini wash,cut into large pieces,season with salt and allow to drain the juice. Fry in sunflower oil over high heat in a large frying pan so that the zucchini was in 1 layer. The zucchini are fried, not made and crisp, just what we need.

Prepare the filling:

Nuts grind with a rolling pin, parsley finely chop, garlic skip through chesnokodavku. Add 1 tbsp olive oil and mix well. Zucchini combine with dressing,stir gently. Serve warm or cold.



My grandmother at 82 years old had no idea what a pain in the joints, heaviness in the legs, aching in the spine. And the reason is her miraculous rubbing. Truly, the best tools I have myself experienced. Ill like the neck, so much so that even sitting for a long time could not, and grandma offered me their miracle-rubbing. Do not believe it, after 2 days I felt so relieved, like a bag of stones had fallen from his shoulders. And 4 days later I forgot that once the neck was ill.

Here is the recipe of this rubbing. It treats everything: radiculitis, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis - everything connected with joints and bone tissue.

300 g of alcohol, 1 bottle of camphor alcohol (10 ml), 1 bottle of iodine (10 ml), 10 tablets analgin.

Mix, insist in a dark place for 21 days, and you can use it. Grind at night and tie a woolen cloth or scarf of wool and go to bed. The day grind, if you don’t go outside. 10 days grind, then 5 days break, and then another 10 days to grind if it hurts.


Friday, July 29, 2016

The influence of women's voices in a man

The influence of women’s voices in a man…

Research psychologists have established that the male perceives the female voice differently than men. He hears, first of all, in a female voice sound and immediately notes the meaning of words. After all representatives of a strong half of mankind to decipher the female voice is the part of the brain that processes the sound of music.

Psychologists have long determined that attractiveness to men is hidden in the tone of voice of women, not the sense of the words. Therefore, 1 of the key elements that create uniqueness and depth to any female character is her voice. The voice has so much - it fascinates, attracts, captivates, and promises. The quieter and softer voice of a woman, the more clearly perceive the sounds man. Attractive to men, the female voice has a soft tone, warmth, ease. The woman’s voice is perceived by men as well as the smile and eyes.

When a woman utters the words, then the whole world stops and listens to him. So it is not just communicating with the world. His voice, the woman creates around itself a special space.
A female voice keeps secret the power of transformation and the power of love. When a woman begins to swear or shout, he, even unconsciously, destroys the earlier cozy and warm space.
Melodious and beautiful voice of a woman makes men pleasant fantasies and dreams. If a woman sends her voice of love, acceptance and warmth, it leads it to a harmonious and happy life.
Man can destroy the negative vibrations that emanate from the voices of women. Bad negative words are not so important. But the voice pitch, intonation pronunciation is of great importance. It’s not what is said but how it is said.
Therefore, the woman must learn to believe in your man, inspire him and support.

Gentle words from the lips of a woman capable of performing miracles.
A woman that is harmonious and filled with love, not only words can tell the man about her desires and feelings. She may be silent, but the man who is beside her, feel her desires and mood.
The content of the speech women should be wise. The process of communication is the best pleasure for women through which it realizes its essence.
When she does not allow herself to sing something light, happy and sad, purged of emotions, it thus does not allow himself to live.

A woman who is filled with love, may only his words, spoken in a gentle and soft voice, to inspire a man to commit the greatest deeds.
Try to speak from the heart, with love, and you will notice how the world around you will change!



There is 1 very simple and incredibly effective recipe of traditional medicine, which will bring blood pressure back to normal, well at least for a couple of years. And besides, he is not worth a dime. How do you mean?

So, the composition of decoction: take 5 tablespoons of pine needles, 2 tablespoons hips and 2 tablespoons of onion peel. Pour it with 1 liter of cold water, bring to boil and simmer on low heat under a lid for 10 minutes. Let it brew and strain. Just a little bit of water. Drink it all in 2 days. The treatment course is 4 months.

Improvement can occur in 5 days - go headaches, and a month later you can try to gradually abolish the antihypertensive drugs. The chair will become a regular - so is still cleaning the intestines and liver.

This solution has immunoliposome properties, is a preventive remedy against influenza.
Possesses good diuretic effect. Help for painful bleeding gums.


Recommendations for use of essential oils for various skin problems face:

1. Dry, sensitive skin: sandalwood, patchouli, Jasmine, rose, myrrh, blue chamomile.

2. Oily skin: bergamot, grapefruit, Melissa, lemon, rosemary, fir cones.

3. In the mixture under the eye: rose, Jasmine, rosewood, pine, geranium, Myrtle, ginger, carrot, lavender, fennel, patchouli, incense, sandalwood

4. Vitaminization of the skin: orange, verbena, spruce, and rosewood.

5. Cleaning pores: grapefruit, ylang, lemon, marjoram, Myrtle, Melissa, rosemary.

6. Irritation of the skin: geranium, Jasmine, lavender, patchouli, chamomile blue.

7. Skin regeneration: bogarde, geranium, Jasmine, ylang, cypress, lavender, myrrh, rose, chamomile.

8. Skin lifting: bogarde, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, sandalwood, rose, fennel.

9. Skin rejuvenation: bogarde, Jasmine, sandalwood, ylang, frankincense, vervain, rose.

10. Swelling: chamomile, lemon, myrrh, juniper, pine.

11. Couperose: lemon, Myrtle, peppermint, verbena, cypress, rose.

12. Not fresh complexion: verbena, rose, peppermint, rosewood, pepper.

13. Acne: pine, tea tree, clove, Myrtle, chamomile, lavender, fir cones, eucalyptus.

14. Inflammation: geranium, chamomile, calendula, orange, lemon, juniper.

15. Herpes: lemon, juniper, bergamot, verbena, ginger, pepper, tea tree.

16. Dermatitis: lavender, juniper, geranium, cedar, rose.


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Jump rope:benefits and harms


1. Jumping rope work out the many muscles that are not normally loaded. When you jump 15 minutes without a break, in the morning, even in people who exercise regularly, will make your muscles sore.

2. Exercises with a rope, which is very important to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. It’s a great cardio workout for people of all ages.

3. Skipping rope develops endurance and stamina. Exercises with a rope will help to “put “the breath. If you suffer shortness of breath, a workout on the skipping rope really help you.

4. Jump rope, which is very important for women, will help to remove cellulite. When we jump, strengthen muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Exercise rope this shake problem areas, massage with the effect of lymphatic drainage.

5. Another benefit of the rope is the weight loss. Jumps burn a lot of energy in a short time. Hour class burns 700 calories. It’s a little less when you run.


1. People with obesity 1 and 2 degrees, with heart disease and varicose veins harder on the rope can only be allowed when the attending doctor.

2. You also need to jump strongly to people with scoliosis osteochondrosis, diseases of joints.

3. You can’t jump rope to women in the state and in the period of menstruation.

4. For headaches, migraines benefit from jumping will not, the pain will only intensify.

5. Never jump on a full stomach.


1. Women need to be sure to protect the chest. High jumps can negatively affect form. Therefore, women with large forms during class, you need to wear good supportive bust.

2. Barefoot jumping is not necessary, as the injured foot. To do better in sneakers.

3. Don’t jump rope on a very hard floor, such as concrete, it is best to lay the Mat.

4.Jumping rope should be done on two legs. Try not to land on the heel and the entire foot. Better to land on the forefoot, the heel should be off the floor.

5. Correct jumping soft and light, it is not necessary to land on the floor with a crash, as if dropped something heavy.

6. Legs may be slightly bent at the knees, straighten them and keep tense is not necessary. Aiming for a quick and high jumps without stopping. Easy and fast, highly freely without interruption here is the result you need to achieve


Benefits of ginger? What diseases it cures?

10 years ago ginger for us was a gimmick - it is rarely even used as a seasoning for food. But - hurray! Now everything has changed, and a fragrant spice, finally, appreciated. More precisely the merits, which is a lot.

The combination of taste and medicinal properties, which has ginger, without exaggeration, is unique.

Lower the story about the culinary virtues of ginger, and focus on how effective it can be for health.


- Ginger strengthens the immunity, helps fight bacteria, protect against parasites

Also the spice is a good antioxidant

- Still - has a calming effect

- Improves digestion, promotes the production of gastric juice, digestion and secretion of stomach

- Ginger helps with pain in the stomach, colic

- Indispensable for colds, flus, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. First, ginger kills germs, and second, warms, third, fourth and so on - helps with sore throat, has expectorant, diaphoretic, tonic effect, relieves aching

Is ginger effective for allergies and asthma

- Helps in cases of poisoning, neutralizes poisons

- Lowers the amount of cholesterol

- Compresses, lotions, baths with ginger helps with muscle pain, delayed onset muscle soreness various injuries, rheumatism, relieve swelling

- In addition, ginger improves blood circulation of the brain, therefore are useful in reducing the health, memory problems, and other neurological disorders

- Tea made of ginger is a good anti - depressant

- Ginger relieves spasms, so that helps from a pain, including headache, dental and menstrual

- Promotes the excretion of toxins from the body

- Effective as a means of combating seasickness and motion sickness, also relieves morning sickness in pregnant women

- Ginger speeds up metabolism, thus helps weight loss

- Promotes better learning and more effective action of the other herbs and spices used in a particular recipe

- A nice bonus - ginger freshens breath, helps to get rid of unpleasant smell from the mouth, it is enough to chew a small piece of root

- In addition, ginger can be used as a component for cosmetics “hand made” masks for face and hair, it improves the conductivity of the skin

In the end, so you could see the benefits of ginger and its effectiveness as a medicine a few recipes.

Stomach pain

Making a decoction of ginger root (can use powder), elderberry flowers, peppermint and yarrow

From fatigue and delayed onset muscle soreness

Take ginger bath - boil a liter of water 2-3 spoons of ginger powder or a few slices of fresh spices, boil another 10 minutes. Pour the broth into the bath.

From indigestion

Dilute half a Cup of natural yogurt half Cup water, add to the 1\4 teaspoon ground ginger and nutmeg.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016


1.During the day drink at least 2 liters of fluid.
2. Of alcohol only some red wine.
3. Before Breakfast on an empty stomach to drink 1 glass of water with lemon and honey.Only through 20t minutes to Breakfast.
4. Drink water half an hour before a meal. During the meal nothing to drink. After eating to drink no sooner than 40 minutes
5. You need to eat about 4-5times a day.
6. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.After only water, green tea, fat-free yogurt.
7. To drink tea without sugar, with honey.Coffee without additives (such as cream, milk, sugar). It’s empty calories.
8. Potatoes not more than 2 times a week. And only boiled or baked form.
9. Grapes and bananas can wait the moment when you will lose weight.Also no more than 2 times a week.
10. Fasting day without harming the figure you can spend 1 day a week. Or 2, but not in a row! (For example Monday and Friday).
11.To make your cheating possible in that case, if the weight is within 2 months.
12. Never forget about the sport. Easy charging in the morning and evening. If you can not go to the gym, take it home. There are video tutorials. Come out to the stadium for a run.
13. The perfect time for sports - from 17.00 to 20.00
14. Never skip Breakfast!
15. For lunch, good soups, broths, salads, boiled not greasy meat, vegetables, fruit.
16.In the afternoon good: yogurt, salad, yogurt, boiled not greasy meat, vegetables.
17.for dinner good: light salad, cottage cheese, yoghurt or slightly steamed vegetables.
18.Fruits are best eaten in the morning.
19. And forget about fried foods.
20. Salads dressed with sour cream or natural yoghurt. Well, or oil.
21.Forget the semi-finished products, fast food, sunflower seeds, salted nuts, chips and stuff like that. Mayonnaise at all in the trash! Sweet water is impossible, if you want to lose weight. A sweet preferably a piece of black chocolate in the morning. Well, from fat, flour give up, if can not, then reduce to low. Cakes, cookies, muffins, no,no AND NO!
22.Eat in small portions.One meal is not more than 200 gr.
23. Take get a plate yourself and eat with a teaspoon. The first time will be hard, 7 days exactly, and then the stomach will shrink and you’ll eat less in General.


6 salads with NAPA CABBAGE!

1. The salad is Quick and tasty


- cabbage
- cucumber
- the onion
- sausage (who likes what)
- mayonnaise
- spices


1. Shinkuem cabbage (we Beijing, it tastier)
2. Cucumber cut into strips (I love that straw was bigger)
3. Sausage cut into strips
4. Onion cut into half rings
5. Add the mayonnaise, salt, pepper and all mix!
Our salad is ready!

2. Caesar Salad


- chicken breast (fillet)
- salad “Beijing”
- hard cheese varieties on your taste
- crackers
- tomatoes (1-2 PCs).

For the sauce:
- mayonnaise
- garlic
- green
- lemon


Cooking chicken. Here on Your taste you can just cook a can already cooked, lightly fry until Golden brown… Who he loves.

While the chicken is cooking, cut the cabbage into thin strips.

Cut tomato slices.

Grate cheese on a fine grater.

By this time the chicken is cooked. Take it apart into small pieces (along the grain).

In a blender grind the mayonnaise with a few cloves of garlic, herbs and a few drops of lemon until smooth. Trying - someone loves more-less garlic or lemon.
All this can be done manually.

Note: the salad we do not refill, serve the sauce separately, so that guests can pour salad in the plate. So the salad will retain its original appearance even during long feast. All right! Mix and salad is ready! Try.

3. Salad “arrows of Cupid” - just bomb, not a salad!

Super light, fresh, airy. Everyone who tried it loved it.

- ½ Head Chinese cabbage
- 300 g peeled shrimp cocktail (Royal will not work!)
- 12-15 crab sticks
- 1 jar of canned pineapple
- large ripe pomegranate
- mayonnaise

Shred the cabbage (no white part), chopped sticks (almost in the dust), finely chop the pineapple.

Mix shrimp, sticks, cabbage, pineapple and pomegranate. Mayonnaise and eat, swallow fork!

4. The Chinese cabbage salad

This salad is so delicious and easy, and most importantly, 10 minutes - and you have a gorgeous dish.
Peking cabbage 300 g
tomato 2 PCs
smoked sausage 100 g
boiled eggs 2 PCs
corn 100g
salt and pepper to taste
loaf 4 slices
Cabbage wash, dry, cut, mash with salt.
Tomatoes, eggs, sausage, greens cut. Add the corn.
Baton cut into cubes, dry in the pan.
Mix all ingredients except crackers, salt, pepper, mayonnaise. When serving sprinkle with croutons.
Bon appetit!

5. The Chinese cabbage salad with chicken


Cabbage - 300 g (polachan)
Chicken fillet - 1 PC
Cucumber - 1 PCs
Egg - 4 PCs
Green onions - 1 bunch
Salt, pepper, mayonnaise


1. Put to boil chicken (for flavor add the carrot, onion and Bay leaf. A broth we then used for soup)
2. Shinkuem cabbage
3. Finely crumble green onions
4. Cucumber, cut into julienne
5. After our chicken opened,cut small cubes. As well as boiled eggs and crumble them finely
6. All put in a salad bowl, stir,sprinkle with salt and pepper
7. Dressed with mayonnaise and serves a La carte.

6. Salad with Peking cabbage, chicken and croutons

Ingredients for salad
- cabbage
- eggs
- cheese
- bell peppers
- tomatoes
- slices of white bread
- chicken fillet
- dill
- salt, pepper
- mayonnaise

1. First prepare the croutons. Slices of white bread cut into small cubes and dried in the oven. Cool.
2. Chicken and eggs boil. Cut into cubes.
3. Tomatoes, peppers and cheese also cut into cubes.
Cabbage to break it.
4. All ingredients except crackers, mix, a little salt, pepper and mayonnaise. 5. Before serving, add croutons, stir again and sprinkle with chopped greens.
6. Eat immediately so the crackers won’t be softened.


It's 2 species of coffee that are grown in the world

It’s 2 species of coffee that are grown in the world. Other species are extremely rare or are not suitable for the preparation of the drink.

Key features types:
Arabica. Taste, taste and taste again. And flavor. Yes, the taste in your Cup creating the Arabica. This variety is significantly more expensive than Robusta because of the complexity of cultivation and because of their flavor characteristics. But that different varieties of coffee Arabica carries the flavors that we love in coffee.
Robusta. Caffeine and strength. The caffeine content in Robusta 2-3 times higher than in Arabica. Pure Robusta coffee has a bright taste, the drink is strong and bitter. Taste characteristics-dull, earthy taste.
Low cost due to ease of growing. Robusta is not afraid of pests that are resistant to bad weather. Requires much less care.
robust (English). - sturdy, strong, solid

Whether to drink Robusta? No. With a few exceptions. There are expensive varieties of Robusta, which have their own distinctive taste and some like it.
No matter what coffee guru, but Robusta mixed with Arabica in the first place to save. And let the people in the know report that the Italians drink a mixture of 20% Robusta and 80% Arabica, even in Italy coffee is a business. In business, an important saving.
roasted coffee beans Arabica

Whether to drink the mixture of Arabica and Robusta? If you’ve tried at least 10 varieties of Arabica and think you can understand delicious coffee or not, you can try a mix with Robusta. Otherwise, not worth it. First, enjoy a vivid variety of flavours of Arabica. In the end, first try a mixture of different arabik, which give absolutely amazing taste.

In what proportion it is possible to try the mix? Classic Italian blend is made from 20% Robusta and 80% Arabica. All mixtures where more Robusta - an attempt to save money. 20% Robusta will give the necessary strength, the foam, if you cook in an espresso machine and would lessen the acidity inherent in the Arabica.


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Amazing scrub your hands

Amazing scrub your hands. The skin after it like velvet!

1. Take sugar (preferably cane, it perfectly cleanses the skin, giving it softness and silkiness). The amount of sugar depends on how much scrub you want to do! About glasses (200gramm).

2. Add to it 1 tbsp. spoon of liquid honey. Well rubbing this scrub in the bath increases perspiration which comes out all nanigenai from the body!

3. The next ingredient is cocoa, for flavor and good mood. Pour about a half Cup (100 grams).

4. Add 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon. It is rich in antioxidants and tannins, it stimulates blood circulation and has anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the breakdown of fats. It nourishes and cleanses the skin, leaving it smooth and supple!

5. All components mix with the addition of 2 tablespoons of olive oil until mushy state.

6. And the final touch is a mild liquid soap (slightly, 1-2 tbsp. Soap is better to take with a subtle, not Intrusive odor, and which does not dry the skin.

7. Again all mix and put in a jar, where is our fragrant scrub.


How to treat nerve inflammation

Every adult man at least once in my life felt pain in the back. But not everyone knows how to deal with this problem.

It often happens that the illness is getting pinched or stretched sciatic nerve. The patients while suffering unbearable pain, accompanied by muscle weakness and General malaise.

Often this occurs at high physical loads and if the load was distributed properly. Today we will tell you about a useful tool that will eliminate pain after 5 minutes.

There are many plants that help to get rid of back pain and speed up the recovery process. One of these - Larkspur, or root of comfrey.

100 g of fresh roots of Larkspur
100 g of lard

Finely grind the root of the Larkspur, to the condition of slurry.
Mix the pulp of the root and lard.
Put the mixture to infuse for 24 hours in the refrigerator.
Apply small amount of ointment to the affected area 3 to 4 times a day, and a generous layer at night. A course of treatments is 5 days.

Remember that if jamming has occurred due to the displacement of the intervertebral discs, in any case can not be used warming. Consult a doctor who first put the drives in place. Be careful, comfrey has the ability to lower blood pressure, and it is contraindicated in pregnancy.


Monday, July 25, 2016

Exercises for fighting cellulite

🔹 Should start with squats, because they are almost instantly stimulate blood circulation. Stand up straight and extend your arms in front of him. Need to do 10 slow and deep squats.

🔹 Straighten up. Need one leg to put back, and the second bent at the knee. Slightly lean forward and both hands put on the knee and on each other. Remember to keep your back straight. Freeze for 10-20 seconds. Now on the other foot do the same exercise. 10 times repeat.

🔹 Now exactly lie on your back and inhale. Stretching his arms over his head, at the moment of exhale, pull forward the upper part of the body. As far as you can lean forward while leaning on your heels. Hold for 10-20 seconds in this position. Now fall back, inhale. Again repeat this exercise 10 times.

🔹 Again lie on your back. On your right knee place your left foot. Two hands pull up the right thigh. Within 20 seconds, this position must be kept. Try not to tear off the floor back. Repeat the exercise 4 times on each leg.

🔹 Now you need to roll over on your right side and your left elbow to lean on the floor. Left leg raised up and lowered without touching the right. Now, the same thing, but on the other side. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

🔹 Nishioka spread your legs and stand up straight. Knees slightly bend. Will viparita belly forward. The body weight move one leg. You need to hold this pose as long as it is reported, begin the muscles “burn”. For each leg repeat this exercise 3 times.

🔹 Standing upright with your feet as wide as possible. You need to perform proprietary so that the thigh was parallel to the floor and his feet formed a right angle. Hold for 20 seconds in this position. Repeat a few times.


Sprouted wheat treats the whole body

Sprouted or germinated wheat - not news, not a scientific discovery, it was used even in ancient times, people have accumulated a large experience of its use for prevention and treatment. Grain is a dormant body, which under the shell is a kind of stored energy to continue its kind.

This occurs at the time of germination - the birth of the new plant. This nature gives the most valuable to power Narodnogo a young plant that is in it: enzymes and other valuable substances. Using wheat germ, we eat the most important meal of nature.

Here he writes about wheat germ Explorer Eni Wagnor: “Conducted over 20 years, most experimental work fully confirms the effectiveness of the stimulating action of wheat germ, this natural elixir of life - on the coordination of the development of the human body at any age, for the organization of metabolism and the nervous system.”

Recently, researchers became aware that the wheat shoots are brilliant scavengers, they take a vital threat dumps, and blockages in the body, providing natural purity. They are able to dissolve the fibrin formed in the intestine, and protect you from the terrible disease - cancer.

That’s the conclusion of scientists and naturopaths about the benefits of eating wheat germ. Wheatgrass:

Regulate, restore and stabilize the proper action of the vital functions of the body at any age

Rejuvenate and stabilize all body systems.

Resolves a variety of tumors malignant and benign tumors, polyps, fibroids.

Enrich the blood with oxygen.

Increase endurance of the organism to oxygen deficiency.

Increase endurance to cold.

Quenched with various infections and inflammatory processes.

Excrete waste products of cells, poisons, excess cholesterol and other harmful substances.

Improve immunity.

Return visual acuity.

Heal wounds.

Restore hair.

Strengthen the entire cardiovascular system.

Promote active longevity.

Belgorsolod, pacify the soul of man.

Sprouts whole grains is helpful, but it is better to take wheat, which is the most useful for the treatment and prevention of substance and easy to prepare. Below are 2 ways of germination of wheat grains.

Method 1. For germination take 80-100 g of wheat, washed it in running water 2-3 times. The damaged and unripe grains are discarded. Washed wheat spread with a layer no more than 2-3 cm in porcelain or other dishes. Then pour this wheat with water so that the top layer of beans only touched the surface of the water. All this is covered with gauze. The main thing is to provide grain moisture, air and heat to 22 °. Through 24-30 hours, the wheat will show a little white sprouts. After they become a length of 2-3 millimeters, wheat should always be washed. This is sprouted wheat. For convenient use it to grind in a meat grinder or coffee grinder. Here’s a sprouted wheat chew slowly and carefully, for example, 1 teaspoon of chewing one minute, thus making 50-60 chewing movements. This is the main process of getting the body’s natural elixir, which is formed in the mouth.

Those who have sprouted wheat to chew with difficulty, unable to do so: crushed wheat add 1-1. 5 cups of water, stir until smooth, then squeeze, will wheat milk, which is also useful.

Method 2. In the evening pour 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat (portion for 1 person) and leave for the night. Take wheat durum. In the morning pour away the water, rinse the grain again to drain the water and put the jar at a 45 ° angle with the bottom facing upwards, after covering the jar with cheesecloth under the gum. Since the grains are soaked, they are distributed along the walls of the jar, and the gauze does not allow them to sleep. After a few hours, grain hatch, they should be rinsed, and ready. Similarly, it is possible to grow not only wheat, but other grains.


How to withdraw salt from the body?

A healthy human body is able to absorb salt extracted from food and water, and the excess output. But if the body is disturbed salt metabolism, heavy salts begin to be deposited in convenient places, and cause various diseases such as osteochondrosis and other diseases of the joints.

With the help of herbal medicine quite successfully to deal with the deposition of salts in the body.

1. Rice cleansing

The process of rice purification is quite simple. On the night pour 3 tablespoons of rice 1 liter of water. In the morning drain the water, pour fresh and cook for 5 minutes. Then the rice rinse, pour another portion of water and again cook for 5 minutes. And so do 2 more times. After 4 batches of rice to eat in the form of heat and 3 hours. Then eat a normal diet with the mandatory inclusion in the diet of dried fruits. Transparent, empty the rice in this case is not food, and medicine - he as the sorbent accumulates and excretes the salt.

The course of such purification 10 days.

Dried fruit can make the cake : scroll through a meat grinder 300 g of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, add a half of lemon and season it all with honey. Store this cake in the refrigerator and take 1 tbsp in the afternoon.

2. Saving Lavrushka

When cleaning the Bay leaf cannot be supercooled and should adhere to moderate exercise. Pour 0.5 liters of water 5 pieces of Bay leaf and simmer for 20 minutes. The resulting broth should be drunk in one’s throat 2 - 3 times a day. Because this method is very powerful method of cleansing the intestine is to take this decoction should be 3 - 5 days.

3. Cranberry infusion

To bring salt from the body will allow vegetable diet, and regular consumption of water infused with berries cranberries ( 1/3 capacity). Enter in your diet steamed vegetables - carrots, beets, celery, Kale, less potatoes. And replace his drink infusion of the berries cranberries.

4. Buckwheat - kefir diet

This method of extraction of salts from the body very popular in Finland. At night pour 2 tablespoons of ground buckwheat and 1 Cup of yogurt and eat the next morning. Only 5 days on the diet will help to significantly reduce the salt reserves, as well as help to lose weight.

5. Chinese pellet

In Chinese folk medicine uses this effective method of physical therapy, as a superimposition on the soles of the feet of clay pellets. Mix 2 tablespoons of clay with 1 tbsp of ground powder mixture of herbs chamomile, sage, yarrow ( taken in equal proportions) and apply on the center of the sole, where there are 60 active points. To keep these cakes need at least an hour. This procedure also helps with the leg edema and circulatory disturbance in organs of small pelvis.

6. Fruit broom

To be cleaned from salt deposits in the body will allow citrus cocktail 1 Cup orange juice with half Cup of lemon. Drink it in the evening, this drink is well relieves inflammation and clears blood vessels. Sometimes the orange can be replaced with black currant.


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Advice sisters

Tips hostesses.

- Calorie products from the batter will become lower, if half fat it replace twice the weight of low fat cottage cheese.
- If a third of the wheat flour to replace the potato you furnace the product will be easier and better will rise.
Immediately after baking, the edges of the cheesecake should be separated with a knife from the pan. If the cheesecake to remain in oven until cool, it will not fall and will remain lush and beautiful.
- Vypechennoe product with high sugar content will become more uniform brown color, if instead of sugar in the dough add powdered sugar.
- Sour milk added to the dough, and contributes to its loosening.
- If you are going to roast jacket potatoes, peel and cut it not later than half an hour before. Lightly wet the edges of the slices will be crisp in very hot fat.
- Yeast dough rises perfectly, if you add boiled and grated potato.
Fish covered with crispy, if you fry in margarine, which after warming up was lightly sprinkled with salt.
Green peas will cook faster if you add a pinch of sugar.
- Wash from the earth the spinach will be easier if you add in the water a handful of salt.
- If the cheese has turned sour, mix it with an equal quantity of milk and leave for 1 hour. Then the curds drain in the cheesecloth and let the milk drain out.
- Yeast dough will be more soft and airy, if you add boiled potatoes, grated on medium grater (2 potatoes 1 kg of flour).
- Sour cream is better off, put a bit of raw protein.
- If you need to cook the potatoes quickly, put in boiling water a tablespoon of margarine.
- Cooked meat will be juicier, if you put a large piece in boiling water, then cook over very low heat.
- Do not cook the fish on high heat - it gets tough and the broth cloudy. A whole fish is boiled in the amount of 15-30 min, and at boiling it is necessary to salt a bit more than when cooking meat and other foods. And that she retained the form, tie it with twine and lay belly down.
- So the meat is not burnt and does not become dry, put it in the oven a small vessel with water. The steam from the water will prevent the meat from burning and drying out.
- Peas, beans and lentils need to add salt only after water boils. If you do it sooner, they will stay hard even after long cooking.
- To improve the flavor of chicken broth, at the end of cooking add a slice of sweet pepper.
Cinnamon added to coffee, protects against multiple sclerosis, soothes nervous tension, caused by the change in the weather.
- The rest of the beef wash water can be used for watering flowers - they grow better and the leaves get more vivid color.
- When choosing margarine, please note that there was no inclusions of a different color and consistency.
- Roasted potatoes is crunchy, if you abide by the following terms: the fat in the pan should be well warmed up, the potatoes need to dry on a clean towel and salt to add when the dish is almost ready.
- If sunflower oil has become cloudy, put a bit of salt. After 2 days pour the oil into another bowl - the salt will remain on the bottom.
- If the lemon to hold in hot water for 5 minutes, juice it will make more.
- The milk will not burn if it is boiled in a pot with a thick bottom, first it was washed with cold water.
- Fried fish will taste better if it beforehand for 10 minutes put in the milk.
To the raisins not sink to the bottom of the dough, you must first sprinkle the raisins with flour.
- Beets will be easier to clean if, immediately after cooking to soak in cold water.
- If you add to molotow coffee, a whisper of salt, the taste of the brewed coffee will be better and on the surface will not have a thin layer of acid.
- Fresh fish does not smell of mud, of her, after cutting, should be placed in the solution for 5 liters of water 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tbsp. spoon with top of baking soda.
- Chicken broth is beautifully looked, 10 minutes before end of cooking, put in it half a beet.



- Wheatgrass

Substances contained in it strengthen the immune system and provide us with energy, purify the liver, kidneys, bladder, intestine; help to relieve swelling, heal wounds and ulcers; improve the condition of skin and hair.
Wheatgrass cleanse our body from years of “debris”, but this requires to use them at least a year. Relatively rapid changes occur with hair: they look better than after the use of expensive shampoos and masks.
Wheat sprouts prevention of dental caries, cancer, improve the body’s tone, soothe the nerves and improve sleep.

-Seedlings of oats

The seedlings of oats is very effective for many serious health problems: tuberculosis, diseases of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder, hepatitis, diseases of the thyroid gland. You can use them to recover faster after injuries and long illness: they restore immunity, strengthen muscles, normalize the stomach and intestines and update the composition of the blood. The latter property is very effective for the prevention of blood clots and the development of such dangerous diseases as thrombosis.

- Sprouted beans

Sprouted beans have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and astringent, promotes healing of wounds, improve skin condition and complexion; germinated peas useful for those who want to lose weight - it is low in calories, but fills it well.
Usually germinated chickpeas, called garbanzo beans, which has vitamins A, C, b group; there are manganese, silicon, iron, boron, potassium and calcium; high in fiber, carbohydrates, high quality proteins and amino acids.

The sprouts of barley

Very valuable seedlings of barley - they increase stamina, and lead to normal acid-alkaline balance. Their healing properties are explained by the activity contained in them of vitamins B12, K and C, provitamin A, zinc, copper, manganese, iron.

-Sprouted rye

Sprouted rye helps the body to actively resist microbes and viruses, improves elimination of sputum in diseases of the respiratory tract, normalizes the level of glucose in the blood, removes toxins and radionuclides, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and early aging.

-Sprouts pumpkin

Men, especially after 40 years, is a very useful pumpkin sprouts as they are rich in zinc and help to maintain prostate health. They also have a positive impact on the brain, genitourinary system, supply the body with high quality fats and proteins, vitamins C, E, b group; minerals - iron, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt, copper.

- Lentil sprouts

Lentils contain a lot of high quality protein, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, copper, vitamins F, E and group B. Vitamin C in its seedlings more than in any other product, because in the process of seed germination its content sharply increased 600 times.
Adults and children suffering from anemia and are prone to frequent bleeding, colds, bronchitis, sore throat and pneumonia lentil sprouts are particularly useful.

The seedlings of Thistle

Milk Thistle is known as a plant, regenerating and revitalizing cells of the liver. Its sprouts contain flavonoids is a very active substances that protect our cells; minerals, including selenium and zinc; vitamins A, E, F, K, and D. Their use improves the process of formation and excretion of bile, protects the liver from toxins and infections. Sprouts milk Thistle helps in the treatment of many diseases of the liver - both acute and chronic; allergies, colitis, hemorrhoids; reduce inflammation in the gall bladder and spleen, help dissolve and remove stones.




Still can’t move on to proper nutrition? View this clear and understandable step by step plan!

1. The classical scheme of proper nutrition
The first thing to remember is a clear standard scheme PP. It will allow you once and for all to learn what and when to eat throughout the day. So, in the classic sense of a healthy food we should have 5 meals.

B = Breakfast of complex carbohydrates and/or protein (oatmeal, long cooking, the guest of berries or nuts, muesli without sugar, fruit smoothies, scrambled eggs, etc.). Sweet, if you want, also it is best to eat it for Breakfast and up to 12 days.

First snack = depending on the density of Breakfast, it can be the guest of nuts, any fruit, some dried fruit, whole grain bread with curd cheese, etc.

Lunch = carbs + protein + fiber. For example, buckwheat with baked fish + vegetable salad.

Second snack = mainly protein or carbs a bit slow. Importantly, as in the first bite, to monitor the amount of servings. The snack should not be as large as lunch.

Dinner = protein + fiber. Fish/beans/eggs/cottage cheese + salad.
That’s all! Very simple and working model proper nutrition.

2. Make a shopping list.
Yes, you can as before come to the store, and add to the cart the usual set of products. But! We’re gradually moving on to proper nutrition, so be careful that the shopping list was fish, vegetables and fruits of different colors, greens, cheese, whole wheat bread, eggs.

3. Buy more greens
In continuation to the previous point, green should be a lot! It’s not 2 feathers green onions, and a full plate of different types of lettuce. You will definitely understand the feeling of vitality and freshness, which will give you the green “friends”.

4. Do not go to cafes and shops hungry
Well, this point is clear. Each of us have sinned to the fact that hunger is bought or ordered too many unnecessary and unwholesome food.

5. Replace the canned freeze
Pickled tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, pineapples from the banks - it’s all delicious, but the amount of salt and preservatives production should make you think. Instead, it is better to put in the basket a pack of frozen green beans and mixed vegetables. Modern fast shock freezing useful in enabling to keep the vitamins from vegetables and fruits.

6, Stop eating cooked food.
Yes, packages of dumplings, frozen pasties, ready-made dumplings and pancakes leave to someone else.

7. Discard the white bread
If you find it hard to imagine my dinner without him, it is best to choose whole-wheat flour, yeast-free pitas and such lightweight options.

8. Go for natural sugar
Honey and fruit to replace the candy and white sugar in tea. About the latter should not even think about! If the candy will still be expended a few calories to digest, then sweet tea will instantly enter the bloodstream and disrupt stability.

9. Try to abandon street-kapesni food
Gatherings with friends, of course, not prohibited. However, it is better not to eat out more often than every 2 weeks. But it is possible to choose more healthy food than before.

10. Buy small portions of “bad foods”
Immediately abandoning the bag of chips will not be for everyone. Therefore, in exceptional cases once a month, you can afford the chips, but…the small pack. Yes, much cheaper and more profitable, but we want to enjoy myself and not overeat.

11. Let healthy food is in sight!
Apples, bananas, wholesome cereal cookies the place in the center of the table! You shouldn’t bury them at the back of the fridge. May they always will be in the reach.

12. Do not count calories!
If you think that proper nutrition is scrupulous counting of calories and weighing every gram, you are wrong. The only thing you should care is the amount of portions. Believe me, you will eat half a plate of spaghetti, if you add to the diet fresh vegetable salad.

13. Drink water
Standard advice, but very important and decisive! Definitely need to ensure that the body receives the right amount of clean fluid.


Saturday, July 23, 2016

The healing properties of flax and recipes for weight loss

In flax seeds a rich composition of macro-and micronutrients (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, chromium, aluminum, Nickel, iodine, boron), flax seed concentrate selenium.

💠 Cold infusion of seeds of flax.
Gently stimulates bile and urine output, has a laxative and immunostimulant effect. Can be used for food poisoning.

Take 2-3 tablespoons several times a day in small SIPS.

💠 Laryngitis.
1 tablespoon of flax seeds pour 200 ml of water or milk, boil 10 minutes on slow fire, filter. Take the infusion of flax seeds, 2-3 tbsp. spoon in small SIPS in the morning and evening.

💠 For acute bronchitis with a dry irritating cough.
A mixture of 100 g of powder flax seeds and 500 g of honey take 1 teaspoon with warm water 8-10 times a day. After relieving cough added to the mixture 1 teaspoon of powder anise fruit, fennel and ginger. Take 4-6 times daily between meals.

💠 For healing wounds and burns.
The flax seed oil is mixed with the protein of raw eggs is 1:1, for mitigating and pain-relieving lotions.

💠 For expanding the blood vessels on the face.
To make cool masks from flax seeds, rinse with cold water.

💠 Chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.
To make linseed oil for 1 hour-1 tbsp. spoon 4-5 times a day before meals or during meals.


Broth of seeds of flax and used in folk medicine forms on the walls of the stomach lining film to prevent the fats in the body and flax seeds are increasing in volume and absorbing moisture reduce the feeling of hunger. Allowing you to lose weight flax seed cleanses toxins, enhances immunity, reduces the risk of cancer.

Adding flax seed to food easily get rid of couple of extra pounds, you need only 2 tablespoons of flax seeds per day and no diet is needed. Flax seed, ground or whole, can be sprinkled on cereal, add flax to salads, stews, vegetable and meat dishes, soups - they are easier to assimilate and become healthier minerals and vitamins will be ingested, and the extra pounds to leave, a double benefit, not a tool for weight loss to brag about this effect.

Flax seed oil nutritional value for the body surely takes the first place among other vegetable oils.

💠 Decoction of flax seeds

Decoction of flax seed essential folk remedy for weight loss. To prepare a decoction pour 2 tablespoons of flax seeds in an enamel pot 3 cups of water and on low heat simmer for 10 minutes, let the decoction to cool down len, you can do not strain. Take half a Cup of warm broth Flaxseed per hour before meals for flavor, you can add in flax seed pudding a little honey, a few drops of lemon juice.

To make an infusion of flax seed pour 2 cups boiling water in a thermos overnight 1 tablespoon of seeds. Strain in the morning, drink three times a day half an hour before meals in 100 ml of warm infusion.

Long-term use of decoction of flax seed banned for two weeks taking flax, then make a break for two weeks. These cycles take a decoction of flax seeds to 3 months, then make a 1 month break.

The broth will reduce appetite, aiding in weight loss, normalize blood sugar levels and improve the immune system, clears the skin, it becomes velvety and soft, the nails are strengthened, you begin to Shine the hair.
Vitamin cocktail with flax. To prepare a vitamin cocktail to grind in a coffee grinder 1 tablespoon of flax seeds, add a glass for freshly squeezed carrot juice and drive back the flax seed oil 1 teaspoon. Give the cocktail to Mature for 5 minutes, stir and drink immediately.

💠 A simple recipe for weight loss

ground flax seed is added to kefir or yogurt. Take this mixture 2 weeks, three times a day before meals for half an hour.
In the first week 100 ml of low-fat yogurt mixed with 1 teaspoon of crushed flax seeds in the second week flax seed in yogurt already added 2 tsp.

Make as a decoction of flax, with breaks in 2 weeks.


Friday, July 22, 2016

12 recipes from healers

- HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Tablespoon corn flour put on the bottom of the glass, fill to the top with hot water and leave overnight to infuse. In the morning on an empty stomach drink only water, the grounds do not stir.

- BRONCHITIS. 2 - 3 leaves mother and stepmother cook in half a liter of milk, strain, add a pinch of fresh lard. Infusion drink a coffee Cup in the evening before bed.

- BRONCHITIS IN CHILDREN. Two raw eggs fry in lard and sprinkle with salt. When they are cool, put them on the night of the breast to the child.
In the head of the red onions cleaned from the husk, make a hole, in which put a teaspoon of sugar. Daily, until healed, the child must eat thus prepared, a small onion.

- ASTHMA. 40 heads pearl onion brew with boiling water and hold until then, until soft. Then put them in 0.5 liters of olive oil and mash. Take this puree in the morning and evening for 1 tablespoon before eating.

- ACUTE GASTRITIS. 200 grams of plantain leaves small (with narrow oblong leaves) for 5 minutes boil in half a liter of pure grape raki (or vodka). Broth strain and, when cool, pour into a bottle. In the morning, take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach one hour before lifting. During treatment, in no case can not smoke.

- PAIN IN THE LEGS. In a large enamelware cook a bundle of red and white clover. When the broth has cooled, strain and add 1 tablespoon kerosene. In this mixture of steam feet 3 to 4 nights in a row.

- VARICOSE VEINS. In the early morning before sunrise, walk around in pure cotton socks in the dewy meadow, to socks well soaked with dew. Don’t take them off - let them dry on your feet.

Within 10 days bandage with easy pork, cut into slices. One or more similar patches can be sprinkled with gray, and is also applying to the affected area. The bandage should be kept on all night.

Green walnuts, put in an enamel vessel and pour them with olive oil. Vessel leave in the sun not less than 40 days. Lubricate sore spots the present mixture.

- INFLAMMATION OF THE FACIAL NERVE. Glow in the fire needle and light tingling touch the skin of the face first to the healthy part, then to the patient. Light skin burns quickly pass, leaving no trace.

- ECZEMA. Clean affected areas of the skin grease with liquid, which in may formed the seeds of the elm. In addition, the patient poured the broth from a bouquet of wild flowers.

Washed sore spots, lubricate a tampon soaked in the mixture, which is prepared from coffee Cup of vegetable oil and a handful of vinegar.

FUNGUS ON THE FINGERNAILS. Make some strong coffee and repeatedly immerse hands in his infusion, but do not stir the precipitate. This remedy also cures the fungus on the feet, relieves pain in the feet and ankles helps to get rid of thick peeling skin on the feet. You repeat the procedure several nights in a row, the fungus completely disappears, the skin becomes smooth and pain disappear.

FUNGUS ON THE TOES. Well washed the feet, immerse in a strong wine vinegar. Sleep in clean socks soaked in this vinegar.

- INFLAMMATION OF THE OVARIES. Cook forest hay in a suitable vessel and place the patient over steam. The procedure is repeated every day until the cessation of inflammation. Forest hay can be replaced with cabbage, boiled in milk.

Unwashed fleece drench with hot water and place the patient over steam.


Use baked onions

Onion has a strong antibacterial action, know it all. Fresh onion juice with honey to treat bronchitis and pneumonia, relieve cough. Poultice of grated onion help with pain in the ears and can even lower the body temperature, if you put them on your feet.

But few people know that is useful not only fresh, but also baked onions. During heat treatment it does not lose its beneficial properties, on the contrary!

✔ Grilled onions will allow to cope with the ulcers and long nonhealing wounds! You bake the onion right in the skin and attach to the sore spot until they get better.

✔ You must use a baked onion in the treatment of boils. Warm onion compress to keep the affected site for 20 minutes a day. Very soon the boil will disappear!

✔ Thanks to the roasted onions can cure even hemorrhoids! Packs of onions have antibacterial properties and help skin tissues to regenerate quickly.

✔ Grilled onions, it is often necessary to eat all, anyone have problems with blood clotting. After a heart attack or stroke this bow it is recommended to eat daily!

✔ It is very important to introduce food to bow to your menu people suffering from diabetes or having a predisposition to spikes in blood sugar. You can eat onion in addition to main dishes, and you can spend a full treatment onion or eat it on an empty stomach every morning.

The effect is noticeable already after a week, and all thanks to the wonderful composition of this vegetable: sulfur and iron in baked onions help to normalize the level of glucose in the blood and maintain the proper functioning of the pancreas and liver.

✔ When used in a baked onion improves the condition of patients with hypertension and atherosclerosis. The bow helps the vessel to be cleansed, gets rid of atherosclerotic plaques, prevents spikes in blood pressure.
No wonder I always loved the taste of baked onions in a variety of dishes ! After baking in the oven from the bow just disappear essential oil, fresh onions which give specific taste and smell. But the advantage remains…

Choose bulbs of the average size to prepare a medicinal baked onions - they contain the most valuable minerals! Tell your friends about this extremely healthy.


Cheese cake and good sweet

on 100gramm - 139.97 kcal B/W/Y - 23.38/0.86/10.16

Skimmed milk 250 g
Low-fat cottage cheese 250 g
Orange 1,5 PCs.
Oat flakes 100 g
Sachet of gelatin

1. Oat flakes pour a pre-sweetened milk, but a little bit.
2. Distribute this sticky mixture on the form.
3. The rest of the milk to mix with cottage cheese (in blender, for example).
4. Dissolve with stevia and add.
5. Orange good wash and grate the zest, but a little too. You only need to remove the top orange layer. It is necessary for orange smell, which will block the smell of the gelatin.
6. Gelatin to prepare according to the instructions, carefully pour in the curd of milk, and then the entire mixture is poured into the form.
7. To put our cheesecake in the gelatin in the refrigerator for a few hours and then decorate with orange.

Bon appetit!


Thursday, July 21, 2016

White light is dangerous to your health !

Scientists have found that led and halogen lamps are dangerous to health, because they reduce the production of melatonin - the hormone which regulates the biological clock, but also has immunostimulant and antitumor activity.

Long known that artificial white light, which in reality is blue, suppresses the secretion of melatonin. It is dangerous for health, because this hormone is responsible for the biological clock exerts a strong influence on the immune system and in addition prevents the development of in the body of tumors. The degree of harmful impact of artificial white light on human health is increasing and is associated with widespread radiating his lamps in living rooms, on the street, in offices, stadiums, etc.

In the study, researchers examined how strongly inhibit the secretion of melatonin in various types of lamps. The unit was adopted the result of the sodium lamps with high pressure. Compared to standard halogen lamps 3 times stronger than inhibit the formation of melatonin, and led lamps reduce the secretion of this useful hormone is more than 5 times more active.

Referring to extracted results, the researchers urge the governments of the countries, is not indifferent to the welfare of its citizens, to amend legislation, which would restrict the penetration of harmful led and halogen lamps.


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Right menu for 3 days

Day 1:
- 2 eggs (boiled/steamed)
- Cucumber, tomato
- Piece of whole grain bread with curd cheese
Herbal tea

- Cottage cheese 1% 150 grams, half banana/person berries, cinnamon to taste
- Brown rice/buckwheat + vegetables
2 patties of chicken fillet baked
- Fruit/nut 10
Salad with fresh vegetables 250 grams, coffee spoon of oil
- Baked or boiled lean meat/fish 150 gr

Day 2:
- Oatmeal (50 grams of Hercules pour boiling water, cover for 5 minutes, add a teaspoon of honey,berries/fruits/seeds)
- Herbal tea/green
Second Breakfast:
- Yogurt 100 g
- 1 Apple/pear or 150 grams of fruit
- pasta of durum 150 g/pea porridge/millet/buckwheat
- beef/chicken goulash 100 g
- vegetable salad
- curd pudding 150 g (cheesecakes)
- Greek salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, olives,cheese)
- Oven baked meat/fish 150 gr

Day 3
- Omelette of 2 eggs with herbs (oil - half a teaspoon)
- Herbal tea/green
- Wholegrain bread with cheese
- Vegetable soup 200 grams
- 1 egg
- Cheese or yogurt 150 grams + cinnamon to taste
Baked fish with fresh vegetables
Proper nutrition will not only lose weight but also to maintain a stable weight. It all depends on servings and calories. Bon appetit!


Seroglazka with mushrooms in yogurt

🔸on 100gramm - 70.17 kcal🔸B/W/Y - 12.05/1.69/1.76🔸

300-400 g chicken breast
0,5 pieces lemon
1 clove of garlic
100 ml natural yoghurt
300 g of fresh mushrooms
salt, black pepper

For a start, the chicken breast should be cut into pieces of 3-4 cm the resulting pieces should recapture a little salt and pepper. Mushrooms cut into cubes. Over high heat heat a large frying pan and grease it slightly with olive oil. It is necessary to put the chicken and fry it for 8-9 minutes on high heat (slices need to periodically turn).
Now we need to heat up another frying pan and fry the mushrooms. There also squeeze out the garlic. After roasting large pieces of garlic can be safely discarded. You need to fry them for 8-10 minutes on maximum heat. After you remove the pan from the heat and set aside. In a small bowl squeeze the lemon. The chicken should be sprinkled with juice. The mushrooms evenly put on the meat. Add the yoghurt.
You need to wait until the sauce becomes thick, but not letting it boil, i.e., a very small fire. Leave the bacon with mushrooms for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, on very low heat.

Bon appetit!


I press this point on your finger, and the pain will go away

I press this point on your finger, and the pain will go away.

The inhabitants of some Eastern countries believe that almost any pain is a result of the fact that the human body is disturbed energy flow. There is a point on the palm of your hand, pressing on which you can get rid of the pain. According to them, this point helps to reduce the pressure and normalize the General condition of a person. Don’t believe? Did you check it!

If you don’t feel well, then feel on the pad of his middle finger right or left hand this point. It is very painful. You’ve got to push on it for about a minute. You can push a thumb nail and a ballpoint pen. After you will feel relief and you have a clearer mind.

Rumor has it that this method is also used in military medicine, when people need fast feet.
It may seem incredible, but this method really works.


Carrot-Apple soup

Carrot-Apple soup.
🔸on 100gramm - 27.94 kcal🔸B/W/Y - 0.55/1.43/3.42🔸

Carrots - 6 PCs.
Onion - 1 PC.
Leek - 1 stalk
Ginger - 2 cm
Garlic - 3 cloves
Apple - 1 PC.
Olive oil - 30 ml.
Vegetable broth - 1.5 liters.

1. To start, peel the carrots and the Apple, cut in large pieces. Finely chop the onion, ginger, garlic.
2. In a saucepan fry in olive oil the onion until transparent, add the ginger and garlic for another 3 minutes and can be removed. Meanwhile, the soup must reach a boil. Add fried onions and cook for 2 minutes.
3. It’s time to add the carrots and Apple. Need to boil until cooked carrots - pierce it with a fork, if comes easily - you’re done! Drain most of the broth in a separate container (it may still be useful). And the immersion blender preroute soup. If you think he’s too thick - just add a ladle of the broth and continue to work with blender. The result is a homogeneous, very tender and flavorful mixture.
What can I say, first time through the recipe I was unsure of the result. Not only is there a ginger and Apple, so it must be converted to puree. But once again, try and this recipe will remain in your piggy Bank. Agree, cooking is very simple, and taste excellent.

Bon appetit!


6 drugs of Kalanchoe

6 drugs of Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe is very widely used not only in national but also in occupational medicine. Spend a little time and effort, you can make such pharmaceutical preparations, which by their qualities are not inferior to even the most publicized and expensive.

1. Ointment
40 ml of juice of Kalanchoe, 0.25 g of furazolidone, 0.25 ml 2% novocaine and about 100 g of anhydrous lanolin. All carefully mix. Store at room temperature.

You can handle any wounds, treat bedsores, fistulas. It quickly relieves acute pain, is of great help for frostbite, boils, skin rashes, eczema. In cosmetology ointment Kalanchoe is used to combat acne and spots on the face and varicose veins of the lower extremities.

2. Tincture
0.5 l bottle filled with chopped leaves, then it is poured 70% alcohol. Close and place in a dark place for a week. Periodically shake. Ready infusion is filtered and poured into another container, store in the fridge.

Used for varicose veins, purulent inflammation of the nail bags (panaritiums), mastitis, diseases of the mouth and pustular inflammation.

3. Gruel from the leaves
The leaves pass through a meat grinder with a large grille. Squeeze out the juice. The mixture is placed on folded in several layers of cheesecloth and apply to the area of the body that needs treatment. Gruel from the leaves of Kalanchoe is the basis for lotions and poultices.

Great helps stop minor bleeding, relieves toothache and other pain. Copes with purulent infection and itching of the skin. And as claimed by traditional healers, accelerate healing of stitches and wounds.

4. Juice
Fresh juice pretty quickly disappears. So you can either apply it immediately or to implement stabilization - the exposure of green plants in the fridge 7 days before you squeeze the juice. Then, to preserve his 20 % alcohol.

It is an indispensable tool in the treatment of arthritis, conjunctivitis, periodontal disease, burns, septic wounds, stomatitis, gingivitis, arthritis. It perfectly regulates the body’s metabolic processes, has anti-inflammatory, cleans wounds and speeds up healing. On average, the treatment Kalanchoe juice lasts 15 to 20 days.

Kalanchoe juice can be used as an excellent preventive measure during influenza epidemics: to lubricate the mucous membranes of the nose, or instilled into each nostril a few drops. In diseases of the oral cavity it is applied to mucous membranes in the form of applications 3 times a day.

5. Infusion
Place chopped leaves in an enamel bowl and pour boiling water in the ratio: for external use only - 1:5, for internal 1:10. Then cover with a lid and place in a water bath for 15-20 minutes.

Infusion to treat varicose veins, burns, purulent wounds. Can be used in the form of lotions for skin diseases, inflammation of the eyelids, gums, gargle. It helps with gastritis with low acidity and chronic colitis: drink 1 tbsp. spoon for the month for 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

6. Extract.
A freshly prepared infusion is filtered and placed in a water bath, evaporate it to half the original volume.

Extract Kalanchoe is an indispensable medicine for inflammation of the gums, chronic tonsillitis. He copes with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Clean the tonsils and do not get sick

Many of us now addicted to the cleansing of the body. We clean the liver, intestine, kidney, these organs seem to us particularly important and in need of care. But there is in our organism and a more modest but no less important organs. And now on the eve of season of cold I want to tell about the cleansing of the tonsils. Nature has provided the tonsils as a protective structure in the way of penetration into the organism of various infections, but sometimes protection fails.

The literature describes more than 80 diseases associated with the toxic lesion, located in the inflammation of the tonsils: diseases of ENT-organs, the teeth, nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, spine, digestive tract, and many others. Interestingly, after removal of tonsils health is not always getting better.

Many problems due to the fact that the structure of the tonsils resemble a sponge. Absorb the sponge is everything: the liquefied food, microbes and bacteria. Once in a favorable environment, bacteria start to multiply rapidly. The body cannot prevent this expansion and immediately sets in motion white blood cells - leukocytes that penetrate into the tubules of the tonsils (gaps) and make there a fairly active battle. Dying, the participants of the battle create special enzymes, which seemed to “melt” the tissue of the tonsils themselves, and form a purulent bags. But not as bad. People, without knowing it, are constantly “squeeze” clogged cavity during swallowing movements, yawning, tension of the neck muscles, turning of the head. So one of the ways of cleansing the tonsils and sore throat exercise is the “lion pose”. If interested, you can compare the color of the language before and after the procedure. Of course, plaque and better clean off, ideally - a silver teaspoon.

Running the exercise: inhale and hold your breath. Widely open your mouth, stick out your tongue as far forward as possible and down to the chin. Simultaneously tuck your chin to your sternum. Perform until as enough breath. Repeat at least three to five times per 1 approach.

In addition to “lion posture”, I would recommend the other exercises. They are especially useful after removal of tonsils.

A very simple exercise “ring”: the mouth is closed, the tip of the tongue pushing against the sky turns back as far as possible and locked into position - tighten the muscles of the larynx and neck; the focus is on the muscles of the neck, larynx and tongue. Keeping the muscles in tension need, what gives the possibility of arrested breathing. To make some approaches. After you rinse a throat with salty water.

Also beneficial will work smooth turns and head tilts forward, back and sides with binding of the head at the end of the turn. Such elements are “embedded” in a recreational gymnastics. Regular exercise help to get rid of headaches, reduce double chin. When feeling better, the tonsils can be cleaned for prevention.

Now let’s talk about the results. I use these simple priemiere fourth year and main achievement I consider that in all this time, my throat never hurt. Light colds - Yes, I admit, was a serious problem. Son I have in the winter almost every month angina suffer, the doctors offered to remove tonsils, but I refused. Began to start cleansing, especially as the child is treatment more tablets like, exercise even fun to do. And the results are there. So I decided to write - you sure you want my advice.


Fitness pizza: use in every piece!

on 100gramm - 101.59 calories

Chicken fillet - 220g
Egg - 1 PC
Tomato - 1 piece
Leeks - 50 g
Bell pepper - 1/3 PCs
Olives - to taste
Cheese - 3 tablespoons
Salt, pepper, seasoning - to taste
Greens - to taste

To make minced meat of the two chicken. Add to the minced egg, stir well, season with salt and pepper.
Preheat the oven to 200 °.
Take the form with borders for a future pizza, it needs to cover the parchment/foil. If you use refractory glass form with borders, pave the bottom is no need.
Distribute the stuffing evenly on the bottom of the form, the height of the layer approximately 1 cm Place the shape with the stuffing in the oven for 15-20 minutes.
Meanwhile, chop the tomatoes, leeks, olives, diced - pepper. Grate cheese on fine grater. Chopped greens.
After baking chicken cake to remove it from the oven and spread it with layers of the vegetables in the bottom layer the tomatoes on top - leeks, peppers and olives). Sprinkle with grated cheese. Place in oven for 10 minutes.

Bon appetit!


Sunday, July 17, 2016

9 secrets of awakening in the morning: activate the metabolism in 30 minutes!

1. Drink warm water with lemon

If you just woke up and haven’t decided what to do, drink some water. With lemon. Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon juice, you will cleanse the intestines and start the process of metabolism.
Squeeze juice from lemon slice into a glass of warm water.

2. Wake up 30 minutes early

If you get up early for you - a real test, try still to “pull myself together”. Get yourself a habit to set the alarm for 30 minutes earlier than my usual rise time. Early awakening inherent in us by nature itself, so it is important for the metabolism to synchronize the biological clock with real time.

3. Jump

After you Wake up jump! Rope or not, but 5 minutes of jumping jacks will cause the lymph to circulate in the body faster, cleansing it of the toxins that have accumulated over night.

4. You better stretch

Morning stretching is very important for all muscle groups, joints and spine. Can run it right beside the bed after jumping. Perfectly refreshing, and a lot of time not require: enough 5 minutes!

5. Squat

To speed up metabolism after stretching propriety, 10 - 20 times will be enough. After a daily morning workout health improves significantly.

7. Drink a Cup of herbal tea

In herbal tea lots of antioxidants, substances that accelerate the metabolism. After a brisk Wake-up the need for coffee is no longer, but tea is a great solution.

8. Bring something to eat

Big breaks between meals, have a negative impact on metabolism. Sticking with something for a snack before lunch: dried apricots, nuts, yeast-free crackers or an Apple.

9. Don’t forget the water

Water is a key element of proper operation of all systems of the body. Experts say that the moment a person feels thirsty, his body is already dehydrated. Therefore, to replenish their water reserves regularly.

Try to keep a bottle of water was always at hand. Soon the regular drinking will become a habit, and you will certainly feel the positive changes.

Start every morning with the observance of these simple rules and weight loss will soon leave with your agenda. Metabolism incredibly accelerated


Green smoothie

Green smoothies. Variations💚

✔ Spinach + kiwi + banana

Very refreshing smoothie that will give you energy for a long time. Spinach will fill the body with vitamins and minerals. Do not forget that it is perfectly cleanses the body from harmful substances.
Add the spinach with 1 banana and kiwi. First, you will give the drink an incredible taste, and secondly, you get a very hearty and delicious Breakfast.

✔ Avocado + cucumber + Apple + ginger

It’s not just a drink but a full meal. Due to the high content of monounsaturated fat in the avocado, this smoothie is nutritious. The flesh of the avocado in their properties can compete with the products of animal origin.
Add the avocado, Apple and cucumber to give freshness, as well as a few pieces of ginger to give an incredible aroma. This drink protects your immune system. Besides, in a few hours you will forget about hunger.

✔ Apple + avocado + green salad + kiwi

A drink made from apples, avocados and kiwi are surprisingly good can Supplement the fresh lettuce leaves. With a very low calorie (salad is among the ten most dietary products) it has properties recovery of metabolism and detoxification. And it has a lot of iron.

✔ Cucumber + parsley

A great easy drink for the evening. Cucumber is 90% water, so due to this property, this smoothie is perfect for use in hot weather. But if you add a few sprigs of parsley, you get an amazing combination of freshness and use.
The unique properties of parsley include its rich chemical composition. In 100 grams of the plant contains two daily allowance of carotene and vitamin C, which sometimes is not enough in hot weather.

✔ Avocado + Kale + spinach

It is believed that this smoothie more than any other helps to cleanse the body. Cabbage contains easily digestible protein, sugar and lots of fiber. In combination with nourishing avocado and no less useful it turns out spinach is a very nutritious drink.

✔ Apple + lime + cucumber

Lime not just promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body, but also has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves overall health, improves mood.
Lime smoothie combined with cucumber and Apple - a very refreshing and invigorating drink. Perfect for an early Breakfast.

✔ Pepper + lemon juice

At first glance, this is a pretty unusual combination. However, a happy to fill with salads, which include pepper, lemon juice. It is quite satisfying and easy.
Found in green pepper vitamins to help fight stress, soothe, improve memory. If you feel chronic fatigue, this smoothie is what you need.

✔ Broccoli + Apple + lime

To overestimate the beneficial properties of broccoli impossible. In this cabbage high protein content, which makes it great for vegetarians. In addition, broccoli is a great substitute for meat, when in hot weather do not want to eat heavy food.
Broccoli is an excellent dietary product, which removes from the body salts of heavy metals. In combination with Apple and lime will be very interesting drink that you can drink in the evening.

✔ Kiwi + cucumber + pineapple + lemon

The combination of the usual vegetables and sweet fruit - the key to a tasty result. Contained in pineapple biologically active substances endowed with its unique healing properties: it stimulates digestion, promotes weight loss and rejuvenation of the body.
Pineapple increases blood levels of serotonin, blunting hunger, but it also removes excess fluid. Coupled with lemon, cucumber and kiwi you’ll get a real vitamin charge.

✔ Celery + Apple

Perhaps this is the most common green smoothie. Celery is a great toning product. It is believed that celery removes toxins. It is low in calories, has soothing properties, and this can be very useful under heavy loads and in hot weather. Drink celery and Apple is perfect for Breakfast and for dinner.


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