http://medicine-art.tumblr.com12 recipes from the healers.✔ HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Tablespoon corn flour put on the bottom of the glass, fill to the top with hot water and leave overnight to infuse. In the morning on an empty stomach drink only water, the grounds do not stir.✔ BRONCHITIS. 2 - 3 leaves mother and stepmother cook in half a liter of milk, strain, add a pinch of fresh lard. Infusion drink a coffee Cup in the evening before bed.✔ BRONCHITIS...
Sunday, July 31, 2016
48 pairs of drugs with identical composition but very different price Keep✔ 1. Nurofen (120rub) = Ibuprofen (10 rubles) 2. Zantac (300rub) = Pancreatin (30rub) 3. No-Spa (150rub) = Drotaverine hydrochloride (30rub) 4. Panadol(50rub) = Paracetamol (5руб) 5. Belosalic (380руб) = Akriderm SK (40rub) 6. Bepanten (250rub) = Dexpanthenol (100 rubles) 7. Betaserc(600rub) = Betahistin (250rub) 8. Bystrumgel ’ (180rub) = Ketoprofen (60rub) 9. Voltaren (300rub) = Diclofenac (40rub) 10. Gastrozol...
Chinese beauty mask made with honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly reduces the appearance of age spots
Unknown5:33 PMappearance, beauty, chinese, evens, honey, nourishes, reduces, regular, spots, starch, visibly, which
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http://medicine-art.tumblr.comChinese beauty mask made with honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly reduces the appearance of age spots. Ingredients: - 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably liquid) - 1 teaspoon of starch - 1 teaspoon of salt Honey and starch to mix to a uniform whitish color. Add a teaspoon of crushed sea salt (it can be replaced with ordinary iodized salt). It is kneaded. If the skin is hypersensitive or very...
Granny rubbing
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comMy grandmother at 82 years old had no idea what a pain in the joints, heaviness in the legs, aching in the spine. And the reason is her miraculous rubbing. Truly, the best tools I have myself experienced. Ill like the neck, so much so that even sitting for a long time could not, and grandma offered me their miracle-rubbing. Do not believe it, after 2 days I felt so relieved, like a bag of stones had fallen from his shoulders....
Saturday, July 30, 2016
50 interesting facts about the person
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com50 interesting facts about the man.1. The only part of the body that has no blood supply is the cornea of the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air.2. Capacity of human brain exceeds 4 terabytes.3. To seven months a child can breathe and swallow at the same time.4. Your skull is composed of 29 different bones.5. When you sneeze all body functions stop, even heart.6. The nerve impulse from the brain moving at...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comGELATIN. WRINKLES WILL NOT!(From myself: first I got in the salon health this mask was made by a woman 65 years old, we already gasped, looking at its freshness).Did you know that gelatin, due to its constricting effect, beauty salons use “mechanical” masks for pulling up of the cheeks and second chin.Also gelatin is used in shampoos as a protein Supplement, tools for strengthen your nails and, of course, in cosmetic...
Hidden gymnastics Vorobyov
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThis gym will take you exactly 6 minutes, but it should be done every hour.This is very simple, because the exercises can be performed lying, sitting, standing, walking, in the workplace, at the kitchen table - anywhere.But the first 3 days are the hardest, because they have to be every hour to force myself.From the author: Randomly in one of logs saw the complex of this gym and decided to try it. After 2 weeks, a miracle!,...
This dish of zucchini deserves a 5 : tastier meat
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIngredients:Young zucchini 2-3 pieces.Filling:- walnuts-0.5 cups- parsley -½ beam- garlic 2-3 cloves- olive oil -1tbsp.l.Preparation:Zucchini wash,cut into large pieces,season with salt and allow to drain the juice. Fry in sunflower oil over high heat in a large frying pan so that the zucchini was in 1 layer. The zucchini are fried, not made and crisp, just what we need.Prepare the filling:Nuts grind with a rolling pin,...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comMy grandmother at 82 years old had no idea what a pain in the joints, heaviness in the legs, aching in the spine. And the reason is her miraculous rubbing. Truly, the best tools I have myself experienced. Ill like the neck, so much so that even sitting for a long time could not, and grandma offered me their miracle-rubbing. Do not believe it, after 2 days I felt so relieved, like a bag of stones had fallen from his shoulders....
Friday, July 29, 2016
The influence of women's voices in a man
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe influence of women’s voices in a man…Research psychologists have established that the male perceives the female voice differently than men. He hears, first of all, in a female voice sound and immediately notes the meaning of words. After all representatives of a strong half of mankind to decipher the female voice is the part of the brain that processes the sound of music.Psychologists have long determined that attractiveness...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThere is 1 very simple and incredibly effective recipe of traditional medicine, which will bring blood pressure back to normal, well at least for a couple of years. And besides, he is not worth a dime. How do you mean?So, the composition of decoction: take 5 tablespoons of pine needles, 2 tablespoons hips and 2 tablespoons of onion peel. Pour it with 1 liter of cold water, bring to boil and simmer on low heat under a...
Recommendations for use of essential oils for various skin problems face:
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Dry, sensitive skin: sandalwood, patchouli, Jasmine, rose, myrrh, blue chamomile.2. Oily skin: bergamot, grapefruit, Melissa, lemon, rosemary, fir cones.3. In the mixture under the eye: rose, Jasmine, rosewood, pine, geranium, Myrtle, ginger, carrot, lavender, fennel, patchouli, incense, sandalwood4. Vitaminization of the skin: orange, verbena, spruce, and rosewood.5. Cleaning pores: grapefruit, ylang, lemon, marjoram,...
Thursday, July 28, 2016
Jump rope:benefits and harms
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comUSE: 1. Jumping rope work out the many muscles that are not normally loaded. When you jump 15 minutes without a break, in the morning, even in people who exercise regularly, will make your muscles sore. 2. Exercises with a rope, which is very important to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. It’s a great cardio workout for people of all ages. 3. Skipping rope develops endurance and stamina. Exercises with a rope will...
Benefits of ginger? What diseases it cures?
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com10 years ago ginger for us was a gimmick - it is rarely even used as a seasoning for food. But - hurray! Now everything has changed, and a fragrant spice, finally, appreciated. More precisely the merits, which is a lot.The combination of taste and medicinal properties, which has ginger, without exaggeration, is unique. Lower the story about the culinary virtues of ginger, and focus on how effective it can be for health.So:-...
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1.During the day drink at least 2 liters of fluid.2. Of alcohol only some red wine.3. Before Breakfast on an empty stomach to drink 1 glass of water with lemon and honey.Only through 20t minutes to Breakfast.4. Drink water half an hour before a meal. During the meal nothing to drink. After eating to drink no sooner than 40 minutes5. You need to eat about 4-5times a day.6. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.After...
6 salads with NAPA CABBAGE!
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. The salad is Quick and tastyIngredients:- cabbage- cucumber- the onion- sausage (who likes what)- mayonnaise- spicesPreparation:1. Shinkuem cabbage (we Beijing, it tastier)2. Cucumber cut into strips (I love that straw was bigger)3. Sausage cut into strips4. Onion cut into half rings5. Add the mayonnaise, salt, pepper and all mix!Our salad is ready!2. Caesar SaladIngredients:- chicken breast (fillet)- salad “Beijing”-...
It's 2 species of coffee that are grown in the world
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIt’s 2 species of coffee that are grown in the world. Other species are extremely rare or are not suitable for the preparation of the drink.Key features types:Arabica. Taste, taste and taste again. And flavor. Yes, the taste in your Cup creating the Arabica. This variety is significantly more expensive than Robusta because of the complexity of cultivation and because of their flavor characteristics. But that different...
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Amazing scrub your hands
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comAmazing scrub your hands. The skin after it like velvet! 1. Take sugar (preferably cane, it perfectly cleanses the skin, giving it softness and silkiness). The amount of sugar depends on how much scrub you want to do! About glasses (200gramm).2. Add to it 1 tbsp. spoon of liquid honey. Well rubbing this scrub in the bath increases perspiration which comes out all nanigenai from the body!3. The next ingredient is cocoa,...
How to treat nerve inflammation
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comEvery adult man at least once in my life felt pain in the back. But not everyone knows how to deal with this problem.It often happens that the illness is getting pinched or stretched sciatic nerve. The patients while suffering unbearable pain, accompanied by muscle weakness and General malaise.Often this occurs at high physical loads and if the load was distributed properly. Today we will tell you about a useful tool...
Monday, July 25, 2016
Exercises for fighting cellulite🔹 Should start with squats, because they are almost instantly stimulate blood circulation. Stand up straight and extend your arms in front of him. Need to do 10 slow and deep squats.🔹 Straighten up. Need one leg to put back, and the second bent at the knee. Slightly lean forward and both hands put on the knee and on each other. Remember to keep your back straight. Freeze for 10-20 seconds. Now on the other foot do...
Sprouted wheat treats the whole body
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comSprouted or germinated wheat - not news, not a scientific discovery, it was used even in ancient times, people have accumulated a large experience of its use for prevention and treatment. Grain is a dormant body, which under the shell is a kind of stored energy to continue its kind.This occurs at the time of germination - the birth of the new plant. This nature gives the most valuable to power Narodnogo a young plant...
How to withdraw salt from the body?
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comA healthy human body is able to absorb salt extracted from food and water, and the excess output. But if the body is disturbed salt metabolism, heavy salts begin to be deposited in convenient places, and cause various diseases such as osteochondrosis and other diseases of the joints.With the help of herbal medicine quite successfully to deal with the deposition of salts in the body.1. Rice cleansingThe process of rice...
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Advice sisters
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comTips hostesses.- Calorie products from the batter will become lower, if half fat it replace twice the weight of low fat cottage cheese.- If a third of the wheat flour to replace the potato you furnace the product will be easier and better will rise.Immediately after baking, the edges of the cheesecake should be separated with a knife from the pan. If the cheesecake to remain in oven until cool, it will not fall and will...
THE MIRACLE OF SPROUTS Wheatgrass Substances contained in it strengthen the immune system and provide us with energy, purify the liver, kidneys, bladder, intestine; help to relieve swelling, heal wounds and ulcers; improve the condition of skin and hair.Wheatgrass cleanse our body from years of “debris”, but this requires to use them at least a year. Relatively rapid changes occur with hair: they look better than after the use of expensive...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comGO ON A PROPER DIET.Still can’t move on to proper nutrition? View this clear and understandable step by step plan!1. The classical scheme of proper nutritionThe first thing to remember is a clear standard scheme PP. It will allow you once and for all to learn what and when to eat throughout the day. So, in the classic sense of a healthy food we should have 5 meals.B = Breakfast of complex carbohydrates and/or protein...
Saturday, July 23, 2016
The healing properties of flax and recipes for weight loss
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIn flax seeds a rich composition of macro-and micronutrients (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, chromium, aluminum, Nickel, iodine, boron), flax seed concentrate selenium.💠 Cold infusion of seeds of flax.Gently stimulates bile and urine output, has a laxative and immunostimulant effect. Can be used for food poisoning.Take 2-3 tablespoons several times a day in small SIPS.💠 Laryngitis.1 tablespoon...
Friday, July 22, 2016
12 recipes from healers HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Tablespoon corn flour put on the bottom of the glass, fill to the top with hot water and leave overnight to infuse. In the morning on an empty stomach drink only water, the grounds do not stir.- BRONCHITIS. 2 - 3 leaves mother and stepmother cook in half a liter of milk, strain, add a pinch of fresh lard. Infusion drink a coffee Cup in the evening before bed.- BRONCHITIS IN CHILDREN. Two raw eggs...
Use baked onions
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comOnion has a strong antibacterial action, know it all. Fresh onion juice with honey to treat bronchitis and pneumonia, relieve cough. Poultice of grated onion help with pain in the ears and can even lower the body temperature, if you put them on your feet.But few people know that is useful not only fresh, but also baked onions. During heat treatment it does not lose its beneficial properties, on the contrary!✔ Grilled...
Cheese cake and good sweet
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comon 100gramm - 139.97 kcal B/W/Y - 23.38/0.86/10.16Ingredients:Skimmed milk 250 gLow-fat cottage cheese 250 gOrange 1,5 PCs.Oat flakes 100 g SteviaSachet of gelatinPreparation:1. Oat flakes pour a pre-sweetened milk, but a little bit. 2. Distribute this sticky mixture on the form.3. The rest of the milk to mix with cottage cheese (in blender, for example).4. Dissolve with stevia and add.5. Orange good wash and grate the...
Thursday, July 21, 2016
White light is dangerous to your health !
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comScientists have found that led and halogen lamps are dangerous to health, because they reduce the production of melatonin - the hormone which regulates the biological clock, but also has immunostimulant and antitumor activity.Long known that artificial white light, which in reality is blue, suppresses the secretion of melatonin. It is dangerous for health, because this hormone is responsible for the biological clock...
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Right menu for 3 days
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comDay 1:Breakfast:- 2 eggs (boiled/steamed)- Cucumber, tomato- Piece of whole grain bread with curd cheeseHerbal teaSnack:- Cottage cheese 1% 150 grams, half banana/person berries, cinnamon to tasteLunch:- Brown rice/buckwheat + vegetables2 patties of chicken fillet bakedSnack:- Fruit/nut 10DinnerSalad with fresh vegetables 250 grams, coffee spoon of oil- Baked or boiled lean meat/fish 150 grDay 2:Breakfast:- Oatmeal (50...
Seroglazka with mushrooms in yogurt🔸on 100gramm - 70.17 kcal🔸B/W/Y - 12.05/1.69/1.76🔸Ingredients:300-400 g chicken breast0,5 pieces lemon1 clove of garlic100 ml natural yoghurt300 g of fresh mushrooms salt, black pepperPreparation:For a start, the chicken breast should be cut into pieces of 3-4 cm the resulting pieces should recapture a little salt and pepper. Mushrooms cut into cubes. Over high heat heat a large frying pan and grease it slightly with...
I press this point on your finger, and the pain will go away
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comI press this point on your finger, and the pain will go away. The inhabitants of some Eastern countries believe that almost any pain is a result of the fact that the human body is disturbed energy flow. There is a point on the palm of your hand, pressing on which you can get rid of the pain. According to them, this point helps to reduce the pressure and normalize the General condition of a person. Don’t believe? Did...
Carrot-Apple soup
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comCarrot-Apple soup.🔸on 100gramm - 27.94 kcal🔸B/W/Y - 0.55/1.43/3.42🔸Ingredients:Carrots - 6 PCs.Onion - 1 PC.Leek - 1 stalkGinger - 2 cmGarlic - 3 clovesApple - 1 PC.Olive oil - 30 ml.Vegetable broth - 1.5 liters.Preparation:1. To start, peel the carrots and the Apple, cut in large pieces. Finely chop the onion, ginger, garlic.2. In a saucepan fry in olive oil the onion until transparent, add the ginger and garlic...
6 drugs of Kalanchoe
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com6 drugs of Kalanchoe.Kalanchoe is very widely used not only in national but also in occupational medicine. Spend a little time and effort, you can make such pharmaceutical preparations, which by their qualities are not inferior to even the most publicized and expensive.1. Ointment40 ml of juice of Kalanchoe, 0.25 g of furazolidone, 0.25 ml 2% novocaine and about 100 g of anhydrous lanolin. All carefully mix. Store at...
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Clean the tonsils and do not get sick
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comMany of us now addicted to the cleansing of the body. We clean the liver, intestine, kidney, these organs seem to us particularly important and in need of care. But there is in our organism and a more modest but no less important organs. And now on the eve of season of cold I want to tell about the cleansing of the tonsils. Nature has provided the tonsils as a protective structure in the way of penetration into the organism...
Fitness pizza: use in every piece!
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comon 100gramm - 101.59 caloriesIngredients:Chicken fillet - 220gEgg - 1 PCTomato - 1 pieceLeeks - 50 gBell pepper - 1/3 PCs Olives - to tasteCheese - 3 tablespoons Salt, pepper, seasoning - to tasteGreens - to tastePreparation:To make minced meat of the two chicken. Add to the minced egg, stir well, season with salt and pepper.Preheat the oven to 200 °.Take the form with borders for a future pizza, it needs to cover the...
Sunday, July 17, 2016
9 secrets of awakening in the morning: activate the metabolism in 30 minutes!
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Drink warm water with lemonIf you just woke up and haven’t decided what to do, drink some water. With lemon. Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon juice, you will cleanse the intestines and start the process of metabolism.Squeeze juice from lemon slice into a glass of warm water.2. Wake up 30 minutes earlyIf you get up early for you - a real test, try still to “pull myself together”. Get yourself a habit to set...
Green smoothie
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comGreen smoothies. Variations💚✔ Spinach + kiwi + bananaVery refreshing smoothie that will give you energy for a long time. Spinach will fill the body with vitamins and minerals. Do not forget that it is perfectly cleanses the body from harmful substances. Add the spinach with 1 banana and kiwi. First, you will give the drink an incredible taste, and secondly, you get a very hearty and delicious Breakfast.✔ Avocado + cucumber...