Wednesday, July 20, 2016

6 drugs of Kalanchoe

6 drugs of Kalanchoe.

Kalanchoe is very widely used not only in national but also in occupational medicine. Spend a little time and effort, you can make such pharmaceutical preparations, which by their qualities are not inferior to even the most publicized and expensive.

1. Ointment
40 ml of juice of Kalanchoe, 0.25 g of furazolidone, 0.25 ml 2% novocaine and about 100 g of anhydrous lanolin. All carefully mix. Store at room temperature.

You can handle any wounds, treat bedsores, fistulas. It quickly relieves acute pain, is of great help for frostbite, boils, skin rashes, eczema. In cosmetology ointment Kalanchoe is used to combat acne and spots on the face and varicose veins of the lower extremities.

2. Tincture
0.5 l bottle filled with chopped leaves, then it is poured 70% alcohol. Close and place in a dark place for a week. Periodically shake. Ready infusion is filtered and poured into another container, store in the fridge.

Used for varicose veins, purulent inflammation of the nail bags (panaritiums), mastitis, diseases of the mouth and pustular inflammation.

3. Gruel from the leaves
The leaves pass through a meat grinder with a large grille. Squeeze out the juice. The mixture is placed on folded in several layers of cheesecloth and apply to the area of the body that needs treatment. Gruel from the leaves of Kalanchoe is the basis for lotions and poultices.

Great helps stop minor bleeding, relieves toothache and other pain. Copes with purulent infection and itching of the skin. And as claimed by traditional healers, accelerate healing of stitches and wounds.

4. Juice
Fresh juice pretty quickly disappears. So you can either apply it immediately or to implement stabilization - the exposure of green plants in the fridge 7 days before you squeeze the juice. Then, to preserve his 20 % alcohol.

It is an indispensable tool in the treatment of arthritis, conjunctivitis, periodontal disease, burns, septic wounds, stomatitis, gingivitis, arthritis. It perfectly regulates the body’s metabolic processes, has anti-inflammatory, cleans wounds and speeds up healing. On average, the treatment Kalanchoe juice lasts 15 to 20 days.

Kalanchoe juice can be used as an excellent preventive measure during influenza epidemics: to lubricate the mucous membranes of the nose, or instilled into each nostril a few drops. In diseases of the oral cavity it is applied to mucous membranes in the form of applications 3 times a day.

5. Infusion
Place chopped leaves in an enamel bowl and pour boiling water in the ratio: for external use only - 1:5, for internal 1:10. Then cover with a lid and place in a water bath for 15-20 minutes.

Infusion to treat varicose veins, burns, purulent wounds. Can be used in the form of lotions for skin diseases, inflammation of the eyelids, gums, gargle. It helps with gastritis with low acidity and chronic colitis: drink 1 tbsp. spoon for the month for 2 times a day half an hour before meals.

6. Extract.
A freshly prepared infusion is filtered and placed in a water bath, evaporate it to half the original volume.

Extract Kalanchoe is an indispensable medicine for inflammation of the gums, chronic tonsillitis. He copes with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


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