Sunday, July 10, 2016

Nicotinic acid for hair ✔

Have you always dreamed of thick and beautiful hair, but by nature they are weak and grow slowly? Then you can help nicotinic acid.

✔ Nicotine or nicotinic acid?

Many will be surprised, but nicotinic acid has nothing to do with cigarettes. Actually, it’s 1 component of the b-complex, vitamin PP. It is also called nicotinamide or Niacinamide. The effect of nicotinic acid on the hair has long been known and is widely used in combating hair problems. By the way, we’re talking about a solution for injection. It is sold in ampoules, 10 ampoules in packing. As for the cost, it is more than reasonable and is in the range of 40 rubles. Of course, some manufacturers produce similar products under different names, increasing their cost. But why pay more?

✔ The action of nicotinic acid.

Nikotinova acid is often included in pet shampoos, masks and other hair products. It stimulates hair growth by acting on hair follicles by stimulating blood circulation under the skin. It is scientifically proven that vitamin PP moisturizes hair and promotes the production of pigment. In addition, Niacin helps with hair loss.

✔ Benefit or harm?

Of course, each person has their own reaction to applied on the hair of nicotinic acid. So to her, as any vitamin, should be treated with caution. For example, such hair treatment may not be suitable for hypertensive patients or people with allergies. People suffering from these diseases often mark the emergence of a strong headache and redness after application of nicotinic acid. Therefore, there is a need for consultation with the doctor. In addition, if you are actively losing hair, it may be associated with other diseases in the body. Then nicotinic acid for hair you will not be allowed. You don’t have allergies, and you have decided to experience the miraculous power of the drug? First, read the instructions, paying particular attention to the column “Contraindications”.

✔ Mask with nicotinic acid.

How to make a mask with nicotinic acid? The mask should be applied on washed hair. The liquid looks like water and does not stain hair, but after the procedure it is necessary to wash off. (Some do not wash off).

✔ For the mask you need:

Nikotinova acid 1-3 vials
Additional funds (no add): herbal extracts, aloe Vera juice or ginger
All of this mix (two ampoules add a table spoon of infusion) and apply it on the scalp. Leave for an hour or two, then wash off. After applying the mask should feel some heat, it shouldn’t cause discomfort.

✔ Featured course.

Such masks should be done in courses: 7 days, break for a month. Although many people prefer to treat your hair for 2 weeks and then take a break. You can try a course of ten treatments that you need to do in a day. The main thing to remember is that the treatment is purely individual. Need to monitor their overall health and condition. If there are no side effects - you can continue. If you experience dizziness, redness, headache - treatment should be stopped, the hair and scalp a good wash and consult a doctor.

✔ The pros of the use of nicotinic acid.

- Nicotinic acid in ampoules quite comfortable to put on hair without assistance
- You can use vitamin a as a mask, and it is possible - in combination with the infusions or extracts
- Treatment with nicotinic acid not noticeable to others, unlike mustard or onion masks
- Nikotinova acid does not dry the scalp

✔ Who will allow nicotinic acid for hair?

If you do not suffer from any serious diseases, but you have weakened hair, which is quite active fall out when washing, you are likely to will help mask with nicotinic acid. Many people with such problems noted significant positive effect of nicotinic acid on the hair already after the first course, which resulted in a significant decrease in the number vypadenii hair when washing, brushing and holding the hair. In addition, increased hair growth. Their length began to increase 1 inch per week! You see, the result is impressive.


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