Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Cheat sheet on cosmetic clays

Cheat sheet on cosmetic clays. Add to remember:)
So, the clay can be white, blue, green, red, yellow, pink and black.

WHITE CLAY - also called kaolin (named place of Kaolin in China, where it was discovered. Is included with almost all care products for oily skin, as it has a light color and, like any clay, high absorbing capacity. Suitable for thin, needs restoration of the skin, and for acne, oily. Effectively cleans and nourishes the skin. As this type of clay useful for brittle hair, nourishes hair follicles, helping to create a strong hair shaft. Restores hair on all length. Can be used as a body mask. Tightens the skin, when used regularly, small wrinkles, prevention of aging, skin is toned up.

BLUE CLAY - one of the most common and available types of clays. According to some studies, it biofield corresponds to the human biofield. If this sounds somewhat mystical, it is a real fact is that the composition of the blue clay is most closely similar to the mineral composition of human skin. Components of clay are well accepted by our skin. The use of this clay is recommended to owners of normal skin and not threatened its dryness. It is effective under a variety of wraps - including cellulite. Relieves fatigue and muscle tension, improves emotional state, sleep. Hair also useful the regular mask with blue clay. They nourish hair with essential minerals, removes excess sebum, strengthen hair, nourish the follicles with oxygen, promote the growth of healthy and beautiful hair.

GREEN CLAY is the most preferred for oily and combination skin. Traditionally, it is a good absorbent and exfoliating cleanser. Whitens skin, tightens pores. Perfectly mattes. Hair can also be used as a good cleansing mask that will exfoliate dead skin cells, refreshes the scalp, removes excess sebum. In addition, like any clay, nourishes and tightens the skin, reduces wrinkles and inflammation.

RED CLAY is applied when irritated, prone to rashes, allergies, skin. Its action is quite soft, it soothes a skin, reduces inflammation, nourishes the skin with the missing minerals. Red clay is used for dry, dehydrated skin. It allows dull and sluggish skin. This type of clay improves blood circulation, promotes greater saturation of skin with oxygen. It is also used lack of iron in the body.

PINK CLAY is obtained by mixing red and white clay. This view is useful for dry skin, but can be applied to any type, as it nourishes and moisturizes the skin, helps to smooth wrinkles, refresh the skin. This type of clay is not recommended for use as a hair mask and for face and body is an excellent means of care.

YELLOW CLAY is rich in potassium and iron and has a bright, unusual color. It is especially good in the care of oily, acne prone skin. As well tightens and tones sluggish skin which needs to be tightened. Often used in anti-cellulite body wraps, slimming and tightening sagging skin. Masks for hair with yellow clay is used to impart Shine to hair, because of its unique mineral composition.

BLACK CLAY is often used for oily skin. Effective for getting rid of acne and pimples. The mask of good pull grease and dirt from the pores, mineralizer, tighten the skin, are dried inflammation. It is also used in anti - cellulite care- masks, body wraps.


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