Thursday, July 14, 2016


Smooth, velvety skin with narrow pores and a delicate blush - craze, crowding even panic because of the wrinkles. Become the owner of this treasure is not as difficult as it seems.

✔ Care

➕ Wash cold mineral water, but only with gas. Bursting bubbles stimulate circulation. Squeeze into water a little lemon juice to narrow pores.

➕ In my youth enlarged pores is a consequence of the increased sebum, but with age, the cause of getting parakeets. In other words, violation of cell renewal of the epidermis that accumulate not only on the skin surface and pores, deforming and expanding them. The solution? Exfoliating products salon peels and the infamous means for the T-zone.

➕ Kefir, black bread crumbs, lemon juice has long been used to narrow pores. They share one thing - acidic environment. It is adequate exfoliation of Horny cells of the skin. But to look in the fridge is only in the case at hand is not a good exfoliating agent.

➕ Facial scrub seems too rude? Mix it with make-up remover.

➕ If faced with acne, add your usual cream serum for problematic skin. But refrain at this time from red clothing, red lipstick and bright blush to not highlight the flaws.

➕ Mask of cosmetic clay (white, green, etc.) are well purified and narrow pores. But if the skin is dry, don’t keep them on the face until dry. Or apply locally.

✔ Makeup

➕ If cream add a few drops of firming serum, he gains the lifting properties. If matting, the tool will tighten the pores. A moisturiser will make the tone brighter and more transparent.

➕ Do not apply radiant funds on areas with enlarged pores is their accents. Use in these zones convergent primers, matte tone and powder.

➕ Bronzing powder can also emphasize pores. Use it dosed. But not drop completely off. Especially that it can replace the shadow or eyebrow pencil.

➕ But the peachy-pink blush, on the contrary, divert attention away from imperfections and give the face freshness. Blend in not only on the apples of the cheeks, but in the region under the eyebrows and on my chin (of course, quite a bit).

➕ Do not apply concealer directly to the skin. First masnica it on the back part of the brush, and then take the tool with your fingers. But only pure, not those that gained product
➕ Always apply concealer on the nose. There is more black spots, spider veins and other imperfections. Besides, vysvetlit this area, you will erase from the face of five years. After all, the shadow of the nose is added the age.

✔ Moments

➕ You want the skin instantly fresher? Bend over and count to thirty. Fresh, blush, glitter eye guaranteed. Bonus - clarity of thought, as the blood rushed to his head.

➕ Apply a little bit of “Visine (or other eye drops) on a cotton pad, put in freezer. And after 5 minutes apply to the inflamed areas. After 3 minutes, the skin will calm down and brighten. Just kick in and aspirin moistened with water. It helps even herpes (“cold”) on the lips.

➕ Whipped in a cool foam egg white was and still is a great “parasagittal”. Brush over the problem areas or entire face. Allow to dry (at this point the skin like “cal”), rinse with cool water, apply cream.


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