Monday, July 11, 2016


1. Move more! Keep yourself in good physical shape. If possible, engage in sports clubs, go to the pool. If not - try to do exercises every morning. Cheerful and active viruses is not terrible.

2. Take antiviral drugs that you can buy at any pharmacy, but remember that it can be done only after consultation with your doctor. In the period of the epidemic taking these drugs reduces the risk of influenza and SARS in 7-9 times.

3. More walk in the fresh air - it’s a simple procedure will solve the basic question of how to raise immunity. Hiking for 20-30 minutes each day enriching the blood with oxygen, relieve emotional stress and strengthen the nervous system, helping us resist disease.

4. A good night’s sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation greatly compromises immunity, especially the immunity of the child and bad for the health. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

5. Walk on the massage Mat, which can be purchased in drugstores barefoot for 3-5 minutes every day. On the feet there are many singular points. The impact on them will force the body to work as it should.

6. Smile more! Not so long ago, psychologists made an interesting discovery. It turns out that positive people get sick less often than pessimists.

7. Use the herbal medicine. Echinacea is an excellent remedy, stimulating the immune system. The infusion should be taken during the month 1-2 tsp. before meals 2-3 times a day.

8. Take a contrast shower. This procedure strengthens the immune system (immune system), improves blood circulation and helps keep blood vessels toned, but do not forget that high blood pressure, heart disease and blood are contraindications. Every day in the shower wait 10-15 seconds under hot water, then 10-15 seconds under cold. Repeat 3-5 times alternating. After a shower RUB well the skin with a towel.

9. Avoid stress. The nervous shake negatively affect the work of all organs. From the emotional overload suffering and the immune system. After a hard day take 30-40 minutes to any thing that gives you pleasure.

10. Eat vegetables and fruits. Best of all, our body assimilates the vitamins and minerals that is supplied not in the form of tablets and in its natural form - vegetables and fruits. Especially useful for immunity foods rich in zinc, iron and vitamin C: lemons, beans, rose, cabbage, black currant, onions, prunes and apples.

11. Go to the bath (of course with a healthy heart and normal pressure). This therapy dilates blood vessels, improves circulation of blood and lymph, so the body of toxins faster, and increases immunity.


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