Monday, July 11, 2016

8 effective tips on how to sleep for 4-5 hours!

💤 1. To relax before sleep (no need to go to sleep along with all your worries and problems - to do this, select 10-15 minutes to think about something beautiful or listening to soothing music).

💤 2.Not to burden the stomach at bedtime and do not overeat at night (otherwise, the body will expend all their energy not on their own recovery, and digesting food).

💤 3. For special accessories - relaxing pillow with herbs (especially suitable for this hop cones), blindfold and earplugs, if necessary.

💤 4. Take a warm shower before bed (this is not only a means of hygiene, but also a good “flushing” of accumulated per day information, impressions and emotions - water is best “takes” them, relaxing the body).

💤 5. Sleep under a warm blanket (in the cold people poured much worse than warm).

💤 6. To develop a strong addiction to 5-hour sleep (usually adaptation to a similar rhythm occurs on average 1 month).

💤 7. Choose 1 day a week (preferably weekdays), when you can safely sleep “in store”, ie a bit longer than usual (8 hours).

💤 8. Go to bed before 24:00 - during this period the human body faster and best of all gets enough sleep (two hours of sleep after midnight are equal to one until midnight - this drew the attention of Paul Bragg).

All of these rules take into account, primarily, of 3 basic components of quality and healthy sleep: the organization of sleeping place, sleeping and mood for it.


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