Monday, July 11, 2016

10 interesting facts about coffee

10. Dry facts
Every year the planet consumes more than 500 billion cups of coffee. The coffee industry employs over 25 million people. Coffee is 1 of the most consumed products in the world. According to statistics, more than coffee, humanity only buys the oil.

9. Coffee - thanks to the goats
It happened in the 11th century in the area of Kaffa, South-West Ethiopia. Eating the leaves of the coffee tree goats were so excited that even the shepherds noticed this. They decided to try the leaves themselves to understand the secret of goat happiness. Then came up to eat his grain. And a world-favorite beverage.

8. Coffee is against nagmani
At least, so it is recommended that the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Samuel Collins, his court physician. It was in 1665, and from this time begins the history of coffee in Russia. A noble drink had been prescribed to king as a tool against nagmani, cold and globaline”. And in the East with coffee has long been treating eye diseases, scurvy, and gout. There he noticed that coffee speeds up the thought and a cheerful heart”.

7. Coffee saved the brothers from the death penalty
Twin brothers inevitably would be executed by beheading if king Gustavus 3 not try to invent for them another method of execution. He decided for example to check 2 identical body will react to tea and coffee. This glorious experiment was to show finally, which of the two drinks is harmful. So the twins were given daily for 3 cups: one to tea, the other coffee. But alas, the king could not wait for the moment when harmful drinks will kill a Guinea criminals. King was killed in battle. And then came the turn of the doctors, watching the twins. And they all lived and lived. The one whose drink was tea, died at age 83, and his brother who consumed coffee a few years later. So, thanks to the miracle experiment have been brothers for many years, though serving a life sentence, but enjoying drinks on a daily basis.

6. Coffee - marital debt of the Arab
Coffee the consistency was a criterion for a successful family life for the ancient Arabs. The husband had to be able to prepare the couple for coffee and to be able to pay for her coffee needs. If the husband was not ready for such minimum, but the most important requirements, the spouse could receive from the legitimate divorce.

5. Coffee for a genius
The real abuse was the love for coffee by Honore de Balzac, who drank about 60 cups daily. Such a dose could not affect his health. But since it helped him to create, the writer could not give up coffee, although he admitted in later years that all his ailments - from drink. Slightly behind him, and Voltaire, who was said to have drank 50 cups of coffee. A great lover of coffee was Beethoven. Created great works of the Maestro, misleading, always brewed coffee from equal amounts of coffee beans - 64 for a Cup. I must say, quite strong coffee loved Beethoven. For comparison, a Cup of espresso takes 42 coffee beans.

4. It is possible even to bathe
More precisely, of course, take a bath with coffee. Do that in Japan. There is a special coffee mix in the pools or baths heated to 60 °. 20 minutes in a tub of return good even the most weary person. A “coffee-sauna” in Tokyo in pool placed 13 tons of coffee mass heated.

3. Oh…
It turns out that the most expensive and delicious coffee is produced, how shall I say… manure piles. But of course, not every handful, and only one of those that leaves an extremely rare animal named Luwak, living only on the Islands of Java and Sumatra. And what’s wrong with that? In the stomach lyuvak all sterile - because it feeds solely on the coffee. Moreover, caring about the coffee, the Luwak selects only the best fruits, process of their unique the gastric juice, and - get your money ready, foodies! Because 450 grams of coffee, called Kopi Luwak, costs $75 - a record price for the already expensive drink.

2. Coffee in bed
Caffeine stimulates the part of the brain responsible for sexual arousal. So the coffee lover in addition to everyday enjoyment of your favorite beverage, get the erotic force. Discovered that those who frequently drink coffee, and having sex more often those who does not like coffee. They get the pleasure sharper.

1. To the answer!
In Naples tried coffee. Prosecutors were made by the pharmacists, given the testimony of 12 witnesses. One of the articles of charges was that coffee breaks worsen the productivity. But fortunately, coffee is in all respects met the most stringent and experienced lawyers Italian universities. Pharmacists reminded that coffee stimulates the brain and Central nervous system, helps to cope with fatigue and productivity is therefore, on the contrary, increases.


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