Thursday, July 28, 2016

Jump rope:benefits and harms


1. Jumping rope work out the many muscles that are not normally loaded. When you jump 15 minutes without a break, in the morning, even in people who exercise regularly, will make your muscles sore.

2. Exercises with a rope, which is very important to strengthen the heart and blood vessels. It’s a great cardio workout for people of all ages.

3. Skipping rope develops endurance and stamina. Exercises with a rope will help to “put “the breath. If you suffer shortness of breath, a workout on the skipping rope really help you.

4. Jump rope, which is very important for women, will help to remove cellulite. When we jump, strengthen muscles of the buttocks and thighs. Exercise rope this shake problem areas, massage with the effect of lymphatic drainage.

5. Another benefit of the rope is the weight loss. Jumps burn a lot of energy in a short time. Hour class burns 700 calories. It’s a little less when you run.


1. People with obesity 1 and 2 degrees, with heart disease and varicose veins harder on the rope can only be allowed when the attending doctor.

2. You also need to jump strongly to people with scoliosis osteochondrosis, diseases of joints.

3. You can’t jump rope to women in the state and in the period of menstruation.

4. For headaches, migraines benefit from jumping will not, the pain will only intensify.

5. Never jump on a full stomach.


1. Women need to be sure to protect the chest. High jumps can negatively affect form. Therefore, women with large forms during class, you need to wear good supportive bust.

2. Barefoot jumping is not necessary, as the injured foot. To do better in sneakers.

3. Don’t jump rope on a very hard floor, such as concrete, it is best to lay the Mat.

4.Jumping rope should be done on two legs. Try not to land on the heel and the entire foot. Better to land on the forefoot, the heel should be off the floor.

5. Correct jumping soft and light, it is not necessary to land on the floor with a crash, as if dropped something heavy.

6. Legs may be slightly bent at the knees, straighten them and keep tense is not necessary. Aiming for a quick and high jumps without stopping. Easy and fast, highly freely without interruption here is the result you need to achieve


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