Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Clean the tonsils and do not get sick


Many of us now addicted to the cleansing of the body. We clean the liver, intestine, kidney, these organs seem to us particularly important and in need of care. But there is in our organism and a more modest but no less important organs. And now on the eve of season of cold I want to tell about the cleansing of the tonsils. Nature has provided the tonsils as a protective structure in the way of penetration into the organism of various infections, but sometimes protection fails.

The literature describes more than 80 diseases associated with the toxic lesion, located in the inflammation of the tonsils: diseases of ENT-organs, the teeth, nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, spine, digestive tract, and many others. Interestingly, after removal of tonsils health is not always getting better.

Many problems due to the fact that the structure of the tonsils resemble a sponge. Absorb the sponge is everything: the liquefied food, microbes and bacteria. Once in a favorable environment, bacteria start to multiply rapidly. The body cannot prevent this expansion and immediately sets in motion white blood cells - leukocytes that penetrate into the tubules of the tonsils (gaps) and make there a fairly active battle. Dying, the participants of the battle create special enzymes, which seemed to “melt” the tissue of the tonsils themselves, and form a purulent bags. But not as bad. People, without knowing it, are constantly “squeeze” clogged cavity during swallowing movements, yawning, tension of the neck muscles, turning of the head. So one of the ways of cleansing the tonsils and sore throat exercise is the “lion pose”. If interested, you can compare the color of the language before and after the procedure. Of course, plaque and better clean off, ideally - a silver teaspoon.

Running the exercise: inhale and hold your breath. Widely open your mouth, stick out your tongue as far forward as possible and down to the chin. Simultaneously tuck your chin to your sternum. Perform until as enough breath. Repeat at least three to five times per 1 approach.

In addition to “lion posture”, I would recommend the other exercises. They are especially useful after removal of tonsils.

A very simple exercise “ring”: the mouth is closed, the tip of the tongue pushing against the sky turns back as far as possible and locked into position - tighten the muscles of the larynx and neck; the focus is on the muscles of the neck, larynx and tongue. Keeping the muscles in tension need, what gives the possibility of arrested breathing. To make some approaches. After you rinse a throat with salty water.

Also beneficial will work smooth turns and head tilts forward, back and sides with binding of the head at the end of the turn. Such elements are “embedded” in a recreational gymnastics. Regular exercise help to get rid of headaches, reduce double chin. When feeling better, the tonsils can be cleaned for prevention.

Now let’s talk about the results. I use these simple priemiere fourth year and main achievement I consider that in all this time, my throat never hurt. Light colds - Yes, I admit, was a serious problem. Son I have in the winter almost every month angina suffer, the doctors offered to remove tonsils, but I refused. Began to start cleansing, especially as the child is treatment more tablets like, exercise even fun to do. And the results are there. So I decided to write - you sure you want my advice.


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