The composition of olives is part of a relatively large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They significantly speed up the metabolism in the body and significantly dull the sense of hunger. And what’s more, if you want to lose weight? They need to eat 10 pieces every day.
2.Lean fish
Not hard to guess that lean fish is low in calories, which is very useful for losing weight. But fish contains a lot of nutrients which are so essential for any organism.
3. Turkey
Turkey meat has high digestibility, rapid breakdown and better absorption. In other words, the feeling of fullness comes faster and is not susceptible to decomposition products of food. This means that there will be heaviness in the stomach after eating and digestive disorders. Besides, Turkey does not cause allergies, can not be said of the chicken meat.
4.All types of cabbage
Any kind or variety of cabbage (and a lot of them) the large amount of phosphorus, vitamins, calcium and mineral salts. Cabbage stabilizes blood clotting and prevents the increase of cholesterol. Their weight product is good fills up the stomach, satisfying hunger. The calorie content of cabbage is small, due to this and is losing weight.
95% of the cucumber liquid, and structured. Thanks to her, cucumbers effectively remove toxins and wastes from the gastrointestinal tract. As a result of this clean food is digested better, and the process of saturation is facilitated. In addition, the cucumbers are perfectly cope with the swelling, expelling excess fluid from the body and normalizing the water-salt balance.
6.Green peas
Green beans have minimal calories, but he is able to quickly satisfy hunger. Fiber is composed of green peas stimulates the digestive system and removes toxins. However, to lose weight need to consume it fresh green peas, or at least frozen, as the canned product 90% of the nutrients already there.
Beets can tone up the whole body. Cellulose and pectin are actively excreted from the digestive tract of stagnant toxins. For weight loss beet is an important product. Even if one meal a day to replace the boiled beets, the smart body very quickly begin to get rid of unwanted pounds.
Paprika contains a range of useful substances to the body that literally re-start the metabolism. In addition, capsicum increases immunity and increases the weldability of the products used along with it.
Asparagus in General is a useful product which can cure many ailments. Of course, the taste of her kind, not everyone gets used to it. However, the benefits to the body from asparagus is huge. In particular, the radical cleansing of the body from accumulated toxins.
10. Olive oil
In olive oil, a huge amount of calories. But it is perfectly digested and has a beneficial effect. In addition to the cleansing and healing of the body, olive oil rejuvenates the skin, hair and nails. Especially it will be useful to those girls who are quite a long time torturing your body with diets and fasting.
Pineapples, contrary to public opinion not break down fats. However, they significantly reduce the appetite. Moreover, after a hearty dinner, a slice of pineapple and a glass of juice will get rid of heaviness in the stomach and will promote the fastest assimilation of food.
Tea, regardless of color, possesses special healing and antioxidant properties. In terms of the usefulness of the slimming tea is not entirely clear, as the scientists say. Of course, if pre-dinner drink a couple of cups of tea, the quantity of food eaten will be less by two cups. However, the effect is temporary, and not particularly reliable.
Water is a basic human need - and losing weight, and normal weight. An adult needs to drink about two liters of plain water daily. When this man drinks, soups, fruit. I wonder how the girls-the sun cope with hunger - at least 8 glasses of cold water, and the appetite disappears. Well, to the disease itself, to bring, of course, not worth it. But a normal amount of daily fluid intake appetite should decrease.
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