Monday, July 25, 2016

How to withdraw salt from the body?

A healthy human body is able to absorb salt extracted from food and water, and the excess output. But if the body is disturbed salt metabolism, heavy salts begin to be deposited in convenient places, and cause various diseases such as osteochondrosis and other diseases of the joints.

With the help of herbal medicine quite successfully to deal with the deposition of salts in the body.

1. Rice cleansing

The process of rice purification is quite simple. On the night pour 3 tablespoons of rice 1 liter of water. In the morning drain the water, pour fresh and cook for 5 minutes. Then the rice rinse, pour another portion of water and again cook for 5 minutes. And so do 2 more times. After 4 batches of rice to eat in the form of heat and 3 hours. Then eat a normal diet with the mandatory inclusion in the diet of dried fruits. Transparent, empty the rice in this case is not food, and medicine - he as the sorbent accumulates and excretes the salt.

The course of such purification 10 days.

Dried fruit can make the cake : scroll through a meat grinder 300 g of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, add a half of lemon and season it all with honey. Store this cake in the refrigerator and take 1 tbsp in the afternoon.

2. Saving Lavrushka

When cleaning the Bay leaf cannot be supercooled and should adhere to moderate exercise. Pour 0.5 liters of water 5 pieces of Bay leaf and simmer for 20 minutes. The resulting broth should be drunk in one’s throat 2 - 3 times a day. Because this method is very powerful method of cleansing the intestine is to take this decoction should be 3 - 5 days.

3. Cranberry infusion

To bring salt from the body will allow vegetable diet, and regular consumption of water infused with berries cranberries ( 1/3 capacity). Enter in your diet steamed vegetables - carrots, beets, celery, Kale, less potatoes. And replace his drink infusion of the berries cranberries.

4. Buckwheat - kefir diet

This method of extraction of salts from the body very popular in Finland. At night pour 2 tablespoons of ground buckwheat and 1 Cup of yogurt and eat the next morning. Only 5 days on the diet will help to significantly reduce the salt reserves, as well as help to lose weight.

5. Chinese pellet

In Chinese folk medicine uses this effective method of physical therapy, as a superimposition on the soles of the feet of clay pellets. Mix 2 tablespoons of clay with 1 tbsp of ground powder mixture of herbs chamomile, sage, yarrow ( taken in equal proportions) and apply on the center of the sole, where there are 60 active points. To keep these cakes need at least an hour. This procedure also helps with the leg edema and circulatory disturbance in organs of small pelvis.

6. Fruit broom

To be cleaned from salt deposits in the body will allow citrus cocktail 1 Cup orange juice with half Cup of lemon. Drink it in the evening, this drink is well relieves inflammation and clears blood vessels. Sometimes the orange can be replaced with black currant.


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