Wednesday, July 27, 2016

It's 2 species of coffee that are grown in the world

It’s 2 species of coffee that are grown in the world. Other species are extremely rare or are not suitable for the preparation of the drink.

Key features types:
Arabica. Taste, taste and taste again. And flavor. Yes, the taste in your Cup creating the Arabica. This variety is significantly more expensive than Robusta because of the complexity of cultivation and because of their flavor characteristics. But that different varieties of coffee Arabica carries the flavors that we love in coffee.
Robusta. Caffeine and strength. The caffeine content in Robusta 2-3 times higher than in Arabica. Pure Robusta coffee has a bright taste, the drink is strong and bitter. Taste characteristics-dull, earthy taste.
Low cost due to ease of growing. Robusta is not afraid of pests that are resistant to bad weather. Requires much less care.
robust (English). - sturdy, strong, solid

Whether to drink Robusta? No. With a few exceptions. There are expensive varieties of Robusta, which have their own distinctive taste and some like it.
No matter what coffee guru, but Robusta mixed with Arabica in the first place to save. And let the people in the know report that the Italians drink a mixture of 20% Robusta and 80% Arabica, even in Italy coffee is a business. In business, an important saving.
roasted coffee beans Arabica

Whether to drink the mixture of Arabica and Robusta? If you’ve tried at least 10 varieties of Arabica and think you can understand delicious coffee or not, you can try a mix with Robusta. Otherwise, not worth it. First, enjoy a vivid variety of flavours of Arabica. In the end, first try a mixture of different arabik, which give absolutely amazing taste.

In what proportion it is possible to try the mix? Classic Italian blend is made from 20% Robusta and 80% Arabica. All mixtures where more Robusta - an attempt to save money. 20% Robusta will give the necessary strength, the foam, if you cook in an espresso machine and would lessen the acidity inherent in the Arabica.


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