Friday, July 8, 2016

Try it!

- Try week to go and sit with a straight back.
You will see how to improve your memory, and how much faster you will think.

- Try not to drink coffee and tea during two weeks.
You will see that you are all happy that you sleep peacefully and deeply asleep that you have a smooth, tense or frowning wrinkles on the face and all easy (or heavy) nervousness is gone (or fell at least twice).

- Try not to eat at night and sleep with a hungry stomach.
Within 1-2 weeks you will start to see the light bright dreams and to Wake up every morning in a good mood and already with inspiration for anything, you should get up in the morning fresh, without flaccid desires to lie in bed half the day.

- Try not to add food two seasonings: salt and pepper.
You will see that you can eat 2-3 times a smaller amount of food. Within 1-2 weeks the body will cease to swell, and in a month, you will noticeably lose weight (only with overweight).

- Try not to drink lemonade and any carbonated beverages purchased in the store.
You will see how delicious plain water and that for thirst need much less.

- Try saying goodbye to the man to stop saying “come on, well come on!”
You will see how easy and pleasant to say goodbye.

- Try for a person who does not like you, every time when I think of him, to give him an imaginary most luxurious (or especially good gift, imagining how happy he is.
You will see that he will treat you better, as you are to him.

- Try for an hour or two before bedtime turn off the TV and computer.
You will begin to see your desires and creative impulses.

- Try 2 weeks talking on the phone just in case.
You will see that the day has 36 hours.

- Try every time you desire to get a cigarette, take Apple / Mandarin /orange / banana or drink a glass of water.
After 2 weeks you will feel yourself twice stronger, fitter and stronger.

- Try every time I want to do something you are interested in (for the first time, albeit rare and unusual, but pleasing) to do immediately and subtract minutes thinking and evaluation.
You’ll see that you’re so much more.

- Try to lie down in the grass among the trees, away from cars, do not hesitate people.
You’ll hear yourself in a long-awaited peace.


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