Saturday, July 9, 2016

Hygiene of the upper respiratory tract is given a significant place even in the ancient texts

Hygiene of the upper respiratory tract is given a significant place even in the ancient texts.

If the mucous membrane of the nose gets a virus, the mucosa becomes inflamed. It swells, mucus production increases. So, ill SARS, we feel stuffy nose, and requires a lot of handkerchiefs.

* Prevention of colds should begin with rinsing it of the nose.

The purpose of this washing is to remove plaque, excess mucus and pus from the surface of the mucous membrane. Because these substances are an ideal environment for the development of the virus.

In addition, a nasal wash is the best way to use a medicine, the sprays, drops, ointments. To the drug effect on the mucosa, it needs to be cleaned. If it is covered with mucus or pus, all of the medicine gets on these selection and along with them, the result was evacuated.

* What to flush?

Pharmacies are a large number of drugs for the flushing of the upper respiratory tract.

To prepare a solution for rinsing can be at home by dissolving ½ tsp of common salt in a glass of water. If the drug will be too concentrated, you will quickly feel: the lining will be very hard. Everyone has a threshold of sensitivity, so do not suffer - make a new solution weaker.

* When washed it is impossible.

Acute respiratory infection or SARS mucosa gets swollen and blocks normal breathing. If in this state, apply to the nose solution under pressure can drive the fluid in the middle ear. And together with the liquid going all of the components of inflammation and the causative agent of the disease.

Therefore, before washing, make sure the nose though bad, but breathing. At least 10 minutes before rinsing can be drip in a nose vasoconstrictive drops.

In addition to viral diseases, breathing through the nose may be blocked by a deviated septum. In this case, the washing efficiency would be extremely low. Also useless to wash the nose, which has grown polyps. In such diseases need skilled, often surgical care.


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