Friday, July 22, 2016

Use baked onions

Onion has a strong antibacterial action, know it all. Fresh onion juice with honey to treat bronchitis and pneumonia, relieve cough. Poultice of grated onion help with pain in the ears and can even lower the body temperature, if you put them on your feet.

But few people know that is useful not only fresh, but also baked onions. During heat treatment it does not lose its beneficial properties, on the contrary!

✔ Grilled onions will allow to cope with the ulcers and long nonhealing wounds! You bake the onion right in the skin and attach to the sore spot until they get better.

✔ You must use a baked onion in the treatment of boils. Warm onion compress to keep the affected site for 20 minutes a day. Very soon the boil will disappear!

✔ Thanks to the roasted onions can cure even hemorrhoids! Packs of onions have antibacterial properties and help skin tissues to regenerate quickly.

✔ Grilled onions, it is often necessary to eat all, anyone have problems with blood clotting. After a heart attack or stroke this bow it is recommended to eat daily!

✔ It is very important to introduce food to bow to your menu people suffering from diabetes or having a predisposition to spikes in blood sugar. You can eat onion in addition to main dishes, and you can spend a full treatment onion or eat it on an empty stomach every morning.

The effect is noticeable already after a week, and all thanks to the wonderful composition of this vegetable: sulfur and iron in baked onions help to normalize the level of glucose in the blood and maintain the proper functioning of the pancreas and liver.

✔ When used in a baked onion improves the condition of patients with hypertension and atherosclerosis. The bow helps the vessel to be cleansed, gets rid of atherosclerotic plaques, prevents spikes in blood pressure.
No wonder I always loved the taste of baked onions in a variety of dishes ! After baking in the oven from the bow just disappear essential oil, fresh onions which give specific taste and smell. But the advantage remains…

Choose bulbs of the average size to prepare a medicinal baked onions - they contain the most valuable minerals! Tell your friends about this extremely healthy.


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