Saturday, July 9, 2016

Why can't all the time to live and work by the sea?

Probably, many the idea that I will achieve something and will move to live to the sea, where it is always hot.
Still, if you look, it’s not healthy to live permanently there.

Many naively mistaken, what if to move to a warmer climate, higher productivity. After all, motivation will be all day or morning to work, then to swim or go to a night club to hang out.

Often it is not. Constantly good weather relaxing. Mind and body relax. Yes, it can sometimes motivation and higher, because you need to do a certain amount of work to rest on the sea, but generally for productivity it is a negative effect.

I have a lot of friends and work colleagues who are leaving “to spend the winter in Thailand, Vietnam, Bali and other tropical countries. And as they themselves report, there is not up to the job. There is rest and quiet, and the atmosphere immerses you into a deep relaxation process.

Ever wonder why almost all the billionaires live in cities with varying climate, summer-winter? Take the TOP 5 cities by number of living billionaires: new York, Hong Kong, Moscow, Beijing, London.
The variable climate is not distracting. You can normally work.

Of course, there are always exceptions and many constantly hot climate, not a distraction from work, but if you consider the bulk of the population - it is not.
Yes, someone can and has achieved great success and has good results, living close to the sea, but I want to ask 2 questions for such people: I are you happy with your productivity?
Probably a good thought. Then a second question: do not you think that the results could be even higher if you have changed your “working” town?

But what if the pull of the sea? My opinion is that we need to work in big Northern cities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, London, new York… , and for a few months a year to get somewhere in a warm country.
And as I wrote once before, the rest is very well motivates and cleans the head for new ideas that often appear when you are relaxed and resting.


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