Thursday, July 28, 2016

Benefits of ginger? What diseases it cures?

10 years ago ginger for us was a gimmick - it is rarely even used as a seasoning for food. But - hurray! Now everything has changed, and a fragrant spice, finally, appreciated. More precisely the merits, which is a lot.

The combination of taste and medicinal properties, which has ginger, without exaggeration, is unique.

Lower the story about the culinary virtues of ginger, and focus on how effective it can be for health.


- Ginger strengthens the immunity, helps fight bacteria, protect against parasites

Also the spice is a good antioxidant

- Still - has a calming effect

- Improves digestion, promotes the production of gastric juice, digestion and secretion of stomach

- Ginger helps with pain in the stomach, colic

- Indispensable for colds, flus, diseases of the upper respiratory tract. First, ginger kills germs, and second, warms, third, fourth and so on - helps with sore throat, has expectorant, diaphoretic, tonic effect, relieves aching

Is ginger effective for allergies and asthma

- Helps in cases of poisoning, neutralizes poisons

- Lowers the amount of cholesterol

- Compresses, lotions, baths with ginger helps with muscle pain, delayed onset muscle soreness various injuries, rheumatism, relieve swelling

- In addition, ginger improves blood circulation of the brain, therefore are useful in reducing the health, memory problems, and other neurological disorders

- Tea made of ginger is a good anti - depressant

- Ginger relieves spasms, so that helps from a pain, including headache, dental and menstrual

- Promotes the excretion of toxins from the body

- Effective as a means of combating seasickness and motion sickness, also relieves morning sickness in pregnant women

- Ginger speeds up metabolism, thus helps weight loss

- Promotes better learning and more effective action of the other herbs and spices used in a particular recipe

- A nice bonus - ginger freshens breath, helps to get rid of unpleasant smell from the mouth, it is enough to chew a small piece of root

- In addition, ginger can be used as a component for cosmetics “hand made” masks for face and hair, it improves the conductivity of the skin

In the end, so you could see the benefits of ginger and its effectiveness as a medicine a few recipes.

Stomach pain

Making a decoction of ginger root (can use powder), elderberry flowers, peppermint and yarrow

From fatigue and delayed onset muscle soreness

Take ginger bath - boil a liter of water 2-3 spoons of ginger powder or a few slices of fresh spices, boil another 10 minutes. Pour the broth into the bath.

From indigestion

Dilute half a Cup of natural yogurt half Cup water, add to the 1\4 teaspoon ground ginger and nutmeg.


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