Monday, July 11, 2016

10 cold remedies ✔

No. 1
At the first sign of a cold to cut more fresh onion and inhale the vapors of onion, repeating the process 3-4 times a day.

No. 2.
Crush 100 g of garlic, pour 1 Cup of vodka and shake well. 1 drop applied to the tongue, hold in mouth and then swallow. Repeat several times for 3-4 days.

No. 3.
Chop the lemon with peel and pour vegetable oil. Lubricate the nostrils several times a day. You can wipe the gums before and after eating, soles and ears - for the night.

No. 4
To take 1,5 l of boiled water, add 1 tablespoon of coarse salt, the juice of 1 lemon and 1 g ascorbic acid. Stir well and drink within 1.5 hours.

No. 5
1 lemon put 1 minute in hot water, then with peel mince. Mixed with 100 g of butter and 1-2 tablespoons of honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon every 2-3 hours. Store and use as ordinary butter.

No. 6
At high temperatures mix into a homogeneous mass 2 grated fresh potatoes and 1 tbsp of Apple cider vinegar. Apply slurry to the folded in several layers of cloth or gauze and apply to the forehead. After 2 hours, replace with fresh supply.

No. 7
Take 2 bottles of fresh beer, add a pinch of cinnamon, 3-4 Bud cloves and some lemon peels. Stir 3 egg yolks 2-4 tablespoons of sugar until frothy. Pour this mixture into the hot beer with spices and stir, put on fire, cook until thick, but do not boil. Drink 1-1,5 cups. The flu is literally in 1 day.

No. 8.
4 tbsp. tablespoons dried raspberries pour 500 ml boiling water, leave for 20 minutes to Drink on a night out 2 cups for 1 admission. Raspberry tea infusion (10 berries per Cup of boiling water is useful to rinse a sore throat.

No. 9
To protect yourself from colds and viruses, you need every day to RUB your teeth with garlic.

No. 10
At the first sign of a cold to warm 100 ml of Cahors wine, add ¼ teaspoon black pepper, 1 teaspoon of honey, stir and drink warm before bed.


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