Sunday, July 17, 2016

9 secrets of awakening in the morning: activate the metabolism in 30 minutes!

1. Drink warm water with lemon

If you just woke up and haven’t decided what to do, drink some water. With lemon. Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon juice, you will cleanse the intestines and start the process of metabolism.
Squeeze juice from lemon slice into a glass of warm water.

2. Wake up 30 minutes early

If you get up early for you - a real test, try still to “pull myself together”. Get yourself a habit to set the alarm for 30 minutes earlier than my usual rise time. Early awakening inherent in us by nature itself, so it is important for the metabolism to synchronize the biological clock with real time.

3. Jump

After you Wake up jump! Rope or not, but 5 minutes of jumping jacks will cause the lymph to circulate in the body faster, cleansing it of the toxins that have accumulated over night.

4. You better stretch

Morning stretching is very important for all muscle groups, joints and spine. Can run it right beside the bed after jumping. Perfectly refreshing, and a lot of time not require: enough 5 minutes!

5. Squat

To speed up metabolism after stretching propriety, 10 - 20 times will be enough. After a daily morning workout health improves significantly.

7. Drink a Cup of herbal tea

In herbal tea lots of antioxidants, substances that accelerate the metabolism. After a brisk Wake-up the need for coffee is no longer, but tea is a great solution.

8. Bring something to eat

Big breaks between meals, have a negative impact on metabolism. Sticking with something for a snack before lunch: dried apricots, nuts, yeast-free crackers or an Apple.

9. Don’t forget the water

Water is a key element of proper operation of all systems of the body. Experts say that the moment a person feels thirsty, his body is already dehydrated. Therefore, to replenish their water reserves regularly.

Try to keep a bottle of water was always at hand. Soon the regular drinking will become a habit, and you will certainly feel the positive changes.

Start every morning with the observance of these simple rules and weight loss will soon leave with your agenda. Metabolism incredibly accelerated


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