Sunday, July 10, 2016

Zabrus from bees

Zabrus from bees.

How to forget about the dentists.

Since childhood, I drilled teeth dentists and ruined almost all the teeth permanently. Because the fillings fall out all the time to dentists people need to go to death - that’s the idea. It would not come off.

Six years ago, when I once again started to ache, and even loose teeth I went to the dentist, knowing what the level of torture cellars of the Gestapo I have. A sadist in a white coat touched my teeth pincetto and told that they are lost forever and must be removed, and it was about all of my front teeth. I then had confidence in the dentists, but I had a very important public trip to London, where no teeth had nothing to do and I’m saying that will come in a week, left with an unbearable toothache. The teeth are staggered so that didn’t seem like it is possible to get it and throw it away just holding them with two fingers.

And then after just an hour I met a stranger by the name Artem. He learned of my trouble, smiled and said: why do you suffer, go to the market and buy zabrus and forever forget about dentists.

Zabrus brought me in an hour. To chew it it was painful at first, but after a while the pain went away and never came back. Since delicious chew zabrus every day as a gum. Teeth like I was crippled dentists over a lifetime and remain so - the holes drilled are not overgrown, but I just forgot about the teeth.
Six years of grief do not know.

Sometimes it becomes very sad when you realize how blatantly and cruelly lied to us and how he abused all of us damned scientists, forcing him to forget all that has created for us the Almighty God and given to this place wrecking satanic witch medicine of Paracelsus. Thank God that there is a way forward and upward, from the dark of the theater of the absurd, joyful, godly lives with comb capping is dentists and harmful toothpastes.


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