Sunday, July 31, 2016

12 recipes from healers

12 recipes from the healers.

✔ HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. Tablespoon corn flour put on the bottom of the glass, fill to the top with hot water and leave overnight to infuse. In the morning on an empty stomach drink only water, the grounds do not stir.

✔ BRONCHITIS. 2 - 3 leaves mother and stepmother cook in half a liter of milk, strain, add a pinch of fresh lard. Infusion drink a coffee Cup in the evening before bed.

✔ BRONCHITIS IN CHILDREN. Two raw eggs fry in lard and sprinkle with salt. When they are cool, put them on the night of the breast to the child.
In the head of the red onions cleaned from the husk, make a hole, in which put a teaspoon of sugar. Daily, until healed, the child must eat thus prepared, a small onion.

✔ ASTHMA. 40 heads pearl onion brew with boiling water and hold until then, until soft. Then put them in 0.5 liters of olive oil and mash. Take this puree in the morning and evening for 1 tablespoon before eating.

✔ ACUTE GASTRITIS. 200 grams of plantain leaves small (with narrow oblong leaves) for 5 minutes boil in half a liter of pure grape raki (or vodka). Broth strain and, when cool, pour into a bottle. In the morning, take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach one hour before lifting. During treatment, in no case can not smoke.

✔ PAIN IN THE LEGS. In a large enamelware cook a bundle of red and white clover. When the broth has cooled, strain and add 1 tablespoon kerosene. In this mixture of steam feet 3 to 4 nights in a row.

✔ VARICOSE VEINS. In the early morning before sunrise, walk around in pure cotton socks in the dewy meadow, to socks well soaked with dew. Don’t take them off - let them dry on your feet.

Within 10 days bandage with easy pork, cut into slices. One or more similar patches can be sprinkled with gray, and is also applying to the affected area. The bandage should be kept on all night.

Green walnuts, put in an enamel vessel and pour them with olive oil. Vessel leave in the sun not less than 40 days. Lubricate sore spots the present mixture.

✔ INFLAMMATION OF THE FACIAL NERVE. Glow in the fire needle and light tingling touch the skin of the face first to the healthy part, then to the patient. Light skin burns quickly pass, leaving no trace.

✔ ECZEMA. Clean affected areas of the skin grease with liquid, which in may formed the seeds of the elm. In addition, the patient poured the broth from a bouquet of wild flowers.

Washed sore spots, lubricate a tampon soaked in the mixture, which is prepared from coffee Cup of vegetable oil and a handful of vinegar.

✔ FUNGUS ON THE FINGERNAILS. Make some strong coffee and repeatedly immerse hands in his infusion, but do not stir the precipitate. This remedy also cures the fungus on the feet, relieves pain in the feet and ankles helps to get rid of thick peeling skin on the feet. You repeat the procedure several nights in a row, the fungus completely disappears, the skin becomes smooth and pain disappear.

✔ FUNGUS ON THE TOES. Well washed the feet, immerse in a strong wine vinegar. Sleep in clean socks soaked in this vinegar.

✔ INFLAMMATION OF THE OVARIES. Cook forest hay in a suitable vessel and place the patient over steam. The procedure is repeated every day until the cessation of inflammation. Forest hay can be replaced with cabbage, boiled in milk.

Unwashed fleece drench with hot water and place the patient over steam.


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