1 - Buy a digital scale and weigh yourself every morning. Write down every gram. Despite the fact that many dietitians and experts in the field of weight loss do not advise every day weighing, I strongly suggest that you monitor yourself every day, so you will not allow yourself to relax and the result will come much faster, and this is my personal experience talking.
2 - keep a food diary and write down everything you eat for a whole day and then calculate how much it ate, don’t worry your whole life to record every snack is not necessary, it helps to check yourself in for 2 weeks, this is usually enough to get used and then intuitively eat less.
3 - Drink 2 liters of water a day, of course America I, but for myself I know if you drink a lot of water, that is, want for a lot less.
4 - Eat sweets at 16-00, Yes do not be surprised, scientists have found that at this time the body assimilates well sweet and eaten by you at this time will not harm your figure.
5 - Every morning fasting drink a warm boiled water, warm water will turn on your metabolism and will gradually cleanse the body.
6 - Every day in the morning or after lunch, just press download in 10 minutes (regularly every day) and minus 5 inches around the waist provided. But if you are not too lazy and will not do my crunches 10 minutes and 20 minutes, 3.5 kg will go easily. I remind you that all the tips I missed and are responsible for them, only You promise to do them correctly and regularly.
7 - Neatkazivajus from fast food, (sooner or later goes wrong, is not only statistically but also me too)2 slices of pizza 2 times a month will not harm the figure, if the next day you will eat a salad panicle. Salad “Whisk”: take 1 medium beets, 1 carrot, 1 Apple, 100 grams of cabbage, cut thin strips all mixed and seasoned with the juice of half a lemon. Eat this salad 3 times a day 2 days in a row and You clear the intestines and the body from all superfluous and lose weight up to 2.5 kg in 2 days.
8 - 1 every day you walk 1-2 hours and without much difficulty, for 1 month will take off 3-4 kg, only it is necessary to move not slowly and more intensely. Imagine that you are in a hurry for work or home and You urgently need to go faster.
9 - do Not like to starve? But want to lose weight? Eat 6 times 1 little Cup, not noticing for 2 weeks the tent is 2 kg.
10-Program itself to a slim figure. Write in your notebook at what time you want to drop 5,10 or more kg. for Example today 2 February 2012 I weigh 85 kg, and 2 may, my weight will be 65, so aim for 30 days to shed 7 kg. Often review your records and You will be easier to control yourself.
11-do Not hang on the refrigerator slim girls, internal jealousy will interfere with you to lose weight and you can break, better stick it on the fridge that says “I already lost 5 kg , I’m good , there are only 7,8,or 10 kg”. When you see this label, You will be a pity to spoil a new shape and You turn around and walk away from the kitchen.

1 - Buy a digital scale and weigh yourself every morning. Write down every gram. Despite the fact that many dietitians and experts in the field of weight loss do not advise every day weighing, I strongly suggest that you monitor yourself every day, so you will not allow yourself to relax and the result will come much faster, and this is my personal experience talking.
2 - keep a food diary and write down everything you eat for a whole day and then calculate how much it ate, don’t worry your whole life to record every snack is not necessary, it helps to check yourself in for 2 weeks, this is usually enough to get used and then intuitively eat less.
3 - Drink 2 liters of water a day, of course America I, but for myself I know if you drink a lot of water, that is, want for a lot less.
4 - Eat sweets at 16-00, Yes do not be surprised, scientists have found that at this time the body assimilates well sweet and eaten by you at this time will not harm your figure.
5 - Every morning fasting drink a warm boiled water, warm water will turn on your metabolism and will gradually cleanse the body.
6 - Every day in the morning or after lunch, just press download in 10 minutes (regularly every day) and minus 5 inches around the waist provided. But if you are not too lazy and will not do my crunches 10 minutes and 20 minutes, 3.5 kg will go easily. I remind you that all the tips I missed and are responsible for them, only You promise to do them correctly and regularly.
7 - Neatkazivajus from fast food, (sooner or later goes wrong, is not only statistically but also me too)2 slices of pizza 2 times a month will not harm the figure, if the next day you will eat a salad panicle. Salad “Whisk”: take 1 medium beets, 1 carrot, 1 Apple, 100 grams of cabbage, cut thin strips all mixed and seasoned with the juice of half a lemon. Eat this salad 3 times a day 2 days in a row and You clear the intestines and the body from all superfluous and lose weight up to 2.5 kg in 2 days.
8 - 1 every day you walk 1-2 hours and without much difficulty, for 1 month will take off 3-4 kg, only it is necessary to move not slowly and more intensely. Imagine that you are in a hurry for work or home and You urgently need to go faster.
9 - do Not like to starve? But want to lose weight? Eat 6 times 1 little Cup, not noticing for 2 weeks the tent is 2 kg.
10-Program itself to a slim figure. Write in your notebook at what time you want to drop 5,10 or more kg. for Example today 2 February 2012 I weigh 85 kg, and 2 may, my weight will be 65, so aim for 30 days to shed 7 kg. Often review your records and You will be easier to control yourself.
11-do Not hang on the refrigerator slim girls, internal jealousy will interfere with you to lose weight and you can break, better stick it on the fridge that says “I already lost 5 kg , I’m good , there are only 7,8,or 10 kg”. When you see this label, You will be a pity to spoil a new shape and You turn around and walk away from the kitchen.
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