Friday, April 15, 2016

Hormonal Tibetan exercises for healthy body and soul

Hormonal Tibetan exercises for healthy body and soul. Just 5 minutes a day…

The kind of gymnastics that we have prepared for You today, practiced by the monks in one of the Tibetan monasteries. Classes this exercise will allow you to support all of the endocrine glands that produce hormones, in young state, at the age of about 25-30 years. This workout is very easy and takes only 5 minutes a day, and to do it even in bed, the main thing - to Wake up at six in the morning.

Exercise 1. Rubbing hands
Lie down on the bed and within seconds RUB hands where they became hot. So you can diagnose your biofield. If your palms are dry and hot, with energy all is well. If they are warm, the biofield is weak. If the palm does not warm up and become wet, then it indicates a serious malfunction in the body. Doing this daily rubbing of hands, you can get rid of all troubles and diseases.

Exercise 2. Palming
Already pounded hot palms put on the eyeballs. Then a little pull on them in the following rate: one second - one movement. In 30 seconds you have to make 30 moves. After that stop the palm without removing them from the eye, and hold for about 30 seconds. If you have poor eyesight, it is better to hold for about 2 minutes. At this time, is the nutrition of the eyeball and of the receptors around. After the daily exercises you will begin to improve vision.

Exercise 3. Bleeding ears
Put your hands on your ears so that your fingers were on the back of the head. Keep hands to his ears at the pace of one second - one movement. Do 30 repetitions. You can start to manifest the symptoms of some chronic diseases, especially if associated with the ears, but don’t stop doing exercises, just do them softer. After a while you will improve the hearing will be held and chronic diseases.

Exercise 4. Facelift
Put your thumb behind your ear, squeeze his hands into fists and start to do a facelift in the direction of the chin to the ears, at this time you have enough to press hard on the face. Do 30 repetitions. After this exercise you should feel the rush of blood to the face and even a little sweat. From this exercise you will have to be tightened facial contours and improve lymphatic flow.

Exercise 5. Massage the forehead
Put the right palm on the forehead and the left on top of her and start rubbing movement from a temple to a temple. Do 30 movements per 30 seconds. This exercise heals all the sinuses, and also activates the pituitary and wrinkles on the forehead.

Exercise 6. Massage the crown
Put the roller under your neck or a collapsed cushion, braid the hands in the ring. The right hand should be below and the left above. Start movement a few inches from the head in the direction from front to back. Do 30 repetitions. Then pull the hands over the skull and move from one ear to the other. Also 30 times. This exercise normalizes blood pressure. This improves the mobility of the shoulder joints, and swapped the muscles of the arms.

Exercise 7. Massage of the thyroid gland
Put the right hand on the thyroid, and the left at the top. Move the left hand from the thyroid to the umbilicus at a distance of several centimeters from the body. Repeat exercise 30 times. Then put your left hand on the right and keep them in this position for a few seconds.

Exercise 8. Abdominal massage
After the previous exercises slowly spasi hands on your belly and begin to make circular movements on the belly. Hands should be folded the same way: right bottom, top Deva. Make 30 motions. After some time you will be constipation and normalizes bowel activity.

Exercise 9. Shake
This exercise must be done on the floor or on a hard mattress. Put your hands and feet in the air, your palms and feet should be parallel to the floor. First, rotate the hands at the wrists and the feet at the ankle joints, then do the shaking. As a result, you will improve the circulation in the capillaries and is cleansed of minor energy channels. Count to 30.

Exercise 10. Rubbing stop
Sit down and begin to massage the feet. Can simultaneously grind both legs go do it one by one. If your feet are too dry, lubricate them with any oil. Do the massage for about 30 seconds, paying special attention to pain points.
That’s the whole complex!
This gymnastics will allow you to harmonize the functioning of all the endocrine glands that govern the activities of our body. You will be able to restore health and will feel much better!


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