Thursday, April 7, 2016

How to get rid of stretch marks?��

✔1. Take baby cream or any other cream.

✔2. Dissolve 2 to 4 grams. Shilajit in a teaspoon of boiled water, present, Shilajit be dissolved.

✔3. Mix with 1 tube (80-100 gr.) the baby cream. Put in a jar of cream which I bought from an old ending or cream.RUB into the problem areas 1-2 times a day. Store in the refrigerator.

Beautiful and elastic skin all dream, but not everyone can boast of. Because many factors can ruin the appearance of our skin: blackheads, and pimples, and scars and, of course, streamers - purple, pink or white lines on the skin, representing scar tissue. Stretch marks can be called “dead zone” on the body, because they are not susceptible to sunburn, they do not grow hair and there is no sweating.

These unaesthetic stripes may appear virtually any person and deliver a lot of emotions, the question is how to get rid of restick concern for many women, to get rid of them very, very difficult. Getting rid of stretch marks is a long process that requires patience, but if you will be properly and timely use the recipes for stretch marks, you are sure to achieve your aim!


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