Thursday, April 7, 2016

EFFECTIVE EXERCISES from saggy belly��

Exercise 1:
Take a deep breath stomach, maximum bulging of the abdominal wall. One, two, three, four, five. Relaxed, exhaled all the air through the mouth.Pulled stomach in, tightening it up to the stomach. As if you want to hide him in the ribs. Held her breath. One, two, three. Again breathed, repeating the exercise as many times as you years. If you are not able to perform such a number of repetitions, then during the day will continue to do it. Because this exercise can be performed while standing, sitting imperceptibly. Believe me, this exercise admirably with fat deposits on the abdomen and massages the abdominal organs.

Exercise 2
“Evil cat”. Get on your knees, lean on your palms. Maximum breathe a nose, pulling the abdomen under the ribs, lignite up the back. Lower your head down to your chest. You should have the attitude of “h” - pose the evil cats, when she suddenly met with a dog. Hold your breath, on the count of 8 he breathed out, relaxed. Returned to its original position. Repeat 3 times.

Exercise 3:
The following exercise, you probably know from childhood, with physical education lessons. But this does not detract from its effectiveness. It also helps to remove belly fat, tighten up slightly saggy side, to reduce body fat around the waist. So, lie on a flat surface, hands behind his head. Legs slightly bend and feet onto the floor. Again, lifted her torso and reach your left elbow to your right knee. Two, returned to its original position. Three, reach right elbow to the left knee. Four, returned to its original position. Repeat as many times as possible. Just do not overdo it the first time. Otherwise, next time you will not want to do this wonderful exercise, or can’t because of muscle pain. It is better to gradually increase the load on the muscles than to stop halfway. And a couple of words about this exercise. It stimulates the oblique abdominal muscles which in turn burn fat around the waist and tighten the skin on the sides.

Exercise 4:
This exercise is most interesting. Exercise and a nice word called “Rest”. Lying on my back. Spread the knees wide apart, and under your knees enclose the foot. Right foot under left knee, and left foot under right knee. This exercise and makes elastic the muscles on the outer side of the thigh. Be careful not to stretch much your knees for the first time, so as not to damage ligaments. Every day you will get better and more confident. Place the palms on the floor or bed near the body. Fully relax, close your eyes, think about good. Only do not fall asleep again. Lie down for a minute or two and dreamed a bit. You can now get out of bed. Take a contrast shower. It will give your body an extra boost to burning fat, speeding up metabolism.
That’s all. Just 10 minutes a day the simplest and most pleasant morning exercise will help you to remove belly fat, become slimmer and more cheerful.


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