Friday, April 8, 2016

Jam for the treatment of liver

Jam for the treatment of liver. Note!

In may blooming dandelions. We walk and do not pay attention to this plant. Meanwhile, it can be called a real doctor. Dandelion can cook tasty preserves, restores liver cells and cleansing the blood.

Tear 300-400 pieces of yellow dandelion blossoms, pour water over, let stand in water a day. The next morning, squeeze the flowers, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 15-20 minutes, add 1 kg of sugar and 1-2 chopped lemon (with peel), 1 teaspoon of citric acid and boil for another 5 minutes. When the jam will become the color of honey, then you need to remove it from the heat. To give the jam to cool, strain through cheesecloth, and boil the mass for 1-2 minutes, cool. Jam is ready!
Dandelions for jam collect away from roads.

Jam from dandelions, it is desirable to take in the morning on an empty stomach, dissolving it in a Cup of green tea or tea made from Holy Thistle.

Milk Thistle and dandelion act on the body as anti-inflammatory, choleretic, and tonic, cleansing the liver of toxins and poisons, and are derived radionuclides from the body.

This jam also useful for the prevention of bronchitis and asthma. You need to eat at least two tablespoons for 1 admission, it gives a positive effect.


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