Friday, April 8, 2016


Baking soda has been used for centuries in cooking and household works. But few people think that it can be successfully used for cosmetic purposes. And it is in vain. Baking soda is a wonderful product, which you can use cheap, but effective care for face, body, hair.

A real woman will find soda many uses:

◄ Make effective peeling

Just add a pinch of baking soda to your regular foam or gel for washing, you can mix them right in the palm. Will make foam and apply on face. Massage your face for a few minutes, then rinse with cool water. This gentle scrub cleanses the skin from dead cells and opening the pores of the face, make the skin smooth and delicate. It is especially suitable for sensitive and prone to irritation skin, because soda has a softening and anti-inflammatory action.

◄ Treat acne

Washing with warm solution of soda good for acne. The solution is dried skin, reduces inflammation and irritation. In a separate large pimples can also apply a paste of soda and leave for several hours - the faster acne will go away.

◄ Mask for problem skin

Mix 2 tbsp flour (wheat, oat, buckwheat) or starch with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Dilute the mixture with warm water to form a paste. Apply the mask on cleansed face with light circular movements, leave on for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the mask with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. Perform the procedure once a week.

◄ Clean the excess hair from chemotherapy

Soda well frees the hair from grease and remains of various cosmetic products such as gels, varnish, excess masks, etc. Mix your regular shampoo with baking soda about 4:1, then wash as usual. Hair will be very soft and shiny. Good news for bright blondes, brunettes, and redheads: this mixture works very gentle on colored hair, so your color will not fade.

◄ Add white teeth

Brushing your teeth, “arch” a pinch of baking soda to your toothbrush coated with toothpaste. This soft abrasive scrub get rid of the stains from the teeth without damaging tooth enamel.

◄ Remove the inflammation of the gums

When inflammation of the gums, mix baking soda with a small amount of water to form a mixture similar to toothpaste. Then apply this mixture with your fingers along the gum line and massage with a soft toothbrush.

◄ Remove the smell.

As a result of vital activity of bacteria in the mouth form acids that destroy tooth enamel and cause bad breath. These acids can be neutralized, if several times a day to rinse the oral cavity with a solution of baking soda at the rate of 1 Cup warm water 1 tsp soda. The soda solution also helps to eliminate the pungent smell of underarm sweat and odor of feet.

◄ Remove swelling

Soda helps to absorb much water, so it can be successfully used to treat swelling eyelids and bags under the eyes. Make a solution of soda (1 Cup of water 1 tsp of baking soda), or add soda weak tea, soak in a solution of cotton pads and gently press them on for 10-15 minutes put on the eyelids or under the eyes.

◄ Bathe with benefits

To relax in a pleasant atmosphere after a busy day, no need to spend money on expensive salt and foam. Try to make this mixture for the bath: from the soda (2 tbsp), salt (2 tbsp.) and (optionally) a few drops of essential oil. All the ingredients you need to mix, store in jar in the bath, add one tablespoon. This solution calms the nervous system and makes the skin smooth and elastic. In addition, after such a bath decrease the appearance of cellulite.

◄ Clean brushes and sponges

To clean cosmetic accessories from the remnants of old makeup and dirt by using an aqueous solution of soda. Unlike soap it doesn’t leave any residue on the brushes and sponges, and their villi do not stick together, but rather become fluffy and smooth. The same solution cleans combs and hair brushes. Just soak in a concentrated solution of soda combs and brushes for 3-4 hours and then rinse them under running water - the dirt will be gone.


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