Saturday, April 2, 2016

Miracle cleanser

Miracle cleanser.

Ubtan - there is no better means to cleanse the skin. Try it and you will never exchange it for gels and mousses. And the smell! Aroma of dried herbs, spices, wood, sun and summer:)

Ubtan as a universal means for cleansing the skin have been used for over thousands of years. This is a traditional means of hygiene in India, it is a powder, consisting of powdered mixture of herbs, spices, chickpeas and corn flour, sometimes with addition of clay. When diluted with water the powder turns into a gentle paste.

When you understand your tools, very easy to replace overseas plants to our native herbs: nettle, medicinal chamomile, calendula, mint, etc., Instead of chickpeas take rye, buckwheat, oatmeal, cornmeal.

* Vary the herbs, try new things!

- Calendula - cleanses, retains moisture in the skin
- Wild chamomile - soothes irritated skin, has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect
- Horsetail - reduces inflammation, tightens pores
- Sage - astringent, antiseptic, calming effect
- Nettle - General tonic action, great for all skin types
- Thyme - prevents acne, reduces inflammation
- Calamus root - bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, natural saponin (gives melkote)
- Licorice - whitens the skin, prevents the appearance of age spots, relieves irritation and puffiness, soothes the skin, natural saponin
- St. John’s wort - antiseptic action
- Linden flowers - perfectly soften the skin, smooth wrinkles
- Ground oatmeal - tighten enlarged pores, exfoliates dead skin cells

In addition, in ubtan optionally add clay, spices, salt, coffee, vegetable extracts, etc.

- Turmeric - antiseptic
- Nutmeg: stimulates blood circulation
- Ginger is an antioxidant that refreshes and tightens the skin

The proportions are approximately as follows: oatmeal or other flour - 40%, grasses 40%, various additives - 20%.

So, gathering everything into a pile, grind, sift carefully so that the powder particles were very small and are unable to scratch the skin, stir, put in jar, put in the bath. Ready!

* As wash obcanom?

Ubtan pour in a Cup of water (comfortable temperature), to the consistency of sour cream, wait a minute, how would the mass swells, and you can wash. half a minute massage, you can flush.

The result: smooth, perfectly clean skin. I have the feeling that she breathes. No films, which often happens after washing of industrial facilities.

The powder can be diluted not only with water. For oily skin fit yogurt, natural yogurt, dry milk. For all types - a decoction of herbs, mineral water, green tea.


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