Friday, April 8, 2016

The first summer berry

The first summer berries. Beautiful, juicy, fragrant.

Strawberry (berries and leaves) is a true natural pharmacy. Besides its wonderful taste, it has a lot of vitamins. The content of folic acid it is superior to all other berries. Only 8 of its berries will satisfy 20% of the daily human need for this vitamin.

In those same 8 berry contains 96 mg of vitamin C, and 270 mg of potassium. This is even more than in one orange. In addition, the strawberry is rich in iron, iodine, fluorine, copper, manganese, calcium.

* Decoction of leaves of strawberry normalizes metabolism and blood pressure plays an important role in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

* Fresh berries help with gastritis, gastric ulcer, liver diseases, remove the stones from the kidney, are considered to be a natural diuretic.

* Tea from the leaves of strawberry boosts immunity and is useful for indigestion, helps insomnia.

* The smell of ripe berries contains about 50 aromatic substances, which are able to give people a rush of vivacity and good mood.

* Strawberry strengthens the brain and improves memory.

* Red berries and green leaves contained a volatile - antibiotic herbal Infusion of leaves of strawberry useful gargle for sore throat.

* Scientists have discovered in the strawberry substance that has a powerful antitumor activity, and claim that a decoction of the leaves or the berries themselves use may reduce the risk of cancer.

* In Japan, the strawberries together with the rose as a symbol of love, since small seeds contain a lot of zinc.

* Strawberries contains enough copper to stimulate in the human body the production of collagen. Therefore, a variety of strawberry masks, lotions, creams with the addition of strawberry extracts have a beneficial effect on the skin.

* ¼ Cup of strawberry juice, ¼ Cup cucumber, 0.5 g of salicylic acid, the same add a glass of dry white wine. If this lotion every morning and evening to wipe the face, the skin gradually becomes elastic and the wrinkles will disappear.

* Strawberry has a lot of medicinal properties, so based on it can be the summer diets, where for a month you can say goodbye to a few extra pounds.

The main rule of this diet - menu should be not less than 0.5 kg fresh strawberries. The weight will gradually decrease due to activation of metabolism, excretion of excess fluid and stimulation of the digestive system.


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