Saturday, April 16, 2016


Daily huge numbers of people suffer all litigation of diseases of the lower extremities. Aching pain, heaviness, swelling and irritation of the skin - not all the symptoms that symbolize the failure of the body. As a rule, the disease still fails to appear, and legs are strongly sounding the alarm. Only early diagnosis will be able to identify existing deviations and to direct therapeutic effect on the elimination of the disease or keep it in remission. But why is this happening? Why feet are a serious indicator of impairment of body functions?

At the moment leg pain, the causes of which are rooted in diseases of vessels and joints, the spinal division, or muscle, manifested because of the load of body weight. This causes a disturbance of the outflow of venous blood (increased pressure in the blood vessels). Venous stagnation has, in turn, irritation of nerve endings that are a subsequent result of pain. Fluid (blood) is not able to rise to the heart, leading to the inevitable swelling. And very often the reason for this phenomenon sedentary lifestyle, tight shoes and clothes, long stay on his feet, and excess weight.

Take feet in hands!

To get rid of pain in the legs and literally bring them “to life”, experts recommend a daily few simple rules:

1. Try not to overload the legs;
2. Douche to the feet morning and evening will strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
3. Placing the pillow for the night under the feet (slightly above heart level) will serve as the normalization of blood circulation;
4. And, of course, use creams that will help to reduce swelling.

But keep in mind that these rules apply at early signs of symptoms and it will be more appropriate to consult a specialist to identify the true causes.

Not without the advice of traditional medicine that help reduce leg pain. Treatment is as follows:

1. The infusion of chestnut. Take 50 gr. the fruit of the chestnut, carefully crush them and pour vodka (0.5 liters volume). In a few weeks to insist in a dark place and the received contents to wipe his feet every day. In addition, you are allowed to take inside 45 drops with a tablespoon of water (treated 14 days).

2. Bath of mint and lime blossom. To relieve tired legs do baths of the following composition: brew 1 liter of boiling water a handful of mint and lime blossom. Let sit for half an hour and pour into enamel basin with warm water. Within 15 minutes, soak the legs and not only will you feel relieved, but will also prevent your legs from developing varicose veins.

And tips from Grandma

3. If my legs ache, boil in 3 liters of boiling water to red onion peel broth, dilute with a little water and soak feet in this broth to cool water. After the procedure, immediately go to bed. 7-10 nights, you will forget about sore feet.

4. Take a leaf of burdock, put in shoes as insoles, and so go. Only this burdock leaf is dry, put a new one. And so every day. Be healthy!

5. Compresses of boiled potatoes will relieve pain in the knee. You need to cook the potatoes with the peel, drain and mash. Apply on a cloth and apply to the knees, well wrapped. Keep to cool. The course of treatment - 7-10 days.

6. Took a few pieces of leaves, scalded with a little boiling water, cooled down and applied on top of the foot and on the sole. Have you wrapped a red cloth (this is a pledge of treatment), and then with a handkerchief. Did it at night. So applied a few times, then rubbed with castor oil. For a week the pain went away.

Remember that the health of the feet is the main component of our body and if something goes wrong - be sure to listen to the character of the pain!


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