Thursday, June 2, 2016

Natural energy and no coffee ��

Drinks,refreshing as coffee but SAFE for the nervous system and does not cause addiction. Not contain caffeine and their preparation will take only a couple minutes.

Green tea
If you want to reduce the amount of your daily intake of caffeine, you can start to drink green tea. Green tea is a great alternative to coffee. Green tea perfectly tones. It stimulates activity and provides nutrients that will remain in the body throughout the morning.

Lemon tonic
This drink activates the work of all systems of the body.
Lemon tonic is not suitable for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Recipe: In drinking water add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and as much honey.

Ginger tea
Ginger improves blood circulation, so that the brain starts to work harder (which is very important for knowledge workers).

Clean the ginger root from the skin, grate and cover with boiling water for 3-5 minutes. In this broth, you can add fresh mint and a bit of honey to taste.
Fresh (fresh juice)
By the time when you wash fruits/vegetables, cut them into pieces (to fit in the juicer) and turn technique, unwittingly wakes up. Your vitamin morning will start with enjoying the smell of fresh fruit and juicy taste of the drink.
Fresh juices instead of coffee - a great way to recharge with positive energy for the whole day. Particularly invigorating and energizing fresh orange juice, rich in vitamin C.

The Chinese Magnolia vine
The herb Schizandra is one of the best natural energy that nature gave us. The invigorating effect after consumption is growing slowly (35-40 minutes), but its duration is much longer than other similar products, up to five hours! Using products based on lemongrass, noted the improvement of health, normalization of sleep and emotional relaxation.



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