Thursday, July 7, 2016


1.5 kg of fresh fruit (anything but bananas) divide into 5-6 receptions and eat. Not on the schedule, and at the request of))

This fasting day is very popular because it is effective, easily tolerated and normalizes bowel function. During the day you can drink 1.5 liters of yogurt.

During the day you can eat 1.5 kg of raw or baked savoury apples.

4. Cucumber
Again 1.5 kg of cucumbers divide by 5 receptions. You can season the cucumbers with greens.

5. Protein
During the day you can eat low-fat meat and fish products, vegetable proteins (like beans). To protein foods you can add for variety some fresh vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers,greens. You can lightly salt. You can eat every 4-5 hours.

6. Rice
150 g brown rice to cook without salt and divide into 3 portions.Rice is a little salt or add a pinch of cinnamon.During the day you can eat another Apple, sweet pepper, carrots.

7. Egg and cheese
For Breakfast a Cup of black coffee with or without sugar, 100 g of cheese. Lunch: stakana sugar, 2 eggs in the nads. For supper tea, 200 grams of cheese.

8. Milk
6 times a day every 2 hours to drink 100 ml of milk. At night to drink 200 g fruit juice with sugar.

9. The buckwheat and kefir
Buy a liter of one percent yogurt. In the evening soak in boiling water 200-250 grams of buckwheat. Note: without the salt, fat and spices!!! Wrapped in warm clothes and let it stands until the morning. You can eat 250 g of buckwheat (weight before cooking) 3-5 techniques with 1% kefir. All the yogurt you can drink a liter.

10. Carrot-beet-egg
You can eat 300 g carrots, 300 g of beet, and 2 eggs. Carrots grate on a fine grater and season with 1 tbsp oil. Boil the beets, grate and season with 1 tbsp oil. The eggs are just cooked. Eat it all in 5 receptions.



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