Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Feng Shui: where any plant in the house?


The house should not be patients of the plants - they need quickly and without regret to get rid of. To enhance the effect of positive energy, you need to provide green Pets a thorough and timely care: clean them from dust, to remove the dry leaves and withered flowers, treat them with love.

Cacti and they are plants (even with sharp leaves) contribute in building the seed of discord. If they are present in the dwelling, shall not be placed closer than 1 meter from the place of rest, sleep, and workplace. It is strictly forbidden to place them in the nursery. While thorny plants stimulate mental activity and help to implement ideas, so the office is the most favorable place for them.

In addition to the cacti, the child cannot be placed oleander, Euphorbia, dieffenbachia, nightshade. Yucca and monstera energetically very heavy plants and for the child also not good. But citrus fruits are suitable for this room perfectly. Lemon tree, for example, makes the child more independent, it encourages learning. In addition, it cleans the air.

Live well with children jade, begonia, cyclamen, violet. It is believed that with children needs to attend to the plants stretching up. Sansevera placed in the nursery, will allow to cope with rudeness, and Venus hair (adiantum), with childhood fears. If children continue to perceive all in bayonets, often arguing, you need to put in their room the Calle, which positively affects not only the family environment but also on health. Located near the workplace of the schoolboy fern will allow you to overcome the workload and relieve stress.

Monstera should not be in the bedroom. Besides the fact that it absorbs a lot of oxygen, this plant still draws positive energy from the person. The bedroom should not be a lot of plants, and those that exist should be placed away from the bed. Perfect for the room of violets, begonias, cyclamen. Calla neutralize the contradictions between the spouses, and begonias, will help to build relationships. Pink flowers evoke positive emotions, and the red and orange will increase libido.

Jade - the perfect plant for the home. It accumulates positive energy, and then radiates it. To attract wealth plants should be decorate with red ribbon and bury a few coins. It can be placed in both the living room and any other room.

All species of bamboo are perfect for the home. Dracaena bamboo (twigs which is often mistaken for bamboo) too. They can neutralize negative energy. In addition, the bamboo represents rapid growth and has beneficial effects on many spheres of life, including financial.

Good old and slightly forgotten ficus is a unique plant. It cleanses not only the air but also a homely atmosphere. To put it better in the living plant promotes communication. It is believed that a couple that longed to have a child must have a ficus (rubber) in the bedroom and diligently to care for it.
Geranium activates positive energy. The red geranium is considered a symbol of prosperity, white helps to maintain mental balance, and cure insomnia.

Orchids - a few whimsical flowers, although they are credited with miraculous properties such as burst strength and deliverance from depression. They take energy, so it is not recommended to place them in the bedroom and child - is a more appropriate lounge. Infirm people should not have an Orchid.

It’s nice to have your own mini-kitchen garden on a windowsill, where to grow herbs that can be added to food. Definitely need to take area for mint, as it affects people in a very favorable influence.


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